Yei! We're super happy you're here. ☺
With tons of enthusiasm, we launch Editorial Mora-Mora’s first crowdfunding campaign.
Three years ago the dream of publishing and selling books made with love became a reality. During this time our publishing house has been growing sustainably and we love to be able to bring beautiful books to the world that connect us with our essence and inspire us to enjoy the magic of life.
This year, we want to make another dream come true. We want to bring "Oh! I hope you are yellow." to the world! Will you help us? 
This story is an EXPRESSION of LOVE
-My dad says "Oh! I hope you're yellow" isn't just a book, it's an expression of love.
And the truth is, he's absolutely right.
But what few people know is that this book was born out of an impulse of anger. Yes, anger! That emotion some of us where taught to hide.
I was at a gender reveal party where balloons are broken, cupcakes are bitten and boxes are opened to find out if a baby is pink or blue, and while being there I got a huge creative impulse. I wanted to send a message to that baby from the bottom of my heart:
Oh dear baby, I hope you're yellow!-
Oh! I hope you're yellow, then became a book that invites us to BE whatever color we choose to be. And whether you read it to a baby before birth or if you read it to yourself, you will connect with the essence, through this expression of love.
Written by: Co | llustrated by: Lucas Gauss
This book was made for:
Expecting mothers, so that it will help them connect with their baby for the first time and begin to create that special mother-baby bond. If you have a spiritual light, which by following the Mora-Mora Editorial you may well have, you may want to start reading this story before you conceive, connecting with that BEING, that soul that will choose you.
Kids who are beginning to read.
Book lovers, therapists, fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone who wants to connect with their essence and the essence of love.
Pedagogical Values
This book has a series of phrases that remind us that we can be who we really are.
Although they may seem random, in reality each of the elements of the story was deeply felt, and thought of. Each phrase blends the authors family stories with the details chosen by Lucas and the concepts that connect us to the essence of who we are.
The rays of the sun represent the new dawn, we connect with nature, corporal sensations and masculine energy of this great star.
The rain boots connect us with water, the fun of splashing the puddles, jumping, laughing and being free.
The ducks in the bathtub inspire self-care and take us to that moment of bathing in which children play, fully connected to the feeling of love that nurtures our soul.
The pollen and its bees connect us with the wind, with the four seasons, with the feeling of life and expansion of eternal spring.
The yellow taxi transports us on one side to a sofa, blanket, movie and popcorn and at the same time adventures that we can live in movement.
The blocks remind us that creativity IS, you build, you deconstruct and you play.
The megaphone represents the voice, the strength of our words, the ability to communicate from the heart.
The yellow roses, besides being the favorite flower of Co's mother, remind us of the ambivalence of life, beauty and fragility in rose and at the same time the representation of natural limits and protection of the thorns.
The yellow buttons on the raincoat are a subtle wink to mothers waiting for their babies. But at the same time it is a moment to connect with authenticity through the different details in our clothing that are unique.
We finish up with the desire of being the color we choose to be, green, red, orange or infinite.
Because infinity is also a color.
Because love is of all colors.
Because we are all love.
Being the color you want to be has its rewards. ☺
Please note the ONLY reward that has the book IN ENGLISH is called: Pack "Oh! I hope you are yellow."
The rest of the rewards will have the book IN SPANISH: "Ojalá seas amarillo"
and the reward called "Horia Izango Bazina" has the book IN BASQUE.
Pack Amarillo 15€
- 1 book in spanish "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 sticker "button".
- 1 sticker "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ducks".
- 1 postcard "Jump in pods".
- 1 postcard "Sé del color que quieras ser".
Pack "Horia izango basina" is the same pack with the book IN BASQUE 18€
Pack "Oh! I hope you are yellow." is the same pack with the book IN ENGLISH 18€
If you are in different territory:
- Select the Shipping to Europe reward +5€
- Select the Delivery in Mexico reward +7€
Select the International Shipping reward +15€
- Pack Yo soy amarillo 25€
- 1 book in spanish "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 sticker "button".
- 1 sticker "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ducks".
- 1 postcard "Jump in pods".
- 1 postcard "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 postcard "Gracias" from the publishing house.
- 1 notebook recycled paper "Jump in pods".
- 1 illustration sheet "Sé del color que quieras ser".
Shipping included within Spain.
If you are in different territory:
- Select the Shipping to Europe reward +5€
- Select the Delivery in Mexico reward +7€
- Select the International Shipping reward +15€
- Pack Colores Infinitos 45€
- 1 book in spanish "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 yellow biodegradable rubber duck. We chose this yellow rubber duck because it is handmade in Spain by a family business. It is made with love in an environmentally friendly process. You can use it to decorate your home or gift it to your baby for him/her to chew on it. It s completely safe to use as a teething product because it is made of non-toxic materials and hand painted with lead free paint.
- 1 handcrafted wooden coin made in collaboration with Laura, creator and designer in Monkey Wood Es. We felt and though this piece with a drawing taken from the book to connect and remember. Connect with our true essence and remember we can be yellow or choose whatever color we want to be. It is a coin to remind us in dual wold that both sides are one and the same coin. We are all one, we are all complete. This handmade piece of conscious wooden art accompanies the book and makes it’s magic stronger.
