When you finish this book you´ll continue to be just as insignificant as you were before
"The Big Book of Important Bigwigs" will bring together, for the first time, the combustible portraits which were part of an experimental project called "Adopt an Important Bigwig", an exhibition that has been on display in various parts of Galicia since last December.
This is all dependent, of course, upon us reaching our target. In the event that the campaign ends without reaching our target, your pledges will be refunded, the book will not see the light of day and the Important Bigwigs will fade back into oblivion just as they have many times before
When this book is published, some of the original art pieces that are contained within it will be burned in a bonfire during the festival of San Juan. Others have been happily adopted.
An exclusive edition available only through Verkami
This book is an exclusive and limited edition available only through this Verkami campaign. The number of copies produced will be limited to the number of pledges within these 40 days, after which it will only be available (at a higher price) through participating distributors
In addition to a reproduction of the The Important Bigwigs exhibition, the book will include associated stories, an epilogue written by the historian Alfonso Mato, a chapter serving as an explanatory memorandum of the project and the graphic documentation outlining the design process and the final performance.
For these reasons, we are fully committed to creating and editing this exquisite and original art book.
Reflecting the worst of ourselves
The pages of this book tell the story of a full bestiary of characters who are victims of huge egos, greed, hunger for power and pride... This book is populated by Lords (and also Ladies) who considered themselves too important and, as a result, forgot that they were no more than wood pieces waiting for fire and oblivion.
The Important Bigwigs remind us, with their pleading looks, that our time is short and nothing can ever really be too important.
Art or just firewood?
This book is the final part of an experimental project that was born as an exhibition and performance piece. One of the greatest challenges was to reflect the role of chance within history, the concept of the value and how the market decides upon it. The idea was to propose a game and to let the viewer (whether it be the general public or a client) take the final decision on what can be defined as a piece of art and what is just firewood.
On June 23 all unpurchased pieces will burn in a bonfire on the festival of San Juán.
Finally, this book will collate all the portraits of the preceding exhibition meaning that it will be the only vestige of its existence.
What do you get for your contribution?
The received contributions will be used to pay for the costs of the publication which will be printed to the highest quality that we can afford, including the fees of the collaborators and the manufacturing costs of the finalised book.
We want it to be a special book in your library, so we´ll pay maximum attention to detail and finish.
Although the composition and design work is not yet finalised, upon reaching our goal the technical specifications will be as follows:
120 pages 4/4 inks
size 21 x 26 cm
hardcover with jacket
matte coated paper 150gr
If we exceed our goal we will be able to further enhance the quality of the book.
And what about the rewards?
Only through your contribution to this campaign can the publication of the book be possible. Additionally, you ´ll be buying it at a lower price than it will be available for on the market (€20 unit verses the recommended retail price of €30).
Attention! Pledges include shipping to anywhere in Spain, but the WORLDWIDE PACK includes shipping to anywhere in the world!!!
In addition, you can pick from any of the following rewards:
A print of one of The Important Bigwigs, numbered and personally signed. Dimensions: 20x20cm..
A copy of Land´s End, Coast of Death, 10 postcards, by Natasha Lelenco. A work about the local collective imagination that gives its name to the Coast of Death and reproduces the paintings that were part of the homonymous exhibition at the Fisterra Lighthouse exhibition during the summer of 2015.
- A small wood transfer (12,5x12,5cm approx.) from the A Forest series, numbered and personally signed.
- Two nights for two people in the Casa das Peritas. I will open my house and my studio to those who opt for this reward (only 5 possible). The Casa das Peritas is an old country house nearby Fisterra and the Lagosteira Beach. This reward offers a room with double bed, the experience to stay here and all the hospitality in the world. Attention! If you´re interested, please contact us first at [email protected] to confirm availability.
- Your own portrait as an Important /Lady. This award offers the possibility to dedicate a unique and exclusive portrait, in the same style and the same wood support and sizes as the rest of The Important Lords&Ladies. In addition, if desired by the patron, it may be part of the book. Attention! Interested persons should contact us beforehand at [email protected] to agree on conditions).
This campaign begins the first day of the final exhibition in Os Catro Gatos, Santiago de Compostela.
On June 23 pieces that haven't been adopted will be burned in a live performance piece near the Casa das Peritas, Mallas, Fisterra.
The campaign will end on the 29 June. Following this, we will begin to work on the composition and the editing of the book.
September - October: Last phase of edition and composition.
November: Manufacturing
The First week of December: Public presentation and delivery of rewards. The Important Bigwigs will go home for Christmas.
To view the Important Bigwigs during their last exhibition
Between May 20 and June 21, there are about 20 Important Bigwigs who have still not been adopted. They can be seen in all their glory between Tuesday and Saturday, from 18:00 h to 21:00, in Os Catro Gatos (Rua das Rodas No. 13, Santiago de Compostela).
Although the option of adoption isn’t part of this crowdfunding campaign, adopting any of the remaining pieces will also contribute to the success of the project.
This project in the media:
Entrevista no Zigzag Diario da CRTVG martes 18 de abril de 2017
Reportaxe de Sandra de la Fuente no Faro de Vigo 12 de Marzo de 2017
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Guille Olguin
¡Qué bien! Felicidades
Carlos Meixide
Meiji/Meixi xa temos o noso!!!
Natasha Lelenco
Moitísimas grazas Malvido!!!
Na Illa de Arousa, desexamos que o proxecto sexa un exitazo, Natasha!!
Natasha Lelenco
:) Muchas gracias por la pregunta, Ana! Planteado de este modo, tendrá que haberlo! El primero de ellos es un agradecimiento inmenso! ...Y seguimos pensando... :)
Ruiz Ana
¿No hay premio a la primera aportadora? ¿aunque no sea importante? ¿ni el premio ni la aportación? Abrazo!!!