Aire! Aire! dokumentalak gazte talde baten sormen prozesua jarraitzen du, Maurizia Aldeiturriagarengan inspiratutako musika pieza bat sortzeko. Documentary 102% Project crowdfunded on January 17, 2023 🎉 138 Pledges 10.200€ From 10.000€
MUGAK “Inposatua edo propioa, atzitua edo babestua, alde batean edo bestean” Documentary / History 103% Project crowdfunded on October 10, 2021 🎉 129 Pledges 5.170€ From 5.000€
Tipularen Sehaska Kanta Tipularen Sehaska Kanta film-dokumentalak gaixotasuna eta espetxea batzen ditu; Espetxearen gordinean gaitz mental eta fisikoekin bizitza. Documentary 113% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2021 🎉 390 Pledges 18.090€ From 16.000€
ALTSASU (Gau Hura) Terrorismo bilakatutako parranda gau bat. Bizitza osoa kartzelan pasatzeko arriskua. Arrisku horren erraietatik grabatutako dokumental bat. Documentary / Positive impact 122% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2021 🎉 783 Pledges 30.565€ From 25.000€
Arg(h)itzen Torturaz argi hitz egiten, Tortura argitzen. Documentary 120% Project crowdfunded on March 23, 2021 🎉 239 Pledges 11.975€ From 10.000€
Tetuán Film Iratxe Fresenda's third feature-length documentary film Documentary / Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2020 🎉 335 Pledges 15.355€ From 15.000€
BOLANTE BATEN HISTORIA "Ezer ez da berdina izango maite duzun senide edo pertsona bat desagerrarazten dutenean. " Documentary 146% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2020 🎉 369 Pledges 21.915€ From 15.000€
MENDIAK-1976 El Monte SHAKHAUR (Afganistan,7126m) fue en el año 1976 el primer 7000 vasco.Esa cima convirtió a un grupo de soñadores anónimos en historia Documentary / Travel, Nature 121% Project crowdfunded on December 18, 2019 🎉 107 Pledges 3.400€ From 2.800€
CAMINHO LONGE Alfonso Etxegarai ETAko kide ohiak 33 urte eman ditu Afrikan deportatuta. “Caminho longe” dokumentalak haren itzulera kontatuko du. Documentary 105% Project crowdfunded on November 09, 2019 🎉 392 Pledges 26.125€ From 25.000€
KARIBU: documentary in Kenya Hello! We're two friends that are going back to Kenya to film a documentary as our final proyect for Univesity, would you join us? Documentary / Travel 103% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2019 🎉 31 Pledges 1.130€ From 1.100€
2 Years, 4 Months What would you sacrifice 2 years of your life for? 6 men celebrate their fight against compulsory military service in Spain 30 years later. Documentary / Positive impact 106% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2019 🎉 470 Pledges 21.260€ From 20.000€
Basotik itsasora 2. Munduko Gerra,"Camp de Gurs"etik, Mediterraneora gaur egunerarte: babesa eta lekuaren bila dabiltzan pertsonak Documentary / Positive impact 100% Project crowdfunded on February 16, 2019 🎉 90 Pledges 5.015€ From 5.000€
IRA 26-2 Documentary by Maider Oleaga, which aims to rediscover the figure of Elbira Zipitria, founder of the first clandestine Basque school during Franco’s regime. Documentary 106% Project crowdfunded on June 15, 2017 🎉 141 Pledges 6.330€ From 6.000€
"Pasaiako Badia" dokumentala 1984ko martxoaren 19an Pasaiako badian jazotako gertaeren inguruko dokumentala. Documentary 130% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2016 🎉 320 Pledges 10.390€ From 8.000€
MAIRUELEGORRETA; iluntasunetik argitasunera Aurkezten dizuegun dokumentala 1963. urtetik Gorbeia mendiko Mairuelegorreta ko kobazuloan ospatzen den Euskal Jaia ren ingurukoa da. Euskal Jaiaren lehenengo urratsak frankismo garaian izan ziren eta 53 urte ren buruan, egoera eta garai latzei eutsiz, bizirik jarraitzen du. Documentary 118% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2016 🎉 83 Pledges 2.945€ From 2.500€
Arreta | Documentary After surviving breast cancer, Ainhoa makes the decision to reconstruct her body with a tattoo. It is a process through which she seeks to empower herself in her new trans body. Arreta focus on the body and the changes that it goes through, of which illness and death are a part of life. Documentary / Positive impact 112% Project crowdfunded on May 31, 2016 🎉 152 Pledges 5.035€ From 4.500€
Galdutako Objektuak: El Caso Zabalza y el impacto de la tortura en el Pais Vasco En una casa de Orbaitzeta, junto a una antigua fabrica de armas en la Selva del Irati, hay un secreto guardado en una caja, esa caja esta guardada y custodiada por el silencio. 30 años después de la muerte por torturas de Mikel Zabalza, nos disponemos a abrirla. Documentary 105% Project crowdfunded on December 20, 2015 🎉 413 Pledges 15.720€ From 15.000€
Olentzero Munduan, Arraun The World "Olentzero Munduan, Arraun the World" es un viaje documental por 4 continentes en el que Iru, el nieto del Olentzero, ha viajado para entregar los deseos, videomensajes y regalos de quienes viven aquí y quieren hacérselos llegar a sus seres queridos en otras partes del mundo. Documentary 108% Project crowdfunded on January 13, 2015 🎉 94 Pledges 6.405€ From 5.950€