Protagonists of Progress is a movement that seeks to give visibility, guide and support the projects of anonymous heroes and dreamers, who with their daily actions are responsible for contributing to the community, enabling the growth and transformation of society.
About the rewards
In this campaign we want to invite you to join us on building the movement, allowing the stories of the Protagonists of Progress of Comuna 13 of Medellin to reach more people, through a documentary and a publication, while we can continue visibilizing and supporting other Protagonists` projects that are generating growth and transformation in their communities.
On the one hand, the publication talks about the anonymous heroes who helped build the Comuna 13 movement (Medellín, Colombia), with magnificent illustrations and other graphic elements that allow us to situate ourselves in their reality and inspire us to create our own story of progress.
We include the stories of Daniel Felipe Quiceno "Perrograff", who is co-founder of the "Graffitour" of Comuna 13; Sebastián Castro, "Sebas", Family businessman, partner of the most famous ice creams in Comuna 13: Las Cremas de Doña Consuelo; Marta Medina "Malu Medina 13", community leader and cultural manager at the head of the Culturizzarte corporation; and Luís Fernando Álvarez "AKA", co-founder of the Hip Hop-Agrarian movement - AgroArte of Comuna 13.
Comuna 13 Movement Publication Preview
The founders of the movement Protagonists of Progress, Tatiana Agudelo and Daniel Yuste wrote the content and collaborated with Empathy - Strategic Design Studio to bring this project to life from the following concept: “We designed a publication that powers the narratives of these stories, using illustrations and compositions that comes from a seed; the same one that is sown, grows and transforms in the progress that each protagonist has to tell.”
On the other hand, you will have the opportunity to be the first ones to see the documentary of Comuna 13(Medellín, Colombia) online, which is a 54-minute tour full of color and imagination through the neighborhood showing that, beyond the stories of violence, a new generation is looking for ** new definitions of progress** through street artistic proposals mixed with the axes of education, entrepreneurship and science, where local people talk about empowerment, how citizens thrive, with or without institutional help. The original idea and the executive production of this documentary came from Daniel Yuste and the direction was in charge of Luís Villegas with the collaboration of multiple members of Protagonists of Progreso.
Click here to watch the trailer of the Comuna 13 Movement Documentary
About us
Protagonists of Progress is a transmedia movement with social impact, which seeks to make visible the lives of people who within their daily actions, manage to transform their personal reality, that of the people around them, and that of their community in a extraordinary way, all over the world, starting with Latin America, preventing them from self-exclusion and motivating them to potentiate their great capacities. At the same time, we seek that these stories become references to follow for future generations, impacting many aspects and people of today's Latin American society.
We define Protagonists of Progress as people who dream, and think of getting ahead every day, of contributing to society; who with their actions, (often not valued by a society that values distant icons) manage to grow, advance and transform their lives and those of their communities; people who dare to try new things, who are constantly changing and moving, transforming their realities through everyday acts in an extraordinary way; but also people who have overcome and continue to overcome the most complex and hard moments in life; people who with their actions can inspire millions of people around the world who have the hidden power of beign relevant to achieve a great change that improves their lives and those of the people around them.
Throughout the creation of the Protagonists of Progreso movement, its founder, Daniel Yuste and his team, has been able to participate in multiple initiatives with which they have been able to impact more than 250,000 people, mobilize more than 4.5 million euros, over 11 years and in 4 different countries, such as with Heroes Fest and H2i.
The Heroes Fest was made in partnership with Innpulsa, a Colombian government institution that called us to design a program that would generate interest in all kinds of people, regardless of their condition, activating interest for social entrepreneurship, starting with Medellín in 2014. There, more than 2000 participants attended the 3 days of the event, which included 11 keynotes, 11 challenges to solve and 33 practical workshops.
Additionally, H2i institute was a school of innovation centered on people in which a they learnt a methodology to develop innovation projects, training students who are now agents of change in leading companies. The training focused on innovation as an attitude. We trained people from all kinds of countries, in the schools of Madrid and Medellín, learning to move in uncertain and complex spaces, facilitating the conditions where where they could experiment new ways of thinking and doing. During 8 years at the school, and together with different sponsors (public and private companies) we gave scholarships to hundreds of people from different cities, origins, abilities and knowledge.
The team is conformed by:
Daniel Yuste, founder of the movement;
Tatiana Agudelo, creating the writing for the publication, the chronicles, and the book;
Luis Villegas, and Pavo Real, directing the documentary;
Raphael Alex de Sousa, designing the platform;
Sandra González, supporting from knowledge and design;
Empathy - Strategic Design Studio, creating a wonderful publication;
Alejandra Gómez, thinking about Education and creating the concept of La Escuela (The School);
Alejandro Echeverry, creating a wonderful publication;
Deisys Tejeda, creating a wonderful publication;
David Vega, thinking about Education and creating the concept of La Escuela (The School);
Diego Muñoz, non-stop designing from the beginning;
Jordán Azpeitia, helping with visual and graphic design;
Lucia de Casas Arizon, in shaping Social Responsibility;
Pablo Navas Sampere, in the first steps of the content and editorial proposal;
Verónica Pinzón, thinking about Education and creating the concept of La Escuela (The School);
Juan Roldan, researching and designing experience;
Alejandro González, structuring the necessary numbers for products and services;
Beatriz Maldonado, designing the marketing strategy;
Isabel Castro, researching and systematizing definitions of progress;
Felipe Maya, supporting the RRSS strategy;
Ariel Alejandro Serrano, designing the content for the marketing strategy;
Sofía Botero, promoting the crowdfunding campaign and the movement.
What will we allocate your contributions to?
As our mission is to make visible, guide and support the work of the Protagonists of Progress, focusing in this case on the Comuna 13 of Medellín, we want to bring these stories to your homes so that we can visibilize and inspire others.
In this way, two thirds of the resources collected will be used to cover the administrative and logistical costs (printing and assembly, disclosure of the documentary, shipping, operation and logistics costs, among others) of the rewards, and the generation of new content to promote the work of the other Protagonists from different parts of the world.
The remaining third part will go to support the projects of the Protagonists of Progress.
Planned schedule
August - September 2022: crowdfunding campaign.
October 2022: delivery of digital rewards (documentary and digital publication) to patrons.
December 2022: delivery of rewards with physical delivery to patrons.
+ Info
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Gran trabajo equipo !
Felipe Maya RVN
¡Con toda!
Sonia Hernandez
mucha suerte!!!!!!!!!!!!
disFRUTA tus sueños hechos realidad!!!
Beatriz Guardia Fernandez
Aún en las circunstancias más adversas hay esperanza, gracias al empuje y a la creatividad
Gracias por el esfuerzo, tiempo e ilusión que has puesto y pones cada día en tu movimiento social. Gracias por mostrarnos que El Progreso es algo que depende de todos nosotros e ilustrarnos con ejemplos de lo que una persona es capaz de conseguir y mas gracias todavía por darnos la oportunidad de participar. Pura vida!
Full mindful power!!!!
Irene Corredera
Enhorabuena por el proyecto, felicidades a vosotros.
Enhorabuena por el proyecto, Dani y todo el equipo! Deseando estoy de escuchar a los protagonistas del progreso.