world music documentary Persimpatia: Zoltán Lantos Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit, and we’ve tracked down the first one: Zoltán Lantos from Hungary. His music has seduced us and makes for a great story, but we need your help to be able to share it with you! Documentary / Classical, Music 109% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2013 🎉 191 Pledges 13.045€ From 12.000€
Persimpatia: Paul Giger. Documentary & concerts Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit. These violinists are exceptional individuals making extraordinary music. Documentary / Classical 100% Project crowdfunded on March 29, 2014 🎉 170 Pledges 12.040€ From 12.000€
La Cascada de Lutour, música i natura Our choir will record a video-concert to premiere this work based on the poem dedicated by the Catalan poet Joan Maragall to nature and love Classic / Poetry, Film 145% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2021 🎉 284 Pledges 10.125€ From 7.000€
Developments, the new CD by KamBrass Quintet After 6 years of music, evolution and learning, KamBrass takes the next step to release his first CD. Classic 148% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2024 🎉 213 Pledges 8.568€ From 5.800€
12x6 Guitarra l'Escola de Barcelona Una reunió dels millors guitarristes del nostre país tocant un repertori que va del clàssic al jazz i música de cinema Classic / Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on July 06, 2019 🎉 82 Pledges 7.000€ From 7.000€
"The French Reverie" - First album by the pianist Laura Farré Rozada A musical journey through French music of the 20th and 21st Centuries, featuring works by Messiaen, Dutilleux, Manoury and Escaich. Classic 149% Project crowdfunded on August 13, 2017 🎉 207 Pledges 6.560€ From 4.400€
Russian Portraits - Jorge Nava first album Focused on the Russian repertoire from the 19th and 20th centuries, "Russian Portraits" is the first discographic project of Jorge Nava and Orpheus Music. It includes works by Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev. Classic 107% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2016 🎉 97 Pledges 5.860€ From 5.500€
20th birthday of the Orquestra Simfònica Segle XXI We celebrate our 20th birthday. Concert in Palau de la Música: 9th of July. Beethoven - 9th Symphony. Conductor: Jordi Mora. Classic / Events 112% Project crowdfunded on May 14, 2019 🎉 54 Pledges 5.585€ From 5.000€
Les catedrals, els orígens (Cathedrals and Origins) Next February 2022 we would like to record our first album, including sacred Catalan works which have never been recorded before. Classic 111% Project crowdfunded on January 26, 2022 🎉 132 Pledges 5.540€ From 5.000€
BACHCELONA <br />Festival Bach de Barcelona New initiative born in Barcelona with the aim of offering a series of activities and concerts linked to the figure of Bach, will be launched Classic / Festival 111% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2013 🎉 112 Pledges 5.232€ From 4.700€
BCP Symphonic New recording project by Barcelona Clarinet Players with commissioned works for clarinet quartet and wind band. Classic 104% Project crowdfunded on April 01, 2018 🎉 52 Pledges 5.175€ From 5.000€
BARCELONA CLARINET PLAYERS & PAQUITO D'RIVERA The new Barcelona Clarinet Players's recording project with works for clarinet quartet by maestro Paquito D'Rivera. Classic 101% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2021 🎉 62 Pledges 5.025€ From 5.000€
L'Aigua Trobada An exploration of water as an element through contemporary chamber music, in which we distill the string quartet into solo violin. Classic 143% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2021 🎉 117 Pledges 5.020€ From 3.500€
'PANAMERICANO', by BARCELONA CLARINET PLAYERS New project by Barcelona Clarinet Players with works for clarinet quartet and wind band commissioned to Latin American composers. Classic 100% Project crowdfunded on July 04, 2023 🎉 68 Pledges 5.010€ From 5.000€
ACCENTS - debut CD Kebyart Ensemble Almost ready! Now it’s your turn to help us and make this project real. Classic 104% Project crowdfunded on November 27, 2017 🎉 81 Pledges 4.692€ From 4.500€
GRAVACIÓ DEL PRIMER DISC DEL QUARTET GERHARD La primera gravació del Quartet Gerhard, talents musicals indiscutibles del panorama musical català, editada per Columna Música. Els productors de Neu Records i l'Auditori AXA serán el marc de realització d'aquest nou projecte realitzat per Joventuts Musicals d'Espanya. Classic 108% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2014 🎉 96 Pledges 4.545€ From 4.200€
"AMADEUS 1791" - Camerata Impromptu and Orquestra Barcelona Filharmonia Show created around the last year of intense and mysterious life of Mozart, with his Requiem as a main theme. Mozart himself personifies the stage to explain in person the facts that surrounded their composition, in monologue and dialogue with performers and audience. Classic 122% Project crowdfunded on February 02, 2015 🎉 89 Pledges 4.280€ From 3.500€
ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE Ölivia Musyk first songs Music / Indie, Classical, #8m, Vinyl 102% Project crowdfunded on March 24, 2022 🎉 108 Pledges 4.095€ From 4.000€