Brin d’Amour is a journey into the amazing world of Alain Vigneau. A 52-minute documentary film that will portray the extraordinary life journey of this man, from the tragedy that pained his childhood, to his years as a shepherd in the high regions of the Pyrenees Mountains, till becoming an international performing clown that has performed everywhere from Namibia to Indonesia.
We will seek to unveil the experiences lived and insights acquired by Alain during his fascinating life, which allowed him to become an acknowledged art-therapist, who delivers workshops worldwide to groups of people from Brazil, Russia, Mexico and many European countries.
Alain Vigneau performing for his show “CARAVAN”.
(Photographer, Olga Batiste)
To understand how creativity and art can support a work that is transformative and capable of taking us back to our childhood dreams, we will follow Alain to some of his Essential Clown workshops in different countries, in what we hope will become a thrilling testimony on the rescue of human dignity and compassive humour.
Momento de un taller de Clown Esencial. (Photographer, Nuria Lagarde)
In short, Brin D’Amour is the portrayal of an artist and his unusual life journey, and how from the wounds of his childhood he came to develop the fascinating art-therapy ‘Essential Clown’; a work that teaches us to narrow the distance between the tragic and comedic of the human condition, and that invites us to look for our happiness within ourselves.
Who is Alain Vigneau
Alain Vigneau (France, 1959) is an actor, clown and pedagogue, author of “Essential Clown, the Art of Laughing at Yourself”, founder and director of the theatre company La Stavagante, teacher of Drama and Clown in the Master’s programme in Art-Therapy at AEC/UVIC (Barcelona), co-founder of the Centre for Performing Arts and Consciousness in Puebla de los Ángeles (Mexico). He also collaborates with multiple centres for personal / artistic development in Europe and Latin America, and in the SAT program of Dr. Claudio Naranjo in Spain, Germany, France, Mexico, Brazil, Russia and United States.
Alain Vigneau, currently. (Photographer, Nuria Lagarde)
Alain is part of Payasos Sin Fronteras (Clowns United) and has performed in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Namibia and Indonesia, helping thousands of people laughing in some of the remotest corners of the world.
Alain Vigneau, performing for Clowns United. (Photographer, Silvia Sala)
Alain Vigneau performing in Mexico. (Photographer, Serge Cornillet)
Essential Clown - The relief of being oneself
Alain Vigneau has created the ‘Essential Clown’, a new approach in the field of art-therapy that combines performing arts with psychotherapy, which results from Alain's experience as an international performing artist and as a pedagogue who conducts workshops for personal and artistic development.
Alain Vigneau ending a workshop of Essential Clown. (Photographer, Guadalupe Maurer)
In his own words:
“Essential Clown is a space to celebrate our clumsiness and ineptitude, as well as our successes and failures, to see ourselves devoid of guilt and prejudice, accepting all our inner reality as the indivisible potential to express our authenticity.
Like this, we validate who we are and acknowledge our past as our own heritage. We can safely ‘return home’ protected by a little red nose, in a journey of joy, madness, poetry and kindness.”
The team, Who we are?
Frederico Custodio (on the right): Script, Director and Producer.
Frederico Custodio
I am Frederico and for 13 years I have worked as an engineer and a polymer scientist. For most of my life I carried out a passion for music and drumming. Four years ago, I experienced a turning point in my life when I first met the master of Clown Alain Vigneau in one of his 'Essential Clown' workshops I attended to in Brussels; moved by the humanity and magic of Alain, I was able to overcome fears through self-acceptance and the conquering of inner freedom. Since then, I kept attending Alain’s workshops in Europe, and surrendered my self to the beauty and transformative power of the ‘Essential Clown’. It has led me to study art and therapy, and discover a passion for dance and theatre.
On March 2015 I decided to start a project to make a documentary film about the life and work of Alain Vigneau. ‘Brin d’Amour’ is a well-deserved homage, created with the sole purpose of conveying the poetry and humanity of Alain and his work to a larger number of people.
