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Artbook - Viajarte, a book illustrated around Asia

Viajarte narrates with texts and drawings the experiences of Marta in her journey around Asia, day-to-day during 8 months travelling.

Marta Gascón

A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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View project in Castellano

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Viajarte was born during my trip around Asia, which started in October of 2015 and ended in May of 2016. I started this journey together with my then partner, Jordi. While we discovered new places, we also got to know each other better, and we eventually decided to go our separate ways, coming back to Barcelona as just friends, but good friends. We travelled to eight different countries: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar.

Viajarte marries two of my passions – travelling and drawing- in the shape of a book. Only a book can transport us to enjoy the freedom that travelling offers: a book with room for humour and self-reflection, which narrates and illustrates my subjective views and experiences.

The original artwork consisted on postcard sheets painted with markers. Their small size allowed me to carry them around in my journey around the world. There are a total of 242 postcards, as many as days I spent travelling.

The Book


Viajarte is the art (arte in Spanish) of travelling (viajar in Spanish) and travelling creating art.


Smaller size than DIN A4: 25.5 cm x 19 cm / Width: 2 cm.




  • Hard coloured cover.

  • High quality colour-printed interior, with 150 g grammage.


  • 250 pages.

  • Prologue and introduction.

  • 242 illustrations with corresponding entertaining explanations.

  • Maps of all countries mentioned.

  • All pages contain a small map at the bottom with an arrow to indicate the place and time of each illustration. It shifts at each page forming a gif showing the route of my journey.

Why Verkami?

Crowd funding was the only viable way of financing the book’s production. Verkami seemed to be the right partner. As there was no extra middleman, it felt more intimate, much like the travel was.

Other financing sources of Viajarte

In April of 2017 all the original illustrations were exhibited at the “Centre Macià” of Les Borges Blanques, my mother’s hometown, in order to raise money for the book’s production.

I cashed soooo much money, that I could have repeated the same trip 5 times, but I decided to stay and go with Verkami instead! Ok, that’s a joke, but seriously, it was amazing to be able to show everyone what I had done up until then. I thank everyone who assisted with all my heart.

What are the advantages of collaborating in this campaign?

If you collaborate now, you will get the book at a cheaper price than when it comes out, as it is currently almost middleman-free. It will go from my house to yours, via post. If you live in Barcelona city, I could even bring it to you on my bike, as you wish!

Moreover, no matter how high a contribution you make, your name will appear in the book’s acknowledgements. You will also be able to receive 8 surprise post-cards that I will create only for this Verkami.

Where is your contribution going to be invested?

  • Printing and binding of the book (minimum of 100 copies).

  • Making of the rewards.

  • Packing and delivering costs.

  • Other: 5% Verkami taxes + 21% IVA + 1.35% Banking taxes.

If the budget goal is reached, I will try to recover my investment, improve the edition and make more copies of the book.


No matter how high a contribution you make, your name will appear in the book’s acknowledgements.

  • Book in PDF format.

  • Printed Book.

  • Pack of 8 surprise post-cards (copies).

  • Travelling tote bag with a print of the illustration Mochila para ocho meses.

  • Original illustrations (109 from 242 available) Click here to choose yours

  • Big money box painted by hand with motives inspired on the trip.


The book is ready to be sent to print. Therefore, as soon as I reach my budget goal, I will be able to start with the production, and you will receive your rewards in approximately a month or two.

If your rewards do not include the print book (Digital Book or tote bag), you will receive your rewards even sooner.


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

#07 / ¡AL FIN! / FINALLY!

Ayer terminé de hacer todos los envíos con vuestras recompensas. Si no estáis en casa cuando os traigan el libro, os dejarán un aviso con una dirección para irlo a recoger en una oficina de correos cercana (ya que es un poco grueso y no cabe en un buzón normal). Estad al loro, porque al cabo de 15 días si no lo habéis ido a recoger, me lo reenviarán de nuevo. Y el nuevo envío iría a cargo del/de la despistad@.

Gracias por el apoyo,

Un abrazo.


All shipments and rewards are on their way. If you aren't home when they arrive, a message with an address to the nearest post office will be left, where you can go to collect your package (as it is slightly larger than the average postbox size). Beware, you have to pick it up during the 15 days following the delivery, or it will be sent back to me and the new shipment will have to be paid by you.

Thanks for your support,

A big hug,


#06 / ¡Ya llegan! / They are coming 📖

(Scroll down for english message)
¡Buenas mecenas!

En primer lugar, perdón por el retraso. Imprenta ha tenido algunos problemas con la encuadernación de los libros y hasta hoy no me habían informado debidamente.

Me han confirmado que mañana me los envían, y máximo en 48 horas los recibiré en casa. Intentaré hacer todos los envíos antes del viernes. Aunque no puedo asegurar que los recibáis antes del día de navidad :( jolín. Aunque para el día de reyes, sí :)

*Hi dear patrons!

