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"Versogramas" is the first documentary on the international videopoetry scene. An emotional journey, with the voice of videopoets and researchers from all over the world. A kaleidoscope of image and sound.


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From 6.500€
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View project in Galego and Castellano

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We just reached the first objective! Now, let’s go for the second!

We want to reach 8.500€ to make Versogramas amazing. With that extra money, we can fill the set with amazing attrezzo so that the transition scenes look even better: dried leaves, stones, books, leds, boxes, crazy stuff… Besides, we can hire more people to help us with the logistics. We really need more helping hands! Could you please help us achieve that?

Also, we want to add a new reward: a picnic+informal outdoors screening of the documentary. Have dinner with the team while you watch the documentary, for 50€! Don’t miss it!

As a way to say thanks to all the patrons that have already supported, we will give you an extra reward! Online access to exclusive material from the documentary: making off, cut scenes, full interviews…



1. The history behind Versogramas

2. Synopsis

2. Motivation of the project

3. How will we use your contributions?

4. How does Verkami work?

5. Schedule of the project

6. Versogramas team

7. Further information

The history behind Versogramas

Versogramas was born out of a sense of amazement, three years ago now. We suddenly discovered an amazing universe in which videopoetry, while barely explored in Spain, had a huge network of fans and videopoets internationally. We immediately fell in love with this universe of poetry, image and sound dancing together. What made Versogramas grow was the desire to share our discovery. After a long investigation, we selected 16 videopoets whose experience and works were relevant for speaking about videopoetry and sharing all these sensations through a creative documentary.

“Versogramas. The documentary” is the first documentary about videopoetry, a popular genre in the international scene. We follow the journey of a woman poet who discovers the genre while listening to referential creators share their experience first-hand: what videopoetry is for them, what their inspirations are, what techniques they use, how their creative process is...

This documentary is part of VERSOGRAMAS, a transmedia project that also explores videopoetry through a webdoc, an experimental feature film, an exhibition and the publishing of a book + DVD (Editorial Galaxia).

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A woman remembers the past and writes some words on a film projected on the wall, while a voice over narrates the origins of videopoetry. She then walks through a broken line, surrounded by a dreamlike, abstract setting. She finds differently shaped and coloured boxes along the way, each one metaphorizing a concept. In the first one she finds fragments of videopoems related to Language. A voice over explains the beginnings of the genre. Then we see interviews of videopoets speaking about the importance of languages in written literature and explaining how they are transmitted via image and sound. Videopoems are screened behind them while they speak. The woman keeps walking and finds other little boxes corresponding to the Body, Love, Solitude, Society, Evil and Change. These are also metaphors of concepts such as: the evolution of videopoetry, the adaptation of written text, graphics and design, the communication with the audience, the place videopoetry takes, its continuous innovation and change, the problems with the definition of the genre and its future perspectives. A journey that provides answers to what videopoetry is.

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Motivation of the project

Versogramas has three aims. First one, sharing our fascination with the work of many videopoets. Second one, establishing videopoetry as an independent genre, with an artistic entity of its own. Finally, and specially, promoting the reading (or viewing) of poetry in society, particularly within the educational system. We would like to tear down the impression that poetry is boring or hard by showing a new way of enjoying it. A way that fits our current consumption habits perfectly.

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How will we use your contributions?

The budget of the documentary is 84.654€. Nearly 80% is already secured thanks to the support of: AGADIC, Amanita Films, Pixel Films and Fundación Paideia, among others.

We need your support on key areas, like:

  • Travel and acommodation expenses for shooting

  • Script and subtitle translation

  • Subtitles for the Galician, Spanish and English version

  • Color grading

  • Copies

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How does Verkami work?

Verkami is a platform whose goal is giving birth to new ideas thanks to many people’s collaboration. Thanks to yours we will be able to make Versogramas a reality and besides you will get exclusive rewards. How does it work?

  • First, you must choose your reward.

  • Then you pre-pay the corresponding quantity.

  • If we reach 100% of the goal, the quantity will be charged and the reward will be sent to you.

  • If we don’t, the quantity won’t be charged, there will be no rewards and we won’t be able to shoot the documentary.

Only if we reach 100% the reward will be sent to you and the money will be charged.

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Schedule of the project

  • Shooting: May 2017

  • Editing and post-production: June-August 2017

  • Copies: September 2017

  • Delivery of rewards: October – December 2017

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Versogramas team

Belén Montero and Juan Lesta (directors/producers)

Belén Montero (1970) and Juan Lesta (1971) founded Esferobite in 1993. They are directors with a wide experience in experimental multimedia proyects oriented towards culture and institutional video. Their works have been awarded in festivals such as Fonart (MTV Prize), Vitoria Gasteiz, VAD and exhibited in museums like Pompidou (Metz), CGAC (Santiago de Compostela), MAC (A Coruña) or Hangar (Barcelona). They specialize in videoclip, live cinema, experimental documentary, web development and educational projects related to video.

