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SHORT: Goodbye sweetheart

"Hasta Luego, Carino" is a short film about the last unwitting goodbye between a mother and her son.


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From 3.000€
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Hasta Luego, Carino

"Hasta Luego, Carino" is a short film about the last unwitting goodbye between a mother and her son, and also addresses safety issues in the construction industry.

The total budget is about 19.000€, some of which has been funded by ICAA (Ministry of Culture of Spain); now we need and extra financia

Becoming a backer for our short film means supporting independent cinema and what our project stands for. Our hope is that a simple story like this one can give much more than dry statistics of work-related accidents, which too often don't connect with people.

Who are?

ANTONELLO NOVELLINO is a producer and director of independent short films, and also works as director and editor for television programmes, commercials and corporate videos (in Spain, Italy, Mexico and USA). His feature directorial debut "Blue Lips" has recently been distributed in Spain. His works as director and producer have won around three hundred awards and accolades, some of which were delivered by Francis Ford Coppola, Rutger Hauer, Asia Argento, Enrico Lo Verso, Alejandro Jodorowsky.

PAKY PERNA directs and collaborates on short films, music videos and commercials. His short films have been screened in more than 100 festivals in Italy and abroad, riceiving many awards. In 2011, with the feature film script "Tony Denti Show", is one of the finalists at Premio Solinas Experimenta, the most prestigious screenplay competition of Italy. He is currently in pre-production on "Hasta luego cariño", funded by the Ministry of Culture of Spain.

NACHO ALDEGUER is a Spanish actor and musician known for his roles in Cuéntame, Isabel e La Pecera de Eva. He has worked with actors such as Adrien Brody, Penélope Cruz, Cecilia Roth and Verònica Echegui, and for theatre he's been directed by John Strasberg and José Mª Pou.


Zampanò is a film production company. A group of professionals who began to collaborate in 2001 and continue to work with the same passion and drive for storytelling. Giovanni Maccelli e Carlota Coronado coordinate projects of this Italian-Spanish production based in Madrid since 2007. Nowadays Zampanò is a referent in the world of short films with hundreds of awards at International film festivals, including the Goya for Juan y la Cloud.

What do we need the money for?

The total budget is about 19.000€, some of which has been funded by ICAA (Ministry of Culture of Spain); now we need and extra financial support for the post-production process: our aim is to reach 3.000€ through Verkami.

The money will cover post-production costs: editing, color correction, mixing etc. The amount needed is 3.000€, which will be divided in half between audio and video.

Other objectives will overcome if the required sum

At best, if we'll exceed the amount needed, we'll donate the money to charity associations serving our cause.

The short film is expected to be released no later than November 2015, as well as the rewards for our backers.


July 2015 launch of crowdfunding .

Short delivery in August 2015 the ICAA

September 2015 Generation DVDs

October-November shipment Rewards

2016 Official presentation of the short film in Madrid

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  • antonellonu


    over 9 years

    Ciao Adriana, faremo una versione con i sottotitoli in italiano e come associazione la potete presentare dove volete. Il contributo lo puoi dare quando vuoi. il crowdfunding dura 20 giorni. ci sono varie "ricompense" scegline una e poi si paga con un bonifico o con paypal. Se hai dubbi fammi sapere. ciao. nato

  • Adriana Borgioni

    Adriana Borgioni

    over 9 years

    volevo sapere anche se sarà fatta una versione in italiano e se come associazione possiamo presentarla in qualche nostra iniziativa informandoti naturalmente

  • adriana


    over 9 years

    salve sono una socia di una piccola associazione il sito è carminella.it se vuoi dare un'occhiata io mi occupo dell'are sicurezza e ambiente. non ho ben capito quando e come dare il contributo

  • antonellonu


    over 9 years

    Hola, gracias. van en los títulos iniciales. el orden depende da cuanto tenemos. de todaforma creo alfabetico

  • Sergio Abad

    Sergio Abad

    over 9 years

    Hola! Enhorabuena por la buena pinta del cortometraje. ¿Los créditos de productor-asociado-ejecutivo van en los títulos iniciales? ¿Aparecen como en cualquier película y del mismo modo que los de Zampanó? ¿En qué orden? Gracias.

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