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Craft Film Festival Barcelona

New craft film festival with a showcase of low budget independent and autoproduced DIY films. Our first edition will take place during the 7-8-9 of april at the Cinemes Girona, Barcelona.


Created in

From 4.000€
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Craft Film Festival is the first festival in Barcelona that pays special tribute to self-produced films with limited external support. The boutique but diverse international program selected after an open call for full-length feature films offers on display works with high artistic qualities, catching stories, distinctive style and original approach to media. The festival jury is the audience and the award is given following a democratic public vote.

This first edition will take place during the 7-8-9 de Abril at Cinemes Girona, Barcelona

Our selection:

Our mision:

The festival aims to become an exhibition platform for self-produced independent films. By offering these films the chance to get premiered and promoted in Barcelona, it introduces aesthetic diversity on local screen but also provides an encouraging networking environment for gifted filmmakers who received limited support throughout the process of creating their films. We believe that the combination of vocation, talent, love for art and necessity for self-expression deserve individual tribune, separate from big festivals and industry events. We created Craft Film Festival to celebrate small films with big potential.

Why this Festival?

Duty of memory

Craft Film Festival is a project that comes from the heart, an homage to the family memory of two generations of men, my father and my grandfather who in their times were involved with artistic creation.

Inscribed not only in the past but in the present and in the future, for me this special tribute is the best way to create a place for cinema encounters between those who create and those who move art; to meet up, exchange, share a festival, a film festival.

It is also the need to create a free space without censorship or creativity limitations, without producers nor preservatives, an event for creation without compromises which encourages the absolute artistic freedom in the projects.

Who is involved in the festival?

Craft team

Craft Supporters

MANIFESTO: What is craft?

Craft products are associated with sophisticated taste, multifaceted flavours, quality ingredients, a personal touch, passion, and copious talent involved in the production process. All of this applies to craft cinema in particular. It is a result of boutique microproduction that lacks the support of big industry and important institutions but fights for its independent viewpoint.
Craft means auteur cinema par exellence created by people who often sacrifice their sleep and private lives for the sole sake of expressing what they could not leave unexpressed.

Its common features include:

  • auteur point of view;

  • distinctive personal style;

  • high quality of all its components with attention to details;

  • off-"big industry";

  • not (or scarcely) supported by mainstream institutions;

  • independently and self-produced;

  • with limited distribution (not necessarily but it often happens).

Such stylistic and production "restrictions" often suppose micro-budget as well, but the budget amount is not a defining criteria.

The most important characteristic of craft cinema is that it comes straight from the heart. And this is priceless.

Why do we need your support ?

To cover the expenses of the festival:

  • Screening hall fee for 9 screenings during 3 days

  • Subtitles and translation of the films to Spanish or English.

  • Promotional materials (flyers, program booklets, posters etc ...).

For the importance of supporting projects based on collaborative economy and DIY.

and to reward all the European team that puts a lot of energy in this totally self-financed project

Our Rewards:

By supporting our campaign you can book your tickets at a discount that you would not have at the box office, so do not hesitate!

· Craft hugs: the importance of hugging each other in a craft manner at any time and moment of the day.

· Tickets to enjoy the films of the festival and to discover more risky cinema without censorship or limitation of creativity.

· Invitations for the opening party of the festival.

. The official Tote Bag of the festival 100% ecological cotton

· The opportunity to try craft beers with a flavor values ​​the human more than the product.

Calendar planned

This first edition will take place on ** 7-8-9 of April ** in ** Cinemes Girona, Barcelona **

We will send the rewards during and after the festival.

+ Info



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  • Vanessa Pérez de Somacarrera

    Vanessa Pérez de Somacarrera

    almost 8 years

    Hola Gabriel!

    por supuesto nuestro call for entries sigue abierto hasta finales de febrero !

    entra en la web de craft film festival www.craftfilmfestbcn.com y submit via filmfreeway. make sur you read our terms & conditions ! good luck !

  • gabriel amq

    gabriel amq

    almost 8 years

    ¿puedo participar? vivo en los suburbios de buenos aires. argentina. hago cine low cost. tengo 2 peliculas y una por salir. me encantaria exibirlas. mis peliculas tratan de violencia de genero y desaparicion de personas. gracias. saludos cordiales

#10 / iOjo indies! Craft Film Fest Bcn está de vuelta en Abril 2018! / Watch out indies! Craft Film Festival Barcelona is back in April 2018!

iEstamos trabajando a tope preparando la segunda edición con más cine craft que nunca!

Aquí os dejamos el Videobook de la primera edición que ha sido posible con un craftfunding en Verkami, y con un equipo loco por el cine, trabajando en sintonía y con muy buena energía.

iGracias a todos los que lo han hecho posible!

We are working hard preparing the second edition with more craft cinema than ever!

Find here our Videobook of the first edition that has been possible with a crowdfunding in Verkami, and with an amazing team crazy for movies, working hard and with good energy.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible!

#09 / You are in time to enter Craft!