Celia Parra (Producer)

Celia Parra (Ourense, 1990) is a film producer and an award-winning poet. She has worked for the major Galician production companies and developed her own artistic projects. As a poet, Celia has published an individual poem collection and participated in several collective publications. She specializes in videopoetry, as a creator and teacher. Her videopoems have been selected at festivals like Rabbit Heart Poetry Film Festival (USA) and Ó Bhéal Poetry Film Festival (Ireland) among others.

Esferobite (Producer)

Esferobite is a multimedia producer company specialized in art and cultural projects, corporate video, web development and new formats. Esferobite’s mastery of videoart, along with a great experience in documentary, videoclip and video/ installations for museums, resulted in a wide variety of national and international awards.

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Further information

Follow us via web and social media.

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#08 / Crowdfunding finalizado con éxito! // Successfully finished campaign!


Moitas grazas a todos e todas as mecenas que contribuístes a que Versogramas poida saír adiante. Estamos felices de termos acadado e mesmo superado o obxectivo de financiamento!

Agora toca facer contas e pechar o crowdfunding. Tan pronto poidamos porémonos en contacto con cada mecenas para xestionar todo o preciso. Lembrade que o período de entrega de recompensas será aproximadamente entre setembro e decembro deste 2017, para que poidades acabar o ano con moita videopoesía.

Nós seguimos en rodaxe e pronto comezaremos a montaxe do documental. Manterémosvos ao tanto ;)


Muchas gracias a todos y todas las mecenas que habéis contribuido a que Versogramas pueda salir adelante. Estamos felices de haber conseguido e incluso superado el objetivo de financiación!

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#07 / It’s the final countdown!! (tirirí ti, tirirí, ti-tí)

IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!! (tirirí ti, tirirí, ti-tí)

Só quedan 4 días para que remate a campaña de micromecenado de Versogramas!!

É moi importante que cheguemos a este 2º obxectivo de recadación, 8.500€. Somos un equipo moi pequeno e necesitamos moita axuda para sacar Versogramas adiante: contratar máis persoal para o equipo, preparar un set onírico e espectacular, distribuír o documental...

Por iso vos pedimos que nestes últimos 4 días compartades por favor cos vosos contactos a ligazón á páxina de campaña de Versogramas!! Así, máis persoas estarán ao tanto do noso éxito... e da nosa última petición de axuda!

Queremos agradecer a todos os mecenas que xa participastes ata agora dándovos unha recompensa extra: acceso online a contido exclusivo do documental.

Como sabedes, tamén engadimos unha nova recompensa: un pase + picnic ao aire libre, unha boa oportunidade para charlar co equipo mentres vemos o documental.

Apoiádenos cun último empurrón!! Compartide vkm.is/versogramas!!



Xa superamos o primeiro obxectivo de recadación!! Agora, imos a polo 2º obxectivo! Agarrádevos, que veñen curvas:

Queremos chegar a 8.500€ de recadación, para que Versogramas sexa impresionante. Con eses cartos extra, poderemos encher o plató de attrezzo incrible para facer aínda máis bonitas as escenas de transición de Versogramas: follas secas, pedras, ramas, libros, leds, cachivaches… Ademais, poderemos contratar a máis xente para que nos axude coa loxística de plató, que nos fai moita falta. Axudádesnos a conseguir iso?

Ademais, queremos engadir unha nova recompensa: un pase+picnic informal ao aire libre. Cea co equipo mentres ves o documental, por 50€! Correde reservala!

Como agradecemento a todos e todas as mecenas que nos apoiastes ata agora: dámosvos unha recompensa extra! O acceso online a material exclusivo do documental, making off, recortes de escenas, entrevistas íntegras…


Sigamos avanzando, difundide read more



Que teñen en común Yolanda Castaño, Antón Reixa, Miriam Reyes, Cristina Ferreiro, Eduardo Estévez, Branca Novoneyra, Xabier Xardón ou Esther Carrodeguas? Empregaban o mesmo modelo de bolígrafo? Teñen o pelo da mesma cor?

Non! Que tod@s son poetas galeg@s con videopoemas que formarán parte de Versogramas!! E que mellor maneira de celebrar as Letras Galegas, ademais de honrando ao grande Carlos Casares, que celebrando a grandes poetas vivos que mesturan palabra, son e imaxe.