Renata del Coso (in the middle): Assistant Producer.
Renata del Coso
I am Renata, psychologist and Gestalt therapist. I work at a therapeutic centre, attending to individual clients and conducting group sessions. I consider myself as someone who is in love with her work, and who searches for the essential in life.
It was in the context of the SAT program of Claudio Naranjo that I first came in contact with the ‘Essential Clown’ of Alain Vigneau. His compassion and heart, together with the smallest mask in the world, the clown nose, gave back life to my life, dignity and love to my ‘inner child’. Since then I couldn’t stop doing clown and attending some of Alain’s workshops. It’s a privilege to take part in this project and pay homage to someone who has undoubtedly been a great life teacher to me.
Jordi Azategui (direction of photography)
Enrique Bermejo (direct sound and sound design)
With the collaboration and support of:
Enrique Bermejo
André Barros
Lêda Oliveira dos Santos
Lucas Noura
Luz Cornide
Marie Claire Vigneau
Marta Llavero
Nuria Artuñedo
Olga Chupina
Sandra Lorente
Sara Morna Gonçalves
Teresa Reyes
Víctor García
Valerio Zoccarato
Adrià Feriche
What are your shares destined to?
Our main goal is to get Brin d’Amour released on major TV channels and documentary festivals. To accomplish this it is important the film meets the required professional standards.
We are now finishing pre-production and need a kisk-start to move towards the production stage (shooting) and make this documentary reality. The total cost of the project will be larger than the objective of this campaign, but with your help we can finance:
Pre-production: Costs associated with shooting and postproduction of a 6-minute teaser.
Production: 19 shooting days, hiring crew (second camera assistent, sound engineer) and equipment rental.
In the shooting plan we have included trips to France, where we will return to Alain's past in the high peaks of the french Pyrenees mountains, and in Spain.
What if the objective is exceeded?
It will be fantastic! We will be able to cover some post-production costs.
18.000 euros – We will hire studio musicians to record the music composed for the documentary soundtrack.
21.000 euros - Sound editing; translation and subtitling to portuguese, english, russian and french.
24.000 euros - Color correction and infographics.
28.000 euros - 8 weeks of film editing.
29.000 euros – We will add to our sooting plan, the recording of an Essential Clown workshop in Estrasbourg. We want to film Alain conducting a workshop in his mother tongue and capture the experiences lived by people from different cultures in his workshops.
32.000 euros – We will add to our shooting plan an exciting trip to Puebla in Mexico, where we wish to film Alain conducting a special workshop at the Center for Performing Arts and Consciousness.
About the different rewards
First we would like to thank all of you who decided to support this documentary film. And to acknowledge your help, we have come up with the following options:
Online private viewing. You will be able to see the documentary after having been released. We believe you will have enjoy it so much that you would like to watch it again at home.
You would appear in the movie final credits. You are an important part of this project.
The documentary poster designed by Atelier Blauverd. We will give you A4 posters (printed or in digital format).
DVD with extras. We will have a DVD including extras such us the making-of the movie and selected uncut interviews.
You would be able to download the original soundtrack by André Barros.
Tickets for the premiere in Barcelona or Puebla (Mexico). We would like to see you at the event!
If you can’t make it to the premiere, we offer you as an option printed film stills (7,9 x 6 in) of Alain Vigneau extracted from the film.
T-Shirts designed by Atelier Blauverd.
After the premiere, the team involved in this film will celebrate with a party in Barcelona. We offer as a reward, for certain amounts, an invitation to our party.
The book ‘Clown Esencial, el arte de reírse de sí mismo' (in spanish) signed by Alain Vigneau (as an option to joining us in our party).
Fourseen scheduled
Stage 1, Pre-production: April 2015 – April de 2016
Stage 2, Production: May 2016 – December 2016
Stage 3, Post-production: January 2017 – March 2017
Stage 4, Distribution: April – September 2017
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Frederico Custodio
Hola Montserrat;
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M.Montserrat Belda
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