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"Bitter, Sweet, Soft" book.

Editorial Lumínic launches its first photobook by the photographer Bernat Millet, "Bitter, Sweet Soft", about the Saharawi community

Editorial Lumínic

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The production of the first photobook from Bernat Millet and Editorial Lumínic.

This project narrates the daily life of the Saharawi community through portraiture. A unique and different photobook containing unpublished images of the photographic work "Bitter, Sweet, Soft".

A book with two beginnings and two narratives, a western reading from the left and an Arabic reading from the right. A diptych offprint will be embed with the translation of the texts in English.

This photobook marks the beginning of the Editorial Lumínic, associated to Festival Lumínic in Sant Cugat del Vallès. Bernat Millet is co-director of the festival.

This book has been produced together with the collaboration of La Bibliogràfica, in charge of the sequence and design of the book.

Page of "Bitter Sweet Soft"
Page of "Bitter Sweet Soft"

  • Print run: 500 copies

  • Closed measures: 20 x 30 cm

  • Open measures: 40 x 30 cm

  • Printing: 4 + 4 inks

  • Paper: Munken lynx 130g

  • No. of pages: 144

  • Binding: Sewn + hard cover lined with beige fabric with engraved titles

    Photobook dummy "BITTER SWEET SOFT" by Bernat Millet
    Photobook dummy "BITTER SWEET SOFT" by Bernat Millet

Editing: Ignasi López and Bernat Millet

Design: La Bibliogràfica

Text: Jorge Molinero

Arabic translation: Amy Abraham

English translation: Clara Puig de la Bellacasa

Editorial Lumínic

View of Smara camp
View of Smara camp

About the rewards

Only our VERKAMI patrons will be able to get their copy with a 15% discount on the sale price of the book, which will go on sale for € 40.00.

All patrons of "Bitter, Sweet, Soft" will be named in the acknowledgements.

The acknowledgements will consist of a bookmark obtained from the images of the book, unique and special, signed and numbered with the author's stamp, which can only be obtained at this Verkami.

For photo print lovers and collectors, we have three different options:

The small copy 20x25cm, the medium copy (numbered of 25) 42 x 30cm and the big copy (numbered of 3) framed 120 x 90cm.

All serial copies will be signed by the author. There will be availability to exchange the photographic copy at the end of the Verkami for another of the book. The author will contact the patrons to send the chosen copy.

For bookstores, photography centers and photography associations we have the pack of ten books plus copies and with mention in the acknowledgements. From the Lumínic platform we offer the possibility of establishing a collaboration with the interested entity as a presentation or conference of the project with the author.

Bitter, Sweet, Soft

Millet focuses his gaze on everyday life, on a story of the intimate, where a strong sense of union arises based on the pillar of the family, which sustains fields whose inhabitants live their lives in a waiting rhythm. In this way, the Sahrawi people reinforce their identity, forging, day by day, through their values, a feeling of belonging, trying to blur the scars that cross their souls, giving way to a crack through which a small light comes in.

What happens with the perception of time in a place where the future is uncertain and the only thing that makes you get up and keep fighting is the hope of liberation?

The Saharawi culture is drowned in a desert without spatial limits but limited in resources. In this inhospitable place, real and metaphorical desert, games and laughter sprout, in a seemingly barren land buds are hidden waiting to emerge. Its inhabitants rise up to rebel against the condemnation of oblivion, against the days not lived, against the barren time, against desolation. They shout, harshly, that there is still strength to continue fighting.

Sidiajmed Embarj Brick
Sidiajmed Embarj Brick

About us

Editorial Lumínic was born from the enthusiasm and love for photography. Linked to the Lumínic Festival in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Editorial Lumínic aims to produce photobooks, consolidating relevant, professional and quality photographic projects. At the same time, the publisher will serve us for the production of catalogs for the festival and also magazines or "zines" associated with the publisher's line of work.


Bernat Millet is co-director of Lumínic Festival and a photographer by profession.

Born in 1986, La Floresta (Barcelona), although it was in London where his photographic ideas began to develop, leading him to study photography at the University of Middlesex in 2008. During this period of time, Millet found his instrument in large format to narrate an instant to the world. He subsequently specialized in photojournalism and documentary photography at Mid Sweden University (Sundsvall).

His artistic search inevitably leads him to want to show strong images far from frivolity and beyond sensitivity and suffering, evoking that beauty in the portrait. Millet speaks to us from each of his works, which do not leave the viewer indifferent, who seeks in photography that point of emotion that allows the mind to wander into the hidden beauty of the humanized portrait.


What will we do with your contributions

100% of the collection will go to the production of the photobook to finance the costs of printing and shipping to patrons.


In January, once the Verkami is finished we will send the material to the printing laboratory.

The Lumínic Festival begins on March 18. There will be a presentation of the book with the artist to distribute and sign the photobooks.

Presentation of the book: March 20, in Sant Cugat del Vallès

Shipping: from March 22

+ Info

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  • Editorial Lumínic

    Editorial Lumínic

    about 4 years

    Quina gran il·lusió, gràcies per col·laborar i finalment gaudir de la còpia a més del llibre!

  • Youmec


    about 4 years

    Encantat de col.laborar, i finalmemt poder tenir un original teu.

  • Jaume Parera Casals

    Jaume Parera Casals

    about 4 years

    Enhorabona pel projecte! Espero i desitjo que s'aconsegueixi el repte final!

  • Editorial Lumínic

    Editorial Lumínic

    about 4 years

    Gràcies Luis per el vostre suport! Estem molt contents.

  • Luis Reina

    Luis Reina

    about 4 years

    Enhorabona pel teu primer fotollibre! Que vinguin molts més!!

  • Editorial Lumínic

    Editorial Lumínic

    about 4 years

    Gràcies a tots i totes pels comentaris de suport i per ajudar-me a fer realitat aquest fotollibre!

  • Núria Pedrola

    Núria Pedrola

    about 4 years

    Felicitats per aquest gran projecte!!!!

  • gracia


    about 4 years


  • Guilhem delepine

    Guilhem delepine

    about 4 years

    Anima berni!



    about 4 years

    Felicitats per la feina! Emocionades de poder disfrutar de la foto ‘

#01 / Moltes gràcies a tots vosaltres! Muchas gracias! Thank you very much! "Bitter Sweet Soft" serà un fotollibre físic i real!

Prueba de impresión Bitter Sweet Soft
Prueba de impresión Bitter Sweet Soft


Reitero, moltes gràcies per acompanyar-me a fer realitat el meu primer fotollibre. La passió per la fotografia és la que em fa seguir treballant en projectes tan enriquidors com la producció de "Bitter Sweet Soft".

Escric aquesta entrada per explicar-vos que ja estem treballant amb la impremta on produirem el fotollibre. Estem realitzant les primeres proves d'impressió i valorant el resultat. Tot està seguint l'ordre marcat de producció, així que va tot rodat!

En breus rebreu el formulari per recopilar les dades i gestionar les recompenses. Estic treballant en tots els aspectes organitzatius de cada una de les recompenses.

Estic enormement agraït pel vostre suport en aquesta campanya. Moltes gràcies. Bernat Millet i Editorial Lumínic.


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