Hoxe celebramos as Letras e celebramos que xa superamos os 4.000€ de recadación! Lembra que hai moitas recompensas que xa se están agotando, como participar nun videopoema colectivo e acudir á pre-estrea con desconto.

Ademais, non perdas a oportunidade de recibir un recital multimedia para escoitar e ver dende onde queiras. E aproveita para conseguir unha edición numerada dos videopoemas de Juan Lesta e Belén Montero.

Quedan poucos días de campañaread more

#04 / Día 1 // Day 1

DÍA 1 // DAY 1

Alá foi o día 1 de rodaxe de Versogramas, o primeiro documental sobre o panorama internacional da videopoesía.

Entrevistamos a Kònic, Rosa Sánchez e Alain Baumann, artistas especializados en creacións interactivas onde a palabra, a imaxe e o son xogan un papel fundamental en relación co espectador.

Dende Bélxica chegou Marc Neys, todo un referente na videopoesía internacional con case 300 videopoemas creados e unha enorme paixón polo seu traballo. Colabora con multitude de videopoetas, imparte obradoiros de videopoesía, é xurado de festivais do xénero e ten recibido el mesmo moitos recoñecementos.

Hernán Talavera veu dende Albacete cargado de referencias e reflexións sobre o seu proceso creativo á hora de abordar un videopoema. Ás súas costas, unha longa e premiada traxectoria no xénero, que el aborda con ollos de pintor.

O último entrevistado do día foi Eugeni Bonetread more



Queremos compartir contigo moitas novidades:

  • No xornal galego Praza Pública entrevistaron a Belén Montero e Celia Parra sobre Versogramas e a campaña de crowdfunding.

  • No ZigZag Diario, programa cultural da Televisión de Galicia, entrevistaron tamén a Juan Lesta arredor do proxecto.

Non te perdas o contido das entrevistas, hai moita info e curiosidades sobre Versogramas! Segue as nosas redes sociais, facebook e twitter, para estar ao tanto das nosas últimas aparicións en prensa.

E por último, e non menos importante, COMEZAMOS XA A RODAR!!!

Mañá sábado 13 faremos as primeiras entrevistas do documental: a Marc Neys (Swoon), Kònic Thtr (Rosa Sánchez e Alain Baumann), Hernán Talavera e Eugeni Bonet. A rodaxe será na Cidade da Cultura de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela)

O próximo luns 15 entrevistaremos a Miriam Reyes, Dionisio Cañas e Eduardo Yagüe tamén na Cidade da Cultura.


Precisamente agora a túa axuda é fundamental. Por favor read more

#02 / Verso...que? Videopoe...what?

Hace alrededor de una semana presentamos la campaña de micromecenazgo de Versogramas en la Linda Rama. ¿No pudiste venir? Aquí te contamos lo que te perdiste:

Para empezar, revelamos el significado de dos “palabros” que aún sorprenden: videopoesía y crowdfunding. Videopoe…que? Crofunding? Crowdfaunding? Crowfunding? (Cri-cri..)

Quienes conocéis Versogramas ya sabéis que la videopoesía, ese nuevo-no tan nuevo género artístico, es un formato de expresión que traslada la atmósfera de un poema mediante el lenguaje audiovisual, mezclando imagen, palabra y sonido, al formato vídeo.

Y el crowdfunding, esa palabra más difícil de deletrear que supercalifragilísticoespialidoso, es un sistema de micromecenazgo, con el que ya estáis familiarizados ;)

Una vez aclaramos conceptos con el público asistente, en la pantalla de la abarrotada Linda Rama proyectamos videopoemas, desgranamos detalles de las recompensas, enseñamos el funcionamiento de Verkamiread more

#01 / Presentamos campaña + noticias!!


Este xoves 27 de abril ás 20:30h presentamos a campaña de crowdfunding de Versogramas na Linda Rama, unha libraría-cafetería especializada en poesía, situada no número 4 da rúa Porta de Aires (A Coruña)

Convidámoste a coñecer polo miúdo a campaña de crowdfunding de Versogramas, o primeiro documental sobre o panorama internacional da videopoesía, producido por Esferobite.

Falaremos dos videopoetas que forman parte do documental, explicaremos con detalle as recompensas, repasaremos o funcionamento de Verkami, e contarémosche todos os detalles que queiras saber sobre o proxecto.

Ademais, faremos un pase de videopoemas. Poderás ver en primicia algúns dos videopoemas que formarán parte do documental!

Contigo estarán os directores e produtores de Esferobite, Juan Lesta e Belén Montero, e a produtora Celia Parra Díaz.

Agardamos contar coa túa presenza!

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