It seems like it was yesterday when we presented the second edition of our Craft Film Festival at the Sitges Film Festival, and we are back with good news! The presentation in one of the most important film events in our country has filled us all with energy and we face with optimism the final stretch of the submissions of films. We have already received more than forty films, and starting today it will only cost 5 euros to send us your craft production.

Another anouncement: we have a new programmer on the team...

After ten days of the best fantastic and horro cinema in Sitges, we have also received the best tips by the two creators of the festival: the director of the exhibition, Ángel Sala, and the deputy director Mike Hostench. Thanks to them, we were able to leave our craft footprint at the presentiation of the second edition of Craft, making a call to all those creators that have DIY movie with good quality, and want to show it to the world.

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#08 / The Craft Team takes on Sitges!

The craft team is having a great time these days in Sitges! Arriving at the opening of the 50th International Festival of Fantastic Cinema of Catalonia, we are counting the hours until this upcoming Thursday 12 of October. We have double reason for celebration: the second edition of the Craft Film Fest will be officially presented and to top it of that same night we will have a party in La Sitgetana Craft Beer. Meanwhile the deadline is still open for you to send us your self-produced films, and be considered as part of our selection …

The red carpet of the Sitges Festival surrenders to the most artisan team ... Our founder Vanessa Pérez, the co-director Aina Seguí and the creative director Massimo Perego Meroni are seeing the best fantastic cinema and taking advantage of networking for the second edition of Craft. If you want to meet… read more

#07 / iVuelve el Craft de la mano del Festival de Sitges!

¡Arranca una semana clave para el segundo Craft Film Fest! Este jueves empieza la selección de películas que serán proyectadas el próximo mes de abril, para volver a poner de relevo el mejor cine autoproducido y fuera de los canales mayoritarios de distribución.

La fecha no es casual porque ese mismo 5 de octubre se inaugura una nueva edición del Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico de Sitges.

Y la celebración de su 50º aniversario albergará ni más ni menos que la presentación de nuestro Craft, el próximo día 12, para gritar al mundo nuestra apuesta por el cine artesanal.

Así que ¡todo son celebraciones! Si eres un amante del cine DIY y te has arriesgado a crear un largometraje de calidad para el que has tenido que rebuscar la financiación, estás de enhorabuena: puedes dar un paso al frente y optar a darte a conocer en nuestro segundo Craft Film Festival.

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#06 / ¡Llega un otoño cargado de cine craft!

Se acaba el verano, pero no todo van a ser malas noticias... Los que volvéis a la rutina con hambre del mejor cine artesanal para poder desconectar, estáis de enhorabuena, porque con el mes de septiembre llegan ¡las segundas 'Craft Film Nights'! El próximo jueves 21 podréis disfrutar en Casa Gracia de "Ekaj", una de las películas más aclamadas de nuestra primera edición. Y dos semanas después, arrancará la selección para el segundo Craft Film Festival, así que agarraos fuerte, porque esto despega...

Si te perdiste las películas de la primera edición del Craft Film Fest, ya no hay excusa, porque estamos de vuelta con las noches de cine artesanal. El jueves 21 de septiembre, a las siete y media de la tarde, la emblemática Casa Gracia de Barcelona proyecta "Ekaj", ópera prima de la directora americana Cati Gonzalez. Esta… read more

#05 / ¡Las Craft Film Nights!

¡Sólo quedan tres días! En nada llega uno de los momentos más importantes para el equipo del Craft Film Fest porque, a la espera de nuestra segunda edición, estrenamos las 'Craft Film Nights', para que podáis volver a disfrutar de las películas con las que iniciamos este sueño artesanal. Casa Gracia y Nómada Brewing Company se han aliado con nosotros y todos juntos somos aún más fuertes, para conseguir que el cine autoproducido de calidad ocupe el lugar que se merece. El pistoletazo de salida, como ya sabéis, con la polaca "Rage", este próximo jueves 27 de julio...

Los que nos acompañásteis desde el principio, seguro que ya la habéis visto, pero por si que queda algún despistado que necesita más razones para subirse con nosotros a las 'Craft Film Nights', ahí vamos. "Rage", de Michał Węgrzyn, no deja a nadie indiferente: en los… read more

#03 / La presentación oficials de Smoking Club

Smoking Club si que sabe como promocionarse y nos presenta el cartel oficial de la peli en La Puerta del Sol. #verdeprimavera #HollyWeed

Os invitamos a que vengas a ver la película al Craft Film Festival, ya que las entradas compradas a través del Verkami tienen un descuento especial!!

#02 / Intriga, sexo y marihuana, parte del cine DIY que propone Craft Film Festival By Zurda

Nuevo artículo sobre el Craft Film Festival en Zurda Magazine

En el podréis descubrir más información sobre tres de la películas que presentaremos durante el festival:

Needle Boy (Dinamarca, 2016, 80´)

Rage (Polonia, 2017, 83’)

Smoking Club (España, 2016, 80’)

Las entradas para ver cualquiera de las películas están ya disponibles en la plataforma Verkami, así que no dudéis en animar a vuestros amigos para que os acompañen al cine.

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