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WAW - Creation of the 1º physical disc

After months working on the songs, we only need one last economic boost to get our first physical CD.


A project of


Created in

From 550€
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View project in Castellano

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Hello, We Are WAW

Four hairy Murcia (southeast spain) residents who share the same idea of what a show is: Movement.

After having worked a lot during the last two years, and doing a considerable amount of kilometers to my mother's car (A huge kiss for you mom), we want to make our own disc, a flag for our spirit.

Here comes the heart of the matter; recording, editing, mastering, CD printing ... All that costs a good amount of money, more than a group of honest young men can gather in a short period of time. That's why we need your help.

¿To what will we dedicate your contributions?

This project has been supported with our respective jobs, here nobody lives from music, so it is almost all paid, hence we have preferred to put to "low" goal in pursuit of the several thousand that can cost the recording of a complete album. The bulk of the proceeds will go to the recording of the last track of the album, production of this and the printing of the CDs.


We prefer to keep a low profile in terms of the price of the rewards and offer an awsome album for € 3, because if we start to include too much merchandising with the respective creation and production of T-shirts, badges, stickers, etc. everything would be expensier, and the goal of this project is not to enrich us, but to share our art without ruining ourselves in the process.

There are several rewards options, for all budgets, with little that you helps us you will be doing us a great favor.

¿What are the underpants / panties?

It consists of the above mentioned garment with the letters W A W in the ass, easy and simple, for the whole family, and customized in the neighborhood store.


December / January - Recording the last theme

January / February - Disc edition

February - Disc printing

January / March - Recording of the video clip "PAI PAI"

Attention, it is the first time that we have tried to do something like this, for which we are putting a huge effort in the achievement of the objectives, there may be some specific delay.

Info and Social media



¡Do not miss our video clip Pepino Boom!


  • Underwear ¿CD included?

    Unfortunately. No

    As we said in the post, we prefered to leave the rewards as cheap as posible (3€ one CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Anyway, if you want, there is no rewards limit to buy, so you can buy 1,2 or EVERYTHING!

  • How the hell are you selling 7 tracks for 3€?

    Pffffff I do not know, there it is.

    We just wanted to do something nice, anyway it is now at the time it costs € 3, in the future ...

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#08 / LLamando a la fábrica

Buenas noches, lo 1º

Sentimos la espera

Estábamos peleandonos y discutiendo por todo :)

Hoy quería comentaros que ya estamos hablando con la fábrica para sacar los CDs

YUUUUUU¡¡¡¡¡ menuda agonía de negocio


Enserio, queda "nah y menos"

#07 / -Voces principales? -Check¡

Se nos queda el culo cuadrao de pasarnos tantasa horas en la silla. Salva ha grabado sus voces y algunas más para que no falte, seguimos el