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KARIBU: documentary in Kenya

Hello! We're two friends that are going back to Kenya to film a documentary as our final proyect for Univesity, would you join us?


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From 1.100€
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KARIBU is a documentary that wants to show, from a more intimate point of view, different communities, tribes, ethnic groups... of Kenya. It tries to show their cultures and lifestyles

About Us

Hi there! We are Belén and Amaia, we study Journalism and Audiovisual Communications in Madrid (Spain). In our second year of University we went together to Molo (Kenya), to a school called Chazon Children's School were we stayed 20 days. There, our goal was to help in whatever they needed, but what actually happened was that we learnt from the, enjoyed and loved our travels trough the country on the weekends and left wanting so much more, we knew that Kenya had much more to offer us than we could offer "her".

This year we would finally be done with our degrees and for that we need to do our Final Project. Because of that, filled with excitement, we're going back to Kenya on the 18th of October to film this documentary. To live an unforgetable experience, inmerse ourselves in their roots and film all of it to share it with you!

About the rewards

The rewards are cumulatives, which mean that we we give you in, for example, pack numer 3 would have whatever was offered in packs 1 and 2 plus something else!

Extra content and get mencioned in the credits
Extra content and get mencioned in the credits
Link for the documentary
Link for the documentary

Invitations for the preview
Invitations for the preview

Associate producer
Associate producer

The bags with the Africa foot logo have been being sold since August to raise money for Chazon Children's Centre, we're we would go on the first weeks of our trip. As they were very succesfull, we decided to include them on our rewards and design also sweaters with the same logo:

Africa's logo Bag (Reward included on the Family pack)

Sweater with Africa
Sweater with Africa's logo (Reward included in the Kenya Pack)

Where does you money go?

All the money raised through Verkami will be invested in all production needs that would come up during the trip. It will mainly be used to get the equipment needed to do the documentary: sound, lighting, filming...

If we were to raise more money than we need for producing it, we'll invest it in Chazon.

Documentary's content

With this project we want to get a little closer to this incredible country, get to know some of it's villages and communities such as the Maasai, Kikuyu, Swahili... and leanr from them.

The idea is to create a documentary based on the observation in order for you to able able to live, as if you were there, the magic of this cultures and communities. We want to use our cameras to show an intimate reallity that we would uncover as the trip goes. We would let ourselves be surprised so you can be surprised too.We want to capture their rituals and traditions most ancient and try to show the inmense diversity of cultures that find shelter in this country.

Spected calendar

September 1st - October 17th: Pre-production, getting everything ready for the trip, researching and raising money.

October 18th - November 17th: Filming the documantary.

November 18th - February 17th: Editing

February 17th - March 4th: Process paperwork to present it as our final proyect and getting a date to deffend it.

February 15th Febrero: Sending out the rewards.

March 5th: Defense of the project.

March 6th Marzo: Documentary's premiere.

Our experience in Kenya on 2017

On 2017 Us and two other friends from university went to Chazon Childre's Centre. When we arrived ther we discovered that there was still so much to do and so many project to help at, but they were on the right traks. We found out that Molo was a village that has achieved to carry on with the little resources they had.

Every morning we would visit the school and help in the kitchen, teaching or whatever the teachers could use uor help at. In the evenings we would go the orphanage and play and help the kids with homework or house chores. On the weekends we travelled the country but we left wanting to see so much more, know more villages an specially meet more people which was what made us fall in love with the country, apart for the amazing sunsets and scenerys. And we think it, the people will make you fall in love too...

Here are some pictures from that trip!

Chazon's School Kitchen

Lion in the Maasai Mara
Lion in the Maasai Mara

Kid waiting to get his lunch at school
Kid waiting to get his lunch at school

Portrait of a Maasai
Portrait of a Maasai

Chazon's Orphanage

Diani beach, Momabasa
Diani beach, Momabasa

+ Info

If you want to know a little bit more about us and our project here are some links to our social media profiles:

Documentary: instagram.com/karibudocumental

Amaia's Photografy: instagram.com/_a.fotos

Amaia's Youtube Channel:www.youtube.com/channel/AmaiaMarcos

Belén's Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/BelenJimenez

To learn more about Chazon: www.chazonafrica.org



If you want any more information you can email us at karibudocumental@gmail.com


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  • José batallón

    José batallón

    about 5 years


  • Maite soto

    Maite soto

    about 5 years

    Chicas lo estáis consiguiendo! Espero os salga un bonito reportaje, desde luego ilusión no os falta!🤗😘

  • Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    about 5 years

    Muchas gracias a las dos!!

  • Maria jose Munuera

    Maria jose Munuera

    about 5 years

    Hola, soy la tía Irene espero que disfrutes haciendo este trabajo, gracias por haberlo compartido un beso

  • Maria jose Munuera

    Maria jose Munuera

    about 5 years

    Os deseo toda la suerte del mundo en este proyecto , enhorabuena besos Maria Jose

  • Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    about 5 years

    Mila esker Raul!!

  • Raul Lezaun Etxalar

    Raul Lezaun Etxalar

    about 5 years

    Animo neskak lortuko duzue! zorte on!

  • Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    about 5 years

    Qué ilusión Iñigo, ¡muchísimas gracias! Un abrazo

  • Iñigo Soto

    Iñigo Soto

    about 5 years

    Venga, que ya estáis en el tramo final de la producción. Pronto os toca comenzar con la grabación. Seguro que os va todo genial allí. Disfrutad de la experiencia. Besos!

  • Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    Amaia Marcos y Belén Jiménez

    about 5 years

    Muchísimas gracias Myriam! Un beso para los dos😘

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