TRIPLE CD "MIQUEL PUJADÓ CANTA GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR I ANARQUIA" ("MIQUEL PUJADÓ SINGS GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR AND ANARCHY") Edition of a triple CD with the BRASSENS songs that have been translated and adapted by MIQUEL PUJADÓ, sung by him and by other performers. Songwriter 212% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2025 🎉 129 Pledges 4.235€ From 2.000€
Empatica, Disco Vanessa Bissiri 8 canciones vienen a dibujar un universo de sentidos y visiones. En la búsqueda de un sonido propio me descubro y me relato. Me ayudas? Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on December 13, 2022 🎉 81 Pledges 3.055€ From 3.000€
DE FOC I DE VELLUT, MIQUEL PUJADO'S NEW CD 40 years after his first LP, MIQUEL PUJADÓ publishes a new album with great musicians like Xavier Batllés. Songwriter 144% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2021 🎉 121 Pledges 3.610€ From 2.500€
Mundo de Ilusão Mundo de Ilusão es el primer CD de samba como cantautor de Mestre Boca Rica (Ricardo Corsi) y contará co 13 musicas inéditas. Songwriter 109% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2021 🎉 175 Pledges 5.430€ From 5.000€
REPOM is great disc of Toni de l'Hostal First-to-last album of roscan songsinger Tony from the Hostel: ten and a half chansongs cleared by Hector Thrown with a bunch of co-wankers! Songwriter 192% Project crowdfunded on March 18, 2020 🎉 137 Pledges 3.839€ From 2.000€
Juan Pinilla presents 'Humana Raíz' HUMANA RAÍZ is my most personal project made with lyrics written by me and musicadas by great companions. Thank you all! Songwriter / Flamenco 310% Project crowdfunded on March 15, 2020 🎉 253 Pledges 12.415€ From 4.000€
Participate in the new album "CUENTOS SIN LEYENDAS" by Dwayna & The Band We are already working to record our 3rd album. 9 stories made songs and we will do it BIG with VIDEOCLIP included. Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on December 19, 2018 🎉 111 Pledges 3.513€ From 3.500€
Brian Scavullo - My first CD (MIXED EMOTIONS) I'm Brian Scavullo and my biggest dream is to record my first CD and share my music with the entire world. Do you want to be a part of it? Songwriter 106% Project crowdfunded on November 28, 2018 🎉 120 Pledges 2.649€ From 2.500€
Marcos García - First Album "They will always be glorious birds" is Marcos García's first LP. The album is a honest summary of three beautiful years of composition Songwriter 133% Project crowdfunded on October 17, 2018 🎉 128 Pledges 3.979€ From 3.000€
Chi sa se un giorno Registrazione del cd della canzone principale del progetto Amatrice. Songwriter / Community, Positive impact 132% Project crowdfunded on May 12, 2018 🎉 85 Pledges 2.115€ From 1.600€
Bohèmes Bohèmes or the surprises of life. Enjoy! Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on September 10, 2016 🎉 71 Pledges 2.500€ From 2.500€
Claudio Gabriel Sanna nou disc "Altres Paraules" El cantautor de l’Alguer Claudio Gabriel Sanna enregistra el nou disc "Altres Paraules". Després d’haver dedicat els darrers anys a interpretar obres de la tradició musical algueresa, torna a ficar les mans en aquell humus inspiratiu, que al 2008 havia definit "Terrer meu", darrer album en solitari. Songwriter 118% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2015 🎉 85 Pledges 4.420€ From 3.740€
Fernando Tato, First Album Melancholic sounds perfectly matching a deep-soft voice, songs that speak about love sickness. Fernando Tato turns to us for his first solo flight. Songwriter 105% Project crowdfunded on August 31, 2013 🎉 58 Pledges 4.710€ From 4.500€
Shabad Simran A cd with Kundalini Yoga mantras, in collaboration with many musicians, artists and friends, a project with many owners! Songwriter 126% Project crowdfunded on April 20, 2013 🎉 107 Pledges 3.215€ From 2.552€
Por encima de las palabras- El nuevo disco de Samuele Arba Campaña de recaudación de fondos para participar en la edición del nuevo trabajo de Samuele Arba, un disco compuesto por doce canciones en diversos idiomas. Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on March 22, 2013 🎉 47 Pledges 2.001€ From 2.000€
Marta Mattotti & Los Martianos: 1º CD!! HI! I'm Marta Mattotti, italian songwriter! After 2 years of work, my first CD it' about to be released! It's a compilation of ironic-groovy songs recorded in Barcelona together with my band "Los Martianos" (Colombia, Ecuador). I hope you'll help me make this dream come true! Enjoy the music! Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on January 28, 2013 🎉 71 Pledges 3.055€ From 3.000€
Magnetica Hello friends! I am producing my Cd! 12 new tunes,some of them already heard in my live concerts, some of them freshly composed. Would you like to participate as a producer? Yes? Keep reading, come with me out of the comfort zone! That's where magic happens! Let's live the question now! Songwriter / Jazz 110% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2012 🎉 128 Pledges 6.595€ From 6.000€
From Orlando To Santiago L’idea del progetto culturale “From Orlando To Santiago” è del cantautore, drammaturgo e attore Orlando Manfredi, in arte Duemanosinistra. Dopo “intimo rock”, disco di debutto, il nuovo lavoro indagherà il tempo e lo spazio intimi per eccellenza, quelli del Cammino di Santiago. Songwriter / Rock 115% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2012 🎉 106 Pledges 3.460€ From 3.000€