L'ENDEMÀ Isona Passola, amb l'equip que va rodar "Cataluña/Espanya" i "Pa Negre" us proposen participar en la seva nova peŀlícula documental: L'ENDEMÀ, la peŀlícula sobre l'Estat que volem els catalans, amb arguments tècnics i definitius que serveixin de píndoles contra la por de decidir-se pel SÍ. Documentary 233% Project crowdfunded on March 16, 2013 🎉 8,101 Pledges 348.830€ From 150.000€
Art. 490 UN FILM PER LA LLIBERTAT Documentary 119% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2021 🎉 868 Pledges 89.075€ From 75.000€
FRANKENSTEIN-04155 A full-length documentary driven by an organisation formed by the victims called “Plataforma de Victimas Alvia 04155”. Directed and produced by an independent team, it aims to shine a light on the lies and cover ups surrounding the train accident in Santigo which left 81 dead and 140 injured. Documentary 107% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2015 🎉 1,450 Pledges 53.490€ From 50.000€
Parchís - El Documental Parchís fue algo más que el grupo infantil más popular en España entre 1979 y 1985, ¿Nos ayudas a hacer posible este proyecto? Documentary / Music 124% Project crowdfunded on July 29, 2017 🎉 511 Pledges 49.723€ From 40.000€
DOVER: Die For Rock & Roll ¡El documental definitivo! La historia de Dover jamás contada, narrada a través de sus protagonistas y con horas de material inédito. Un documento irrepetible. Documentary / Music 101% Project crowdfunded on August 02, 2021 🎉 235 Pledges 40.240€ From 40.000€
The story of Jan Jan has Down Syndrome.His father has been writing in a blog and recording him for five years.This film tells us a story of overcoming and acceptancy from an intimate point of view.Through sense of humor, effort and love for him,Jan´s parents try to normalize and let the world know about their story. Documentary / Positive impact 114% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2015 🎉 711 Pledges 34.295€ From 30.000€
Petitet (Rumba pa' ti) "Petitet Rumba pa' ti" és la crònica d’una carrera d’obstacles, a vegades dura i sovint divertida, sobre al lluita desigual d’un somiador contra totes les circumstàncies. Acompanya'ns en aquest somni! Documentary / Music, Rumba 112% Project crowdfunded on May 15, 2017 🎉 368 Pledges 33.735€ From 30.000€
Documental sobre Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio Ayuda a finalizar el documental dirigido por David Trueba sobre Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio y su disco 'Canciones de la Resistencia Española' Documentary / Music, History 206% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2019 🎉 790 Pledges 30.930€ From 15.000€
ALTSASU (Gau Hura) Terrorismo bilakatutako parranda gau bat. Bizitza osoa kartzelan pasatzeko arriskua. Arrisku horren erraietatik grabatutako dokumental bat. Documentary / Positive impact 122% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2021 🎉 783 Pledges 30.565€ From 25.000€
Between Walls (a documentary by laColumna.cat) LaColumna.cat wants to explain why the UE has signed an agreement with Turkey and portray which is the current situation of refugees after the approval of such deal. Help us make this happen! Documentary / Positive impact 101% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2016 🎉 249 Pledges 30.430€ From 30.000€
MI VIDA ENTRE LAS HORMIGAS El documental de Ilegales. Porque toda la verdad sobre el rock&roll debe ser contada. Documentary 151% Project crowdfunded on April 09, 2016 🎉 550 Pledges 27.105€ From 18.000€
CAMINHO LONGE Alfonso Etxegarai ETAko kide ohiak 33 urte eman ditu Afrikan deportatuta. “Caminho longe” dokumentalak haren itzulera kontatuko du. Documentary 105% Project crowdfunded on November 09, 2019 🎉 392 Pledges 26.125€ From 25.000€
THE INVISIBLE MONSTER, A FILM BY JAVIER AND GUILLERMO FESSER Become the co-producer of a unique short film against hunger Short movie / Documentary, Positive impact 120% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2019 🎉 364 Pledges 23.945€ From 20.000€
Brin d'Amour Brin d’Amour is a portrayal of the life and work of Alain Vigneau. A performance artist and clown who nurtured his art from his painful childhood, and developed the fascinating art-therapy ‘Essential Clown’; a process that reconciles us with our past and invites us to laugh at ourselves. Documentary / Clown 135% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2016 🎉 398 Pledges 22.965€ From 17.000€
BOLANTE BATEN HISTORIA "Ezer ez da berdina izango maite duzun senide edo pertsona bat desagerrarazten dutenean. " Documentary 146% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2020 🎉 369 Pledges 21.915€ From 15.000€
2 Years, 4 Months What would you sacrifice 2 years of your life for? 6 men celebrate their fight against compulsory military service in Spain 30 years later. Documentary / Positive impact 106% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2019 🎉 470 Pledges 21.260€ From 20.000€
Documental | La Hostia La Hostia, el misterio de la transformación. Nos introducirá en la vida de unas personas tocadas por el poder de un trozo de pan. Documentary 104% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2019 🎉 483 Pledges 20.840€ From 20.000€
Monk Seal: A Way Back Documentary, guided by the actress Adriana Ugarte, who brings the story to life, the previous unknown story of the Mediterranean monk seal Documentary / Nature, Ecology 103% Project crowdfunded on May 07, 2021 🎉 350 Pledges 20.655€ From 20.000€