Documentary: Life Between Cuts Join us on this emotional journey and discover how, in every cut, there is a story to tell. Documentary 167% Project crowdfunded on December 08, 2024 🎉 202 Pledges 6.675€ From 4.000€
Poemario devorador ilustrado: En el nombre del Hambre Dramaturgia poética de la performance En el Nombre del Hambre con la voz poética de Lucía Callén e ilustrado por Edén Herrera Artbook / Art, Poetry 113% Project crowdfunded on April 22, 2023 🎉 83 Pledges 3.945€ From 3.500€
Gabriele Deiana's new album: Georgina's Rumba Production of a CD with original Latin, Jazz and Flamenco music and arrangements with Jorge Pardo, Alain Perez and Caramelo de Cuba. Music 242% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2022 🎉 77 Pledges 2.906€ From 1.200€
Colabora en el nuevo disco de Algora Financiación para la grabación, producción y mezcla de mi próximo disco. Once poemas technopop. Pop 314% Project crowdfunded on January 06, 2021 🎉 506 Pledges 15.704€ From 5.000€
21 días en Senegal Siempre hay otra forma de ver las cosas "21 días en Senegal" quiere mostrarte la belleza de este país a través de su gente. Photography / Positive impact 105% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2018 🎉 114 Pledges 5.237€ From 5.000€
"Baldo Martínez CUARTETO EUROPA" Album of the new project of Baldo Martínez I encourage you to take part in this project. Jazz Free with original compositions that look at Europe; the Jazz of our continent Jazz 107% Project crowdfunded on December 23, 2017 🎉 118 Pledges 5.330€ From 5.000€
Hilos: un libro para empezar un largo viaje Se habla mucho de como es vivir en un país extranjero, de cuantas cosas se quedan atrás, de cuantas hay por delante. A veces es una huída, a veces es lanzarse al vacío, a veces es un nuevo inicio. Si queréis descubrirlo, solo hay que apoyar a este pequeño proyecto y empezar a viajar conmigo :) Books 140% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2016 🎉 76 Pledges 1.521€ From 1.083€
Gol o Penalti: "El Loco Higuita y el Escorpión" Gol o penalti es una colección de libros ilustrados con historias reales de fútbol. Un fútbol diferente. Un fútbol con travesuras, locuras, dulces derrotas y tristes victorias. Un fútbol cercano al patio del colegio, al parque. Porque el fútbol es un juego. Y nadie sabe más de eso que los niños. Children's book / Sport 116% Project crowdfunded on July 16, 2016 🎉 190 Pledges 4.981€ From 4.300€
Travelbooks & Sketches. JAVIER ZABALA For the first time may come to light a care selection of my sketches made in more than 60 travel notebooks and preparatory drawings and ideas that sleep in hundreds of boxes and drawers. A book of about 200 pages and an opportunity to know about my work processes. Artbook / Travel 191% Project crowdfunded on November 28, 2015 🎉 400 Pledges 11.454€ From 6.000€
SHORT: Goodbye sweetheart "Hasta Luego, Carino" is a short film about the last unwitting goodbye between a mother and her son. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on August 18, 2015 🎉 27 Pledges 3.030€ From 3.000€
New music for our souls! Recording and realization of the new Laura Furci's EP, with the electronic production of the Grammy Winning producer Campi Campòn in Madrid. Recording and video editing of the realization of the project. Jazz / Electronic 107% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2015 🎉 145 Pledges 8.150€ From 7.600€
THE WOLVES TRIO ¿Y si nos ayudas a grabar nuestro disco? The Wolves Trio es un ménage à trois musical que provoca que los ancianos bailen, los cuerdos se vuelvan locos, los animales sean nuestros hermanos y los hombres más humanos. ¿Objetivo? Grabar nuestro primer trabajo discográfico con la ayuda de cada uno de vosotros. ¡Necesitamos tu colaboración! Folk / Blues 158% Project crowdfunded on April 23, 2014 🎉 116 Pledges 3.782€ From 2.400€
Inside "Inside" is a short horror film, intimate court. The story of a sculptor obsessed with capturing the essence of his model but only able to reproduce her physical form. Short movie / Terror 102% Project crowdfunded on March 15, 2014 🎉 136 Pledges 7.142€ From 7.000€
Beyond truth (Authorless Cinema) At the age of 79 years a common man becomes the director of his own movie to take us to the limits of truth and further. During eight months Gioacchino Di Blasi has been working with the "Authorless Cinema" collective at Matadero de Madrid to submerge himself in the memories of his intense life. Documentary 102% Project crowdfunded on November 24, 2013 🎉 104 Pledges 5.105€ From 5.000€
IN FORMA PAUPERIS, Carro F.C. Teatro Callejero "In Forma Pauperis" Theater / Firatarrega, Humor 101% Project crowdfunded on September 05, 2013 🎉 64 Pledges 2.015€ From 2.000€
Fernando Tato, First Album Melancholic sounds perfectly matching a deep-soft voice, songs that speak about love sickness. Fernando Tato turns to us for his first solo flight. Songwriter 105% Project crowdfunded on August 31, 2013 🎉 58 Pledges 4.710€ From 4.500€
Lucille LaBelle Lucille LaBelle is the latest adventure from the Miseria y Hambre collective. An innovative show that, recreating the imaginative universe of the silent movies, brings us a marvellous love story that mixes live music, projections and the charm of theatre. Theater 102% Project crowdfunded on May 16, 2013 🎉 121 Pledges 7.380€ From 7.253€
Un final feliz (A Happy Ending) What's left for love after Facebook? Is it true what we say about us in social networks? 8th short movie from Marco Fettolini. An acid comedy, tribute to american director Todd Solondz, starring Eric Francés, Nathalie Seseña, Guillermo Ortega, Adrián Gordillo, Carlos Wu. Short movie / Humor 154% Project crowdfunded on March 03, 2013 🎉 38 Pledges 1.535€ From 1.000€