THIRD GOAL ACHIEVED !! (September 10th, 2017)
Today we closed the campaign with the third goal achieved and exceeded! The book will start to print in 3 days and will be ready by the end of September.
Those who missed the campaign and want to acquire the book, you can buy it in: (or at any of the selling points listed on the website)
I can only say...
❤️ We Thank all the patrons who have participated and who have made this book a reality. ❤️
I hope all you like it!
And of course, as soon as I start the next book, I will keep you informed. 🤗
TO THE THIRD GOAL! (29 August 2017)
For these 12 remaining days of the campaign, WE SET UP A THIRD OBJECTIVE OF € 7,500 to begin the production of a SECOND BOOK, as part of this collection "Exercises to Grow Together".
In addition, we present a new reward: a GRATITUDE DIARY, a notebook in A6 format to write down every day the things for which we feel grateful for.
For those who are already patrons, you can buy it for € 5.
For those who are patrons-to-be, you can choose two options of BOOK + DIARY: € 18 or € 25
SECOND GOAL ACHIEVED! (August 17th, 2017)
Today, after only 16 days of campaign, we’ve achieved more than 200% of the goal, so WE WILL ALSO PRINT IN CATALAN!! 🎉
I will now start thinking on the THIRD 😉 GOAL!
Remember that you will be able to choose the langiage of your books from September 10th, when the campaign ends and i send you the form to collect your data and set up your rewards for delivery. You will be able to choose from SPANISH, ENGLISH …¡¡and CATALAN!!
WE EXTEND OUR GOAL! (August 9th, 2017)
As WE REACHED MORE THAN 100% of the initial goal in less than 48 hours we have decided not only to print more english and spanish units of the book, but also PRINT A CATALAN EDITION.
For this, WE'VE SET A SECOND GOAL of 4.300€
We are very close to this and there's still 32 days left to go!! (till September 10th)
THE PROJECT: daily practice of Gratitude
Gratitude Exercise is a simple book with a powerful message, intended for children —and grown-ups.
Throughout its pages we GIVE THANKS for all the good and positive in our life, from Life itself, a Home, Food ..., to the Planet, our Talents or Health. Always connecting with our breath.
I've been really fortunate to have found a very talented illustrator and I have written the texts and designed the book myself. It's been a lovely hard work AND NOW I COUNT ON YOU to PRE-PURCHASE the book TO COVER its PRINTING COSTS so together we can make this beautiful book become a reality.
—for technical reasons the image can only be shown now in Spanish.
As an editorial designer and mother of a 5-year-old, it felt ESSENTIAL to publish this book, as a small contribution to the emotional and spiritual education of our children.
♥ I know YOU WILL LOVE IT ♥ —not only for its message, but also for it's beautiful illustrations and careful edition.
-----You can watch the ENGLISH VERSION OF THE VIDEO HERE------
I will be printing 100 copies in English and 300 in Spanish (to buy a copy in spanish, please go to the spanish version of this campaign).
And of course, if this campaign is successful —I believe it will be—, the next step will be publishing it also in catalan (and probably french too).
Advantages of participating in this campaign
Mainly, by participating in this campaign PRE-PURCHASING THE BOOK you will be contributing firsthand to the book's printing and publishing.
Since it's an ALL or NOTHING Crowdfunding —meaning the money will only be obtained if we meet the 100% of the goal— your support is essential.
In addition, along with the book you will get some extra gifts to decorate your house or give away, which will be sold separately later on.
2 - THE BOOK**
How did this book come about?
A few years ago, when I divorced my son's father, I had a very hard time. To overcome it, I began to do some "Gratitude practices" every night that helped me feel better.
At that moment my son Ramiro was two years old, and little by little, every night when I put him to bed, I began to talk to him about all the things I felt grateful for.
Thus, after a few weeks, this Gratitude Exercise was established as something I would recite him to sleep every night. Ramiro would say: "Mom, can we 'do' Gratitude?"
Three years later, at Ramiro's school we were asked to do some special activity in class before Christmas and I decided to put together a small homemade book with this exercise and some illustrations. I thought it was a good idea to share something so nice with other kids.
Some friends saw the book and loved it and later talked me into publishing it.
A madness and a DREAM that can come true THANKS TO YOU!
Destiny of the contributions to this campaign
Money will be mainly destined to pay the printing of 400 copies.
In addition, there will be a percentage for the Verkami platform and fees for the Bank.
And finally, the value of the 'extra' rewards —gifts aside from the books— and their shipping costs (Mainland & Balearics).
And of course all of the taxes (printing, Verkami, Bnaks, rewards and shipping costs).
Please, if you have any difficulty in making payment by credit card, you can contact me and we will find a solution.
What will happen if we exceed our goal :)
If we all surpass the goal, my DREAM is to PRINT MORE BOOKS!!
REWARDS and EXTRAS of the campaign
Scheduled calendar
I plan to send the book to PRINT in mid-September.
October 1st 2017, in the GREMIAL Fair of ALARÓ (Mallorca), I will run a stand where I'll present and sell the book and those of you who live in Mallorca will be able to collect your rewards personally. :)
The delivery/shipping of the rewards will take place between September 25th and October 10th, 2017.
About me
I'm a designer speciallized in Editorial Design and I've worked on the design on many published books.
In the past few months I've worked for several clients that have self-published their books —something that has encouraged me to follow the same path.
+ Info
The book will be 40 pages long and the size will be 17 x 21 cm. Softcover.
You can visit the project's website:
And also my professional webpage.
Or my instagram profile, or even my linkedIn profile.
I also have a professional profile on the Reedsy Platform, of international publishing services.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Susana Cardona Ortega
Sí, a partir del domingo os enviaré a cada un un email con un formulario en el que os pediré: datos de envío, nombre para la dedicatoria, nombre para aparecer en los agradecimientos en y también el idioma en el que os he de enviar el libro... Gracias por tu pregunta, así lo aclaramos a muchos otros mecenas! Estad atentos a vuestro correo el domingo10/lunes 11!! :)
Nazaret Cano
Una duda! Y la dirección para el envío del libro? Te pondrás en contacto por mail? Es que no me la ha pedido!
Susana Cardona Ortega
Jijiji, es verdad! 😄 ❤️ G R A C I A S !!
Gracias Gracias Gracias!!! que más se puede decir??
Yoga kids
¡Ya he aportado mi granito de arena a este MARAVILLOSO proyecto! ¡Qué ganas de tenerlo en mis manos para usarlo en mis clases!
Me ha parecido un libro precioso!! :)
Susana Cardona Ortega
Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo! 🙏 Me encanta que os guste el proyecto!! ❤️
María José Mñz
Ánimo Susana, el proyecto es genial , espero tenerlo pronto entre mis manos para regalárselo a mi pequeña Aitana!!
María José Mñz
Ánimo Susana, el proyecto es genial , espero tenerlo pronto entre mis manos para regalárselo a mi pequeña Aitana!!
María José Mñz
Ánimo Susana, el proyecto es genial , espero tenerlo pronto entre mis manos para regalárselo a mi pequeña Aitana!!