Aloya y el Mar This project aims the publication of the book Aloya y el Mar from María Quintanar Salvador y Almudena Canet Gil to raise money for ASLEUVAL Books / Positive impact 341% Project crowdfunded on July 13, 2021 🎉 261 Pledges 9.200€ From 2.700€
Subversive Motherhoods Orgasmic childbirth, pleasure during breastfeeding, multiple fatherhood, motherhood in post-pornography, transsexual and transgender motherhood… these are some of the topics I want to deal with in the book *Subversive Motherhoods*. Because motherhood can and should be revolutionary! Books / Lgtbiq, Positive impact 139% Project crowdfunded on June 07, 2014 🎉 275 Pledges 6.814€ From 4.900€