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REPOM is great disc of Toni de l'Hostal

First-to-last album of roscan songsinger Tony from the Hostel: ten and a half chansongs cleared by Hector Thrown with a bunch of co-wankers!

Metrònom Bureo

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From 2.000€
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We caught - among three, the uncle Guiza was not left behind! - to the hilarious co-author Toni de l'Hostal and convinced him to write a floppy disk with unpublished songs from his usual repertoire:


Xe, Toni de l'Hostal (grandson), the song of the paella and the one of the faults and the one that is not dedicated to the king! The first Valencian musician to be censured by the official music circuit in Valencian. The only truly native showman that doesn't always come on autonometric television. And the last singer-songwriter of the 20th century who had not yet released a record in his name, until…


Till today, the Repom operation began now a couple of years or three years ago, in 2017, with the assignment of the villager-real blockbuster Hėctor Spector Tirado to be in charge of harvesting the (world) figure and extracting his juice ( songs) and will end this year, 2020, with the world premiere of the album in Valencia on Friday, April 3 at night, at the OCCC of Sant Ferran Street, near the Market.

In between there has been a smoke of hours between the melon rehearsal, the release of the water, the days of the exit to the sunset and all the mixing, mastering and boxing of the repom.


Repom! The record is called Repom because all the songs are second flower and each branch, but there is none that is rejection; are all hits! "All killer, not filler."

Among the ten songs (and a half) that Repom has in everything, as in the best houses: from the nihilism of secondary sexual attributes to the contemporary round; from South American beats to harmonious Andalusian harmonies; from popular verses and transferable to the most sought after consonant rhymes; of the Occitan contributions to Portuguese exports; and "the most apex song in the world" to the unofficial anthem of the Ribera del Júcar.

Foto Xepo WS
Foto Xepo WS

How much?

Hey, two thousand eurets, that recording a disc is not in vain, and this year the orange is gone! First of all you will have to pay the debts of the technical process and advance the money for the manufacture of plastics: because we want to remove it in elepet, as well as make copies in discompact and, incidentally, T-shirts for young people. And shoot a video clip or some trellado, if we stretch the budget enough.


Co, which is rounder!

-The disciple, that's clear. Or at least the songs in digital download, if you are not buying floppy disks in Òldies. We will make two editions in plasticine: the first on CD, simpler; the second, on vinyl, special and short throw (not for nothing, but because they cost more to make). From collector!

-T-shirts? We have thought of a pair, in the sizes that are necessary. If you want to cut off your hoses or knock them off, it's up to you.

-A recital you will never forget: the 3rd of April, when we will release the record, or what we will do in your home or wherever you say, if you have more gold than you weigh.


The songs are already recorded, the mix and master made and the records made; All you need to do is print t-shirts and discos for distribution on the day of the world premiere on April 3, if there is enough demand. Will you come or not?

Of course!


The photos in the folder are from the instagramoxonic favareter Cayetano Bravo, ASC (asporgãor/solfatãor/collidor):

Autoretrat a l
Autoretrat a l'oli de nim ~ Cayetano Bravo, 2017

And the promotional portraits have been made by Xepo WS ('welo saboc):

Desdejú sobre la cinta ~ Xepo WS, 2019
Desdejú sobre la cinta ~ Xepo WS, 2019


  • Is available digital download for all rewards? Thanks be given to you in advance.

    Yes, my dear friend: every rewards carry free digital download for your satisfaction in listening. To retrieve digital download, please wait for Verkami to finish, then we submit download link from Bangkamp for pleasure listen at your home or vehicle. 謝謝!

  • Is the disc apt for younglings?

    Blimey, there are words they will not understand and swears they won't miss, but it depends on the level of moniaterize you want to emit to your offspring: after all, there is much more to life than child music.

  • Is shipping including in the prize?

    Nay, but if it's ministery we'll send it to you debately: it means, if you are coming to some concert or pass through my people or see me through yours, stop my career and I will donate to you, so that's we will starvate in soubriquets and potatoes.

  • I wants the disc signed & dedicated!

    Oi mate, that ain't no question; that be a commandment! The disc in vinyl will go indeed signed and numbered; if you wanted a dedicacy in whichever of yon rewards, you tell through that mouth and we'll do as we please, as he who doth what he can…

  • Oi, will me name be in yon credits?

    Nay, ye letters-sitter!

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Jacint Hernández

    Jacint Hernández

    almost 5 years

    A vorem el repom si té suc o que té

  • Andrea Sanz

    Andrea Sanz

    almost 5 years

    Grande! 🌈

  • armandus


    almost 5 years

    Visca la Mare de Déu de Sales! Visca Ous-de-Porlam!

