Cap al primer CD Després d'una petita gira, Seyka ens tanquem a preparar el nostre primer CD. Un disc cuinat a foc lent que no deixarà indiferent a ningú Reggae and Ska 134% Project crowdfunded on January 15, 2022 🎉 96 Pledges 4.010€ From 3.000€
Jamaican Jazz Lover: "Embracing the Down Beat" We have decided to transform the energy accumulated during the pandemic into music. Help us to publish our second album!! Reggae and Ska 138% Project crowdfunded on May 11, 2021 🎉 57 Pledges 2.076€ From 1.500€
LP vinyl Sound System Selection by Good Over Evil Good Over Evil will release our first 12 inch vinyl, Sound System Selection. Featuring 6 singers ; 6 songs + 4 Dub versions. Reggae and Ska 104% Project crowdfunded on January 10, 2021 🎉 71 Pledges 1.981€ From 1.900€
This is Ska (Book) This Jamaican music book will take you to the glorious decade of Ska and Rocksteady. 60 unpublished scores that you can interpret. Books / Reggae and ska 131% Project crowdfunded on August 11, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.270€ From 2.500€
"To my people" the new album by Baba Sall & Raka Ndao. Give away sounds of the world. Participate in the recording and publication of our album and support together social projects in Africa. Reggae and Ska 101% Project crowdfunded on February 04, 2019 🎉 79 Pledges 4.020€ From 4.000€
WAW - Creation of the 1º physical disc After months working on the songs, we only need one last economic boost to get our first physical CD. Rock / Reggae and ska, Funk 112% Project crowdfunded on February 16, 2018 🎉 56 Pledges 615€ From 550€
STORMIN' - DROP COLLECTIVE's First Album Love and passion for Jazz, Reggae and Ska in one album. Reggae and Ska / Jazz 117% Project crowdfunded on January 22, 2018 🎉 141 Pledges 4.669€ From 4.000€
MARINAH (Ojos de Brujo) is preparing her new album MARINAH (Ojos de Brujo) is preparing her new album, "Afrolailo". Including rumba, reggae, afro-cuba and flamenco, it’s music with a woman's voice. Let’s do it together, in a direct way, in a friendly way. Make the project yours, give it what you can, spread it and tell your neighbor. Reggae and Ska / Latin, Flamenco, Rumba 107% Project crowdfunded on April 12, 2017 🎉 275 Pledges 10.376€ From 9.700€
Sr.WILSON & The Island Defenders – New album Sr.Wilson y 'The Island Defenders' – Reggae, Rub a Dub, Rap and Soul. Reggae and Ska 110% Project crowdfunded on March 06, 2017 🎉 167 Pledges 8.112€ From 7.355€
New Disc Sherpah - H A new album is something we have been waiting long time, you and us. Our musical maturity will be reflected on this LP, exponentially. Feel proud of what we do is important... But it is most important for us that you will really enjoy the new LP!! HELP US TO DO IT POSSIBLE! Reggae and Ska 107% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2017 🎉 128 Pledges 5.860€ From 5.500€
UN NOU CAMÍ - Assekes new album. Un Nou Camí és el nostre segon disc. Després d'un període d'aturada inmersos en la composició, volem treure a la llum 10 temes en els quals hem volgut plasmar la manera en què entenem aquesta nova senda. Un disc més madur i consistent que l'anterior però que no ha perdut l'essència. Reggae and Ska / Punk 142% Project crowdfunded on January 10, 2016 🎉 94 Pledges 3.543€ From 2.500€
Made in Kibera A group of artists from Africa's biggest slum have joined to dedicate a reggae song to their homeland. Made in Kibera seeks to give them a voice and show the harshness of its streets and the hope of its people. We are going to record this song and make sure it is heard everywhere! Music / Reggae and ska, Cooperative, Travel 101% Project crowdfunded on November 21, 2015 🎉 51 Pledges 1.515€ From 1.500€
Begoña Bang Matu & the Shake it up's New EP Begoña Bang Matu & The Shake It Up's is a project that aims to further deepen and share our way of seeing Jamaican music. And we thought about recording a new EP, so we ask for your help. Reggae and Ska / Jazz, Soul 100% Project crowdfunded on June 20, 2015 🎉 108 Pledges 3.002€ From 3.000€
First album of Metabolé! After a few years of playing music and moving around different stages, Metabolé decided to record our first album to allow our music to travel very far away. But we need you to make it possible. Collaborate with our Verkami !!! Reggae and Ska / Rock, Rumba 106% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2014 🎉 145 Pledges 3.165€ From 3.000€
Skakeitan: New album! Skakeitan has been involved in a creative process in recent months, composing and working on ten new songs that will be in his next album. But, to make this project a reality, we need your help. Reggae and Ska / Rock 114% Project crowdfunded on October 21, 2014 🎉 193 Pledges 6.820€ From 6.000€
Organic Roots Records presents: Don Fe - I Volution Organic Roots is a Spanish based record label dedicated to the expansion of Roots, Dub and Soundsystem Culture This time in combination with the UK born artist based in Southern Spain, Don Fe, presenting an album guranteed not to defraud after the success of the CD Weep Not and later vinyl release Reggae and Ska 110% Project crowdfunded on July 31, 2014 🎉 63 Pledges 2.760€ From 2.500€
JUANTXO SKALARI & LA RUDE BAND. Recording and edition of new album 'Rude Station' This year we are celebrating the 20th birthday of Skalariak. That was the first band that I cofounded with my brother Peio. Now I am working again with him and with “La Rude Band” (my new band) on the creation of “Rude Station” new album. Reggae and Ska 106% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2014 🎉 142 Pledges 6.894€ From 6.500€
Zamaramandi's first album edition First LP by Zamaramandi. All seven tracks included in the album are full of Roots and power. Help us editing it supporting our project. Reggae and Ska 102% Project crowdfunded on April 01, 2014 🎉 169 Pledges 4.083€ From 4.000€