- 1 sticker "button".
- 1 sticker "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ducks".
- 1 postcard "Jump in pods".
- 1 postcard "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 postcard "Gracias" from the publishing house.
- 1 notebook recycled paper "Jump in pods".
- 1 notebook recycled paper "Ducks".
- 1 illustration sheet "Sé del color que quieras ser".Shipping included within Spain.
If you are in different territory:
- Select the Shipping to Europe reward +5€
- Select the Delivery in Mexico reward +7€
- Select the International Shipping reward +15€
- 5L Pack 55€- Pack Yo soy amarillo 25€
5 books in spanish "Ojalá seas amarillo".
5 postcards "Ducks".
5 postcards "Jump in pods".
5 postcards "Sé del color que quieras ser".
5 postcards "Ojalá seas amarillo".
5 postcard "Gracias" from the publishing house.
5 illustration sheets "Sé del color que quieras ser".
Shipping included within Spain.
If you are in different territory:
- Select the Shipping to Europe reward +5€
- Select the Delivery in Mexico reward +7€
- Select the International Shipping reward +15€
- Pack “Gurusito Amarillo” | Yellow Mini-Guru 99€
- 1 book in spanish "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 yellow Porcelain Mini-Guru made with love, a mini guru/gurusito is a unique piece of arte made from the idea of a small child on its way to be bond or an inner child meditating and listening to it’s own special mantra. before a baby is born, it is already in deep and full contact with it’s soul. The baby expresses his/her identity and listens to it’s inner guru, inner master who leads the baby through a path of wisdom and alignment to his/her higher self. Porcelana con Alma (which translates to Porcelain with soul) made this special mini gurus in yellow explisively for this book. Take one home or gift a future mom with this unique piece of art and love.
- 1 yellow biodegradable rubber duck. We chose this yellow rubber duck because it is handmade in Spain by a family business. It is made with love in an environmentally friendly process. You can use it to decorate your home or gift it to your baby for him/her to chew on it. It s completely safe to use as a teething product because it is made of non-toxic materials and hand painted with lead free paint.
- 1 handcrafted wooden coin made in collaboration with Laura, creator and designer in Monkey Wood Es. We felt and though this piece with a drawing taken from the book to connect and remember. Connect with our true essence and remember we can be yellow or choose whatever color we want to be. It is a coin to remind us in dual wold that both sides are one and the same coin. We are all one, we are all complete. This handmade piece of conscious wooden art accompanies the book and makes it’s magic stronger.
- 1 sticker "button".
- 1 sticker "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ducks".
- 1 postcard "Jump in pods".
- 1 postcard "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- 1 postcard "Ojalá seas amarillo".
- 1 postcard "Gracias" from the publishing house.
- 1 notebook recycled paper "Jump in pods".
- 1 notebook recycled paper "Ducks".
- 1 illustration sheet "Sé del color que quieras ser".
- Pack “Gurusito Amarillo” | Yellow Mini-Guru 99€
Shipping included within Spain.
If you are in different territory:
- Select the Shipping to Europe reward +5€
- Select the Delivery in Mexico reward +7€
- Select the International Shipping reward +15€
How we will distribute your contributions
"Oh! I wish you are yellow." is a hardcover book, matt laminated, measuring 21x21cm, with 48 illustrated pages.
Our goal is to print 500 copies of the book in Spanish. Some books in English and some in Basque and for this we need 5,700 euros which will be distributed as follows:
· Planned calendar ·
MAY: We start the campaign on May 3rd, and we keep it open for 21 days.
JUNE: Digital surprise delivery to make the wait lighter, while we gather all the information, adjust the last details of the book, order the rewards and coordinate all logistics.
JULY: We send the books to the printer and start putting together the reward packages with the materials received; waiting for the books to arrive at the end of the month.
SEPTEMBER: Reward shipments. ☺
Delivery of the rewards in Mexico. (César is visiting the family so he’ll take the orders with him)
OCTOBER: Last shipments and resolution of possible incidents.
Our dreamteam
Coquis: Guardian of essence.
David: The wizard of numbers.
César: Lover of visual balance.
Resonate with the essence of this publishing house in:
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I'm purple 😂
Noelia Vaquerizo González
Confío tanto en este proyecto, que he decidido hacerme también con este pack. Así puedo repartir amarillosidad, entre hij@s de amig@s
Les deseo muchas alegrías de todos los colores y muchos éxitos, un abrazo Coquis
Pau Camacho
Éxito y esperamos el libro con ansias!!!
Laurence Brown
Ordered this for my nephew, can't wait for him to receive it!
Espero que lo consigáis!! Abrazos amarillos, de Sol
Por fin soy mecenas!!! Me encanta la idea y el cómo surgió!!! Deseando tenerlo!!! 😍😍😍👏👏👏
Espero q salga nien
Aleida cifuentes lopez
Soy feliz de ser mecenas