First of all, I'm so sorry for the delay. The printer had some problems because of the bookbinding. And until today they didn't inform me properly.

Finally, tomorrow they will send me all the books, and maximum in 48hours I will receive them. I will try to send your rewards before Friday. I can't guarantee you receive it before christmas day :( Damn! But you will get it before new year's :)*

#05 / 🙏

(Scroll down for english message)

¡Buenos díaaaaaaaaas !

Aún no me han llegado los libros. La encuadernación de la tapa dura requiere más tiempo y deben ser más meticulosos para que queden bien. Me han dicho que la próxima semana me los envían.

Así pues, tendréis que esperar un poquito más.

Aprovecho para recordaros que me faltan algunos formularios con vuestras direcciones ;)

Gracias por la paciencia.


Gooooood morning!

I'm still waiting for the books. The hardback covers requires more time, and they must be more careful to obtain a good result. Finally they will send me the books next week.

So, you should wait a little bit longer.

I take the update to remind you that I'm still waiting for some forms to be fill out ;)

Thanks for your patience.


#04 / ¡Novedades!/ News!

(Scroll down for english message)

¡Traigo novedades! Los libros ya están impresos, pero aún falta la encuadernación. He hablado con imprenta y me comentan que intentarán tenerlo listo para la próxima semana, a ver si es posible.

Ya he enviado todos los formularios a todos los mecenas a rellenar con una dirección postal. Como os prometí, aquellos que vivís en Barcelona, hay la opción de haceros llegar el libro personalmente, con mi bici. Si es así, os pido que rellenéis el formulario de igual modo y especifiquéis en comentarios vuestro deseo de recibirlo en persona. Básicamente, porque si no se rellena, automáticamente verkami os mandará un email cada tres días recordando que aún no habéis completado el formulario.

Dicho esto, ¡seguimooooooos!



I bring some news. The books are printed but we are still waiting for binding. I' ve talked to the printer and it will be ready next week luckily.

I have sent all the formsread more

#03 / ¡Notícias frescas! / Fresh news!

(scroll down for english message)

Hola queridos mecenas, comentaros que el libro ya está enviado a imprenta 😃 ¡¡¡Qué emoción!!!

Tanto las tote bag como las copias de las postales están listas, ¡y tienen muy buena pinta!

Los que compraron el libro digital, recibiréis vuestra recompensa mañana en vuestro correo electrónico (el que facilitasteis en verkami).

Aquellos que compraron la tote bag sin el libro impreso, mañana recibiréis un formulario a rellenar con vuestra dirección postal.

El resto, os mandaré el formulario cuando queden pocos días para recibir el libro.

Os seguiré informando.


Besos a todos


Hello dear patrons, Viajarte book has been sent to printing 😃 How exciting!!!

The tote bag and the post-card copies are ready, and they look very good!

The patrons who bought the digital book will receive their reward on via email tomorrow (the one provided in verkami).

Those who bought the tote bagread more

#02 / ¡Nuevo objetivo: 4.000€! New goal: 4.000€!

¡Hola de nuevo queridos mecenas!

Ante 29 días por delante de campaña, propongo alcanzar un nuevo objetivo: 4.000€

Si llegamos a esa cifra podré irme de viaje de nuevo y hacer un volúmen 2… ¡Estoy de coña mecenas!

Si lo logramos podré hacer más ejemplares, y por lo tanto el precio por unidad saldría un poco más económico. Como recompensa mejoraré la edición del libro. ¿Cómo? Añadiré un pequeño apartado en cada país con las palabras básicas del idioma y su traducción al español. Además todas aquellas personas que hayan comprado el libro impreso tendrán un marca páginas exclusivo con motivos del viaje de regalo. Por otro lado, los que compraron el libro digital o la tote bag de viaje obtendrán un póster digital con el mismo diseño para que puedan ponerlo de salva pantallas en el ordenador.

¡Todo esto sólo será posible si conseguimos los 4.000€!

Si quieres seguir ayudando puedes compartir el proyecto con tus amigos, en las redes sociales... www.vkm.is/viajarte

read more

#01 / ¡Objetivo conseguido! Goal achieved!

¡Queridísimos mecenas! ¡Estamos a tope! Gracias a tod@s vosotr@s Viajarte es ya un hecho. Y estoy muy feliz. Esto no hubiera sido posible sin vuestra ayuda. Aún quedan días para terminar la campaña, de modo que ya estoy pensando en como mejorar la edición del libro y cuál será el próximo objetivo. Os sigo informando cuando tenga más detalles. ¡Seguimos!

Dear patrons! We are on fire! Thanks to all of you Viajarte is a fact and I'm very happy for this. This couldn't have happened without your help. The campaign is still on so I am already thinking how to improve the book edition and which goal will be next, I' ll keep you posted when I have more info. We keep on!

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