As Mulleres dos Fíos Un documental sobre a deseñadora Lolita Aguín e todas as mulleres que, traballando ao seu lado, trouxeron a moda á vila mariñeira de O Grove Documentary / Fashion, History, Design 55% 25 days 2.222€ From 4.000€
Únete á rebelión da lectura "A rebelión da lectura" é un documental sobre a historia de Espazo Lectura, unha recoñecida asociación de fomento da lectura en galego. Documentary / Community, Children, Books 112% Project crowdfunded on June 21, 2024 🎉 77 Pledges 3.353€ From 3.000€
No profundo Unha curtametraxe documental sobre o despoboamento e a vida do rural galego Documentary 209% Project crowdfunded on June 03, 2022 🎉 36 Pledges 835€ From 400€
Entroidar - Cine Documental "Entroidar" é un percorrido pola natureza do Entroido dende as súas orixes para comprender os ritos e o sentir dos lazáns e lazás. Documentary / Traditional festivals 100% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2019 🎉 76 Pledges 5.000€ From 5.000€
Beiras. Vivir2Veces Xosé Manuel Beiras é unha figura decisiva da Galicia contemporánea. Pero, quen é realmente Beiras? Documentary 123% Project crowdfunded on August 04, 2018 🎉 265 Pledges 12.295€ From 10.000€
Versogramas "Versogramas" is the first documentary on the international videopoetry scene. An emotional journey, with the voice of videopoets and researchers from all over the world. A kaleidoscope of image and sound. Documentary 109% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2017 🎉 153 Pledges 7.055€ From 6.500€
Calvario. Historias de vida "Calvario. Historias de vida" es una película documental en el que dos mujeres contarán su realidad, con un pasado, presente y futuro íntimamente ligados a un barrio obrero (O Calvario) de la ciudad de Vigo. Documentary 106% Project crowdfunded on May 06, 2017 🎉 73 Pledges 2.480€ From 2.350€
Between the wave and the rock Living among the *percebeiros* of the Galician coast during Christmas holidays, this documentary inquires on the relationship between man and his surroundings, reflecting the reality of people living on the edge, constantly adapting to danger, with fragile economic and vital conditions. Documentary 105% Project crowdfunded on December 09, 2015 🎉 77 Pledges 4.625€ From 4.400€
Documentario En todas as mans Este é un proxecto de documentario sobre a realidade da xestión comunitaria dos montes en Galiza e Portugal que desenvolve a cooperativa Trespés. O documentario dirixido por Diana Toucedo, atópase en proceso de posprodución. Documentary / Cooperative, Community 146% Project crowdfunded on February 24, 2015 🎉 245 Pledges 10.220€ From 7.000€
FRANKENSTEIN-04155 A full-length documentary driven by an organisation formed by the victims called “Plataforma de Victimas Alvia 04155”. Directed and produced by an independent team, it aims to shine a light on the lies and cover ups surrounding the train accident in Santigo which left 81 dead and 140 injured. Documentary 107% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2015 🎉 1,450 Pledges 53.490€ From 50.000€
The more I know the less I understand We’ll rigorously narrate a hitchhiking trip of nearly two months in Israel and Palestine, where we lived and worked with different families. We’ll report an odyssey full of intimate bonds and personal decisions with the intention of showing that there are more than two truths in the conflict and ... Documentary / Free licenses, Journalism 102% Project crowdfunded on July 07, 2014 🎉 109 Pledges 3.074€ From 3.000€
O que hai que facer para non ir ao mar! Unha viaxe a través do teatro galego. O QUE HAI QUE FACER PARA NON IR Ó MAR! UNHA VIAXE A TRAVÉS DO TEATRO GALEGO é unha longametraxe documental que revisa a historia do teatro galego na segunda metade do século XX, dende a mirada de Uxía, a filla de Tuto e Mariajo, dous actores de teatro xa falecidos. Documentary / Theatre 110% Project crowdfunded on March 29, 2014 🎉 221 Pledges 8.760€ From 8.000€
a volta dos nove Outubro de 1936. Na noite do día 15, nove homes sos sacados da prisión habilitada do Frontón de Vigo e levados as aforas de Baiona. Alí serían salvaxemente asesiñados. Era o final dunha vinganza que se iniciara dous días. Pero tamén era o comenzo dunha lenda: a das cruces de "A VOLTA DOS NOVE". Documentary / History 103% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2014 🎉 51 Pledges 1.230€ From 1.200€
El documental Y sin embargo se mueve ¿Hacemos un documental que muestre que otra sociedad es posible? ¿Que difunda las alternativas que existen desde hace décadas? ¿Que sea fuente de ejemplo e inspiración por otro modelo de sociedad? Documentary / Free licenses, Community 111% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2013 🎉 375 Pledges 13.285€ From 12.000€
The Bad Dreams of René Petit They have proposed to expand the resevoir of Yesa and we oppose. This is economic corruption, ecological disaster, social injustice... and t Documentary / Journalism, Ecology, Community 106% Project crowdfunded on July 06, 2013 🎉 284 Pledges 14.860€ From 14.000€
Fóra do continente Fóra do continente es una pieza documental que busca retratar las características únicas y las razones que llevan a unos pocos habitantes a permanecer todo el año en las Ons, a seguir viviendo lejos de las comodidades que les podría aportar el continente, a través de su relación con el entorno. Documentary 147% Project crowdfunded on June 16, 2013 🎉 42 Pledges 1.030€ From 700€
# Two Flowers for a Little Horse 'Two flowers for a little horse' is a film about a group of people who, amid the current economic ‘crisis’, decide to look for an alternative way of life that is imaginative, but at the same time realistic, for themselves and for their surroundings: bio-construction. Documentary / Feature film 104% Project crowdfunded on May 26, 2013 🎉 122 Pledges 7.275€ From 7.000€
Documentário '15 anos da Fundaçom Artábria' Pensamos que os 15 anos de atividade merecem umha pequena reflexom e a sua plasmaçom num documentário que fique para a história dos movimentos sociais galegos. Haverá entrevistas, material de arquivo e inédito sobre a história da Fundaçom Artábria. Documentary / Community 103% Project crowdfunded on February 27, 2013 🎉 182 Pledges 5.155€ From 5.000€