  • Josep


    almost 5 years

    Ueeeeeeeee! Tonidelhostal forewa!

  • Daniel Rosell

    Daniel Rosell

    almost 5 years

    Toniiii quin comiat mos vares fer!! :)) a tope amb Repom!

  • Conxa Romero

    Conxa Romero

    almost 5 years

    L'actuació seria en un sopar el 8 d'octubre a la Vilavella

  • Isaac Friki

    Isaac Friki

    almost 5 years


  • Barbara ciscar

    Barbara ciscar

    almost 5 years

    Molta sort!!

  • Teresa


    almost 5 years

    Un projecte fantàstic! M’apunte! ;)

  • Santi


    almost 5 years

    Toni! no m'envies un disc rebordonit!

#05 / Com a figues en cofí

Bon dia si no plou! Com només queden dos dies på tancar la parãeta, anirem arrematan' garbes: aneu pensan'-vos de quina mida voldreu el camisó i si vos apanya algun model dels que vos anem a-mostrant; no patiu, qu'a partir de dimecres vos ho preguntarem cert:

(TdlH vol dir Toni de l
(TdlH vol dir Toni de l'Hostal, per si no havíeu caigut)

Mentrestant encâ podeu fer propaganda per si algú no s'ha decidit a fer-mos gasto. Com això ja 'stà en casa y'igual ja 'stareu farts d'aguantar el cagueravirus 'este, acabe d'alçar les cançons (i les lletres!) en Bankamp, aixina podeu anar cantan'-les d'ací al concert: punxa ací i vøràs Madrið!

#04 / Acollonavirus

No, encâ no tinguem el COVIDi Montllor 'ixe, pero com el panorama pinta prou negre tindrem d'ajornar el concert del dia 3: si havíeu crompat l'entrâ vos valdrà igual pål dia que siga (avisarem & temps i prou de marge de maniobra); si hau demanat el recital privat, millor que siga en un parell de mesos, cara 'l bon temps.

Mentrimentre, mohâtros estem aclarint la remestra del coronavinil i decidint quina fotet ficarem en les camisetetes, qu'esta que teníem pensâ ja no aprofita. O sí?

…del dia 1 al dia
…del dia 1 al dia 'la Cremâ?

#03 / Açò és un no parar

Ahir a þoqueta nit aplegàrem al cent per cent dês dos mil èuros i un poquet: això vol dir qu'el projecte tirarà avant i tindreu lo qu'hàgeu əncomanat, â quan passen vint-i-huit dies i mos organißem på fer-vos-ho aplegar; pero vosâtros no pareu de nomenar-los-ho âs vostres coneguts, qu'encâ li val a crompar discs i de tot. På celebrar-ho, ací podeu vøre com quedarà la mostra campanya de màrquetinq dissenyâ per un estudi internacional de disseny:

…ês collons m
…ês collons m'əspolses!

#02 / Bona nit, repoms!

Ja fa una setmaneta que obrírem la parãeta i açò ja va més que la llum! Ara mateix estem al 75% del capital i queda un mes justet per a fer arreplegó: per si no sabeu com funciona açò del cropfarming, cal dir que, quan apleguem als dos mil eurets encara podreu seguir mercant i firan'-vos camisoletes, disquets i entrãetes på l'astreno universal del 3 d'abril; si voldreu que faça una 'strena local en el vostre poble no s'əncanteu, que ja en tinguem un parell més aparaulães. Si tingueu algun duþte, llegiu la secció de FAQ (Furonegeu Ací, Queferosos) o feu un preguntat nou, que tammé li val.

Mentrimentres, nyas un' âtra frûta del Repom que potser siga la més borda del disc: "Taronges", una versió de la cançó homònima del conjunt רוקפור, & un afegitó de categoria internacional a càrrec del meu amigatxo Primaël; si əndevineu en quina llengua canta, tindreu prèmit! Una pista: no és portugués.

P.D: l'amic Enric ho ha əndevinat!read more

#01 / Bon dia i bona marxa!

Hola! Ara farà vint-i-quatre horetes que mamprenguérem el micromercenatge o com es diga açò, i â mateixeta n'hi ha un 22% del pressupost cwbert: suponc qu'entre hui i demà això frenarà un poquet, que com fa bo la gent estarà fent-se palles —perdó; volia dir pãelles— pel camp, aixina qu'aprofiteu på nomenar-los-ho âs vostres cunyats.

Ara, este primer escrit és d'agraïment als que ja heu contribuït a la causa: gràcies, maries! De moment, ahí va un single primerenc på que feu goleta: una floreta de l'any 2003 (la primera cançó pròpia que feren les Mãedéus)!

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