Our Rights from East to West A bilingual, in the UNCRC inspired book, about two kids who set out on an adventurous journey in order to get their rights back. Come along! Children's book / Positive impact 104% Project crowdfunded on November 16, 2019 🎉 250 Pledges 12.265€ From 11.800€
Breastfeeding around the world The children's book (or not) that takes us on a journey to discover cultures, mothers, and babies of the world who love to breastfeed. Children's book 160% Project crowdfunded on June 21, 2020 🎉 349 Pledges 9.464€ From 5.900€
Gratitude Exercise: </br>a book for children and grown-ups It is a book about learning to practice Gratitude, becoming aware of everything that is positive around us and connecting with our breath. Children's book / Positive impact 362% Project crowdfunded on September 10, 2017 🎉 413 Pledges 7.790€ From 2.150€
Ecosistem@s València. Illustrated book Join our 15 protagonists as you discover, explore and learn about the city of Valencia and its closest surroundings Children's book / Illustration, Nature 140% Project crowdfunded on July 20, 2021 🎉 193 Pledges 6.720€ From 4.800€
Oh! I hope you are yellow, a book that invites you to BE whatever color you want to be. This story is an EXPRESSION of LOVE Whether you read it to a baby before birth or read it to yourself, you'll connect with your true essence Children's book 104% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2020 🎉 244 Pledges 5.934€ From 5.700€
Story "Mamma goes to Antarctica" Antarctica is warming! Mamma is on a boat full of scientists, and the icebergs, whales and penguins are asking her for help. Children's book / Science, Ecology 692% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2019 🎉 205 Pledges 5.187€ From 750€
Seven Secrets of the Universe A story book for children and adults in which you are the co-author, because each book becomes unique when it reaches your hands. Children's book 101% Project crowdfunded on November 25, 2018 🎉 139 Pledges 5.052€ From 5.000€
Playing with Tili Remember the first day you visited the beach? This is Moni´s story and the magic that happens when she starts playing at the shore. In four languages, PLAYING WITH TILI, is an universal tale, because it doesn´t matter where we live, everybody had had played with a friend like Tili. Children's book / Positive impact, Illustration 144% Project crowdfunded on September 27, 2014 🎉 131 Pledges 5.042€ From 3.500€
Join the Wild Book Adventure! Gift children unforgettable moments with a book made for playing in nature! Children's book / Positive impact, Nature 116% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2023 🎉 191 Pledges 5.006€ From 4.300€
Shamanic tales for children How would be the stories that the ancient shamans told by the fire? In my mind they talk about respect for mother nature and animals, about courage and honesty, and especially inspire the children to grow up happy and concious of the natural and multicultural treasure of our planet. Children's book 100% Project crowdfunded on November 13, 2016 🎉 119 Pledges 4.660€ From 4.650€
¿Dónde Está Mi Calcetín? (Where is my sock?) Follow the adventure of four charismatic creatures looking for a missing sock. Book for 3+ year old and beginner readers Children's book 128% Project crowdfunded on October 25, 2022 🎉 175 Pledges 4.483€ From 3.500€
Ayúdanos a publicar el cuento Moccarella, sobre el bullying o acoso escolar, contado a través de personajes que son diferentes quesos. Escrito en castellano e inglés Moccarella es la historia de un pequeño queso que sufre acoso escolar y de cómo logra enfrentarse a eso. Escrito en español e inglés. Children's book 102% Project crowdfunded on October 31, 2020 🎉 180 Pledges 4.076€ From 4.000€
The Secret of Mother Nature in the Land of the Condor The book is a fantasy fairy tale, entirely hand-illustrated and painted in watercolor. Won over by the Peruvian culture, the author dedicates this project of hers to the children of the Nassae school in Lima, Perù, the wonderful country which inspired her, by donating 20% of the book’s cover price. Children's book / Children, Illustration 107% Project crowdfunded on November 27, 2013 🎉 60 Pledges 3.756€ From 3.500€
Seven Blue Cows Seven Blue Cows a spanish/english edition of a story about dreams and their ways. Children's book 105% Project crowdfunded on May 01, 2018 🎉 149 Pledges 3.665€ From 3.500€
Children´s Book “A Star Falls” “A Star Falls” is a modern children´s book that uses emotional education as its base in contemporary education, providing some key tools for managing our own emotions: meditation and relaxation. Children's book 121% Project crowdfunded on April 26, 2016 🎉 139 Pledges 3.615€ From 3.000€
"Raining frogs!" Raining frogs! is a "novel with ilustrations" that narrates the adventures of Paco, his pet Valentin, and two young immigrant who are coupled to the shaft of his truck, en route to Paris. "Against xenophobia and discrimination, solidarity and brotherhood among children." Children's book 105% Project crowdfunded on May 09, 2016 🎉 94 Pledges 3.492€ From 3.315€
FLOWERS. Ilustred album Flowers is an ilustrated album. Without any text. Without any hurries. Only with your look. Only with your imagination. Children's book 104% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2017 🎉 65 Pledges 3.474€ From 3.330€
The King and the Tree "Once upon a time there was a very beautiful tree..." Follow the little king as he learns to see the world with new eyes! Children's book / Children, Illustration 109% Project crowdfunded on March 04, 2013 🎉 100 Pledges 2.735€ From 2.500€