Documentary: Life Between Cuts Join us on this emotional journey and discover how, in every cut, there is a story to tell. Documentary 167% Project crowdfunded on December 08, 2024 🎉 202 Pledges 6.675€ From 4.000€
INFORTUNIO Western con corte clásico, con mucha acción y violento, mezcla del cine de John Ford y de Sam Peckinpah. Short movie 112% Project crowdfunded on September 22, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 3.350€ From 3.000€
Smoking with Tony del Verde A sweet and bitter, ironic and grotesque, warm and cold story, featuring two warlike fools, a corpse and a heartbroken drug addict. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on October 25, 2021 🎉 34 Pledges 1.610€ From 1.600€
MUDNESS A multilingual, independent mockumentary focusing on ART and raising philosophical questions about technology and the future of humanity. Feature film / Art, Sci-fi 101% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2021 🎉 58 Pledges 5.030€ From 5.000€
LA CORRIENTE - A film written during the Covid-19 lockdown and inspired in real stories. We've shot most of this beautiful story! Join LA CORRIENTE and help us finish the shoot and the post-production. Feature film 101% Project crowdfunded on May 03, 2021 🎉 247 Pledges 25.310€ From 25.000€
Cuban Comedy: The Perfect Analogon We have reached the goal! We will make this comedy with rice and beans thanks to you. Short movie 103% Project crowdfunded on January 15, 2021 🎉 32 Pledges 1.550€ From 1.500€
«Carácter Lechuga» The cosmic-comedic journey of a failed actor in post-Olympic Barcelona in which finding oneself becomes a nightmare. Webserie 311% Project crowdfunded on December 04, 2020 🎉 73 Pledges 3.110€ From 1.000€
The Tikrit A Cuban fantastic film... Short movie 107% Project crowdfunded on December 26, 2019 🎉 49 Pledges 3.205€ From 3.000€
A CERTAIN WORLD TOUR... 60 YEARS LATER A collection of never-published documents, photos, telegrams and letters about World Tour of Tartarini and Monetti by motorcycles in 1957 Documentary / History, Publications, Travel 101% Project crowdfunded on January 25, 2018 🎉 118 Pledges 6.058€ From 6.000€
Curandera "Curandera" is a documentary film that bring us the ancient wisdom related with the use of medicinal plants and ceremonies used by the women Documentary / Positive impact 118% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2017 🎉 85 Pledges 3.545€ From 3.000€
Craft Film Festival Barcelona New craft film festival with a showcase of low budget independent and autoproduced DIY films. Our first edition will take place during the 7-8-9 of april at the Cinemes Girona, Barcelona. Film / Festival 106% Project crowdfunded on March 28, 2017 🎉 114 Pledges 4.226€ From 4.000€
Flipo! (with Basilicata) The first web docu-series which narrates Basilicata through the eyes of a Spanish Erasmus student. After the first two episodes, we are preparing the next shooting with so many amazing and international news. Discover different ways to support our project and the tasty rewards. Webserie 105% Project crowdfunded on July 30, 2016 🎉 38 Pledges 2.105€ From 2.000€
Línea de fuga Discover the wishes, fears and the conflicts at play in the activities of a group of new Berliners determined to change their home country from abroad. Documentary 100% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2016 🎉 57 Pledges 7.025€ From 7.000€
AIR Webseries The first and only series about Air Guitar worldwide! Webserie 114% Project crowdfunded on April 15, 2016 🎉 83 Pledges 3.430€ From 3.000€
A través del espejo Luisa, una madre soltera, no puede pagar las mensualidades de la hipoteca y está al borde del desahucio. Una mañana, cuando vuelve de trabajar, recibe en casa a un empleado del banco con el que ha contraído la deuda, que le hace una oferta que no puede rechazar. Short movie 106% Project crowdfunded on April 05, 2016 🎉 47 Pledges 1.585€ From 1.500€
"Under the Tower Bell’s eyes ": The Revolta of the Quintas "Under the Tower Bell’s eyes " is a documentary produced by the Cultural Association Live Barcelona on the genesis , development and organization of the most important Reenactment of Gracia , Barcelona , which is has been performormed for 10 years, in April . Documentary / History 102% Project crowdfunded on April 04, 2016 🎉 38 Pledges 915€ From 900€
SHORT: Goodbye sweetheart "Hasta Luego, Carino" is a short film about the last unwitting goodbye between a mother and her son. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on August 18, 2015 🎉 27 Pledges 3.030€ From 3.000€
CineMigrante Festival - Cinema in favor of the Migrants' Rights CineMigrante is a nonprofit initiative that develops their activities through the cinema, generating a cinematographic space in favor of the dissemination, sensitivity and dialogue on migration issues. Film / Community, Festival 111% Project crowdfunded on August 01, 2015 🎉 108 Pledges 3.880€ From 3.500€