Poemario devorador ilustrado: En el nombre del Hambre Dramaturgia poética de la performance En el Nombre del Hambre con la voz poética de Lucía Callén e ilustrado por Edén Herrera Artbook / Art, Poetry 113% Project crowdfunded on April 22, 2023 🎉 83 Pledges 3.945€ From 3.500€
“Poemari per a acordió” by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA Compilation of poetic texts in the form of a book and a musical version on the networks. Poetry / Music, Books 101% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2022 🎉 115 Pledges 4.026€ From 4.000€
Freedom Un juego de rimas. Board games / Poetry 166% Project crowdfunded on May 11, 2021 🎉 125 Pledges 2.484€ From 1.500€
Ayudemos a que La Oreja Magica regrese a la radio.NUEVA META: 1600 Euros. Con tu ayuda La Oreja Mágica ya regresará al aire todos los jueves en setiembre.Con esta nueva meta podremos pagar tres meses adelantados. Radio and Podcast 154% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2019 🎉 37 Pledges 1.845€ From 1.200€
Entre lugares y retos: Escocia ¡Viajer@s! esto es para vosotros. Una guía que no es guía y una App sin ser App. No te quedes solo en el papel. ¿Aceptas el reto? Journalism / Travel 117% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2018 🎉 27 Pledges 1.165€ From 1.000€
A CERTAIN WORLD TOUR... 60 YEARS LATER A collection of never-published documents, photos, telegrams and letters about World Tour of Tartarini and Monetti by motorcycles in 1957 Documentary / History, Publications, Travel 101% Project crowdfunded on January 25, 2018 🎉 118 Pledges 6.058€ From 6.000€
The Big Book of Important Bigwigs This artbook brings together a collection of combustible portraits of the "Adopt an important Bigwig" project. 45 portraits and stories in an exclusive Edition which is only available through this crowdfunding campaign. The Wordwide Pack includes worldwide shipping. Trilingual edition (EN, ES, GL) Artbook 123% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2017 🎉 150 Pledges 6.656€ From 5.400€
Técnica de Dúo Técnica de Dúo-Duo of Technique by Master René de Cárdenas is a book edited in Spanish, English, and Italian. Teaches the dance of couples in Classical Dance with a novel Methodology, interviews, and a detailed technical explanation, defining the rules of preparation and development of the teaching. Publications / Dance 119% Project crowdfunded on March 19, 2017 🎉 47 Pledges 2.210€ From 1.850€
Ma che dici? Ma che dici?/¿Pero qué dices? es un libro de expresiones italianas y españolas ilustrado con humor a todo color. Books / Illustration 108% Project crowdfunded on December 03, 2016 🎉 142 Pledges 3.766€ From 3.500€
Hilos: un libro para empezar un largo viaje Se habla mucho de como es vivir en un país extranjero, de cuantas cosas se quedan atrás, de cuantas hay por delante. A veces es una huída, a veces es lanzarse al vacío, a veces es un nuevo inicio. Si queréis descubrirlo, solo hay que apoyar a este pequeño proyecto y empezar a viajar conmigo :) Books 140% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2016 🎉 76 Pledges 1.521€ From 1.083€
Gol o Penalti: "El Loco Higuita y el Escorpión" Gol o penalti es una colección de libros ilustrados con historias reales de fútbol. Un fútbol diferente. Un fútbol con travesuras, locuras, dulces derrotas y tristes victorias. Un fútbol cercano al patio del colegio, al parque. Porque el fútbol es un juego. Y nadie sabe más de eso que los niños. Children's book / Sport 116% Project crowdfunded on July 16, 2016 🎉 190 Pledges 4.981€ From 4.300€
how to analyze and evaluate mat-housing The book "how to analyse and evaluate mat housing" questions the validity of the system of Mat Building in contemporary residential production. Characterized by a large graphic section, the book analyzes different projects highlighting architectural and urbanistic potentials and deficiencies. Books 108% Project crowdfunded on April 24, 2016 🎉 104 Pledges 2.700€ From 2.500€
Iscrie una lìtera a SOS "TRES RES" Est unu cuncursu destinadu a sos iscolanos de sas iscolas elementares de Sardigna, chi podent iscrìere in sardu a sos Tres Res. Sas 20 lìteras prus galanas ant a èssere premiadas cun unu pratu decoradu e sa publicatzione in uu libru, paris cun 60 lìteras sinnaladas. Books / Events 102% Project crowdfunded on December 23, 2015 🎉 64 Pledges 1.990€ From 1.950€
Travelbooks & Sketches. JAVIER ZABALA For the first time may come to light a care selection of my sketches made in more than 60 travel notebooks and preparatory drawings and ideas that sleep in hundreds of boxes and drawers. A book of about 200 pages and an opportunity to know about my work processes. Artbook / Travel 191% Project crowdfunded on November 28, 2015 🎉 400 Pledges 11.454€ From 6.000€
'Here & There (again)' The project 'Here & There (again)' will be a book compiling a selection of drawings made on location by Miguel Herranz during the last 3 years. Artbook 194% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2015 🎉 305 Pledges 7.765€ From 4.000€
'O Malamente 'O Malamente è tornato! E questa volta per restare... ... nelle vostre librerie! Comic / Illustration, Books 114% Project crowdfunded on July 05, 2015 🎉 204 Pledges 9.106€ From 8.000€
LIBYA CLOSE UP by Ricardo García Vilanova - photojournalist released in Siria Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, freelance photojournalist, has spent 194 days in Syria kidnapped and has received no income since then. All profits from the publication of his work LIBYA CLOSE UP will go to ensure his economic security until recovery. Photography / Journalism 125% Project crowdfunded on May 13, 2014 🎉 840 Pledges 37.416€ From 30.000€
il Semaforo Blu Il Semaforo Blu sarà una libreria specializzata in libri per bambini e per ragazzi, da 0 a 16 anni. Il contributo di ogni persona sarà importante per la realizzazione di questo luogo, che acquista valore e significato se diventa luogo partecipato e condiviso. Community / Publications 100% Project crowdfunded on April 24, 2014 🎉 96 Pledges 7.025€ From 7.000€