Vaudeville Circus: un auténtico Cabaret Un espectáculo de variedad en auténtico estilo retro, una forma de entretenimiento “diferente”: extravagante, divertida y cómica Performing Arts / Magic, Cabaret, Circus, Music, Dance 115% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 2.870€ From 2.500€
FlamenCaravana Acquisition of a van to travel our flamenco art to all corners of Europe. Dance / Flamenco 101% Project crowdfunded on December 05, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.543€ From 3.500€
Técnica de Dúo Técnica de Dúo-Duo of Technique by Master René de Cárdenas is a book edited in Spanish, English, and Italian. Teaches the dance of couples in Classical Dance with a novel Methodology, interviews, and a detailed technical explanation, defining the rules of preparation and development of the teaching. Publications / Dance 119% Project crowdfunded on March 19, 2017 🎉 47 Pledges 2.210€ From 1.850€
Play with Food - La scena del cibo PLAY WITH FOOD is the first visual and performing arts festival devoted to food: theater, dance, video, photography, sound design and cooking. Food / Performing arts, Events, Art, Photography, Dance 117% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2012 🎉 28 Pledges 1.400€ From 1.200€