Book 'Revolutionary Road' by Luis Quiles Revolutionary Road is a project for editing a book with a collection of the most controversial artwork by Luis Quiles, plus some exclusive unpublished works for editing this artbook. A unique opportunity to see some of his work together without any censorship. Artbook / Illustration 476% Project crowdfunded on January 27, 2015 🎉 833 Pledges 34.674€ From 7.290€
Gigposters, Album artwork... This is Error! Design The Black Keys, Metallica or Van Morrison are some of the gigposters you can see inside. Don't miss the others! Artbook / Music, Illustration 259% Project crowdfunded on October 31, 2021 🎉 577 Pledges 23.320€ From 9.000€
Barcelona Showdown Book Barcelona Showdown, the book that analyses almost four decades of graffiti history in the Barcelona metro. Photography / History, Artbook 107% Project crowdfunded on April 25, 2021 🎉 208 Pledges 19.227€ From 18.000€
Fuerzas y cuerpos Photobook on the invisibility of the Civil Guard in Catalonia by Paula Artés, where it shows where they control us and we do not have access Photography / Artbook, Books 134% Project crowdfunded on January 18, 2019 🎉 274 Pledges 10.416€ From 7.800€
Hidden Stories A high quality photography book with a revolutionary format and a new approach that promotes the conservation of nature. Artbook / Positive impact, Ecology, Nature, Photography 203% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2019 🎉 192 Pledges 8.106€ From 4.000€
'Here & There (again)' The project 'Here & There (again)' will be a book compiling a selection of drawings made on location by Miguel Herranz during the last 3 years. Artbook 194% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2015 🎉 305 Pledges 7.765€ From 4.000€
Art book de Atilio Gambedotti This book is about my girls. I love them! I'm just not ashamed to say it: I love women shapes, especially their faces, and I love to draw and paint them! So I gathered some previous works, illustrations created for different publishers or just for myself, and other drawings... Artbook / Comic, Erotica 113% Project crowdfunded on January 25, 2015 🎉 130 Pledges 7.359€ From 6.500€
"Bitter, Sweet, Soft" book. Editorial Lumínic launches its first photobook by the photographer Bernat Millet, "Bitter, Sweet Soft", about the Saharawi community Photography / Artbook 101% Project crowdfunded on January 29, 2021 🎉 100 Pledges 6.539€ From 6.500€
NEW YORK drawing among giants "NEW YORK drawing among giants" is a book of drawings of New York by artist Santi Sallés. An incredible collection of iconic buildings, places and objects from one of the best cities in the world; a taste of New York through his drawings and experiences. Artbook / Travel 156% Project crowdfunded on October 11, 2015 🎉 206 Pledges 6.255€ From 4.000€
Oldies But Goldies "Oldies But Goldies" is a book of beautiful drawings of old, vintage cars by French artist Lapin. He archives the drawings of the cars that have marked its time in his sketchbooks since years. An incredible compilation of old but golden cars found on the streets to celebrate and remind their beauty! Artbook / Illustration, Books 111% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2013 🎉 234 Pledges 6.125€ From 5.500€
falta branco / <br />não falta branco Zavial project: A project of artistic interdisciplinar creation and simultaneous interaction in which Andre Martus (Alemania, Barcelona) intervenes as painter and Dália Dias (Portugal, Oporto) as writer, with a result: a book, a common work of art. Artbook / Painting, Art 100% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2015 🎉 82 Pledges 6.012€ From 6.000€
MATAGI BOOK The MATAGI project, produced by OAK STORIES with the support of National Geographic Society, becomes a new photo-book Artbook / Books, Photography 111% Project crowdfunded on January 10, 2021 🎉 108 Pledges 5.552€ From 5.000€
Libro de artista "Rodalies Nord" Libro de artista sobre mi exposición individual de pinturas de paisaje al óleo. Textos y fotografía de las obras de alta calidad. Artbook / Painting 116% Project crowdfunded on January 02, 2019 🎉 59 Pledges 4.650€ From 4.000€
Artbook - Viajarte, a book illustrated around Asia Viajarte narrates with texts and drawings the experiences of Marta in her journey around Asia, day-to-day during 8 months travelling. Artbook / Travel 156% Project crowdfunded on October 23, 2017 🎉 109 Pledges 3.901€ From 2.500€
My first artbook: *Going far to be closer* 100 hand-bound pages. Pure illustrated frenzy. Sex, drugs and psychedelia; love, heartbreaks and polyamor; experiences from this and other worlds; feminism and feminities; fears and follies. I draw my life, depending on how you believe in my stories: you find them true or pure fantasy. Artbook / Positive impact 126% Project crowdfunded on April 18, 2017 🎉 105 Pledges 3.793€ From 3.000€
Artbook - Push ups - Vol. I (Sketches, drawings and dreams) I'd love to publish an artbook with all the best sketches, illustrations and studies (I call them: "push ups") during the past years, in a format that emulates a sketchbook with a stunning print quality at a reasonable price. Artbook 127% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2015 🎉 110 Pledges 3.774€ From 2.975€
The art of Niagpurr An artbook that explores the unexpected and unusual fusion between Hindu art and furry fantasy. Artbook / #8m, Illustration 150% Project crowdfunded on April 19, 2021 🎉 154 Pledges 3.141€ From 2.100€
The Void | Illustrated book Tropèl is a collective of young illustrators from Barcelona. After sharing studio and some collaboration works, we decided to get into the self-publishing world. Our first book 'The Void' joins together five stories in whose each illustrator explores the concept in its widest sense. Artbook / Art, Illustration, Books 144% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2012 🎉 96 Pledges 2.865€ From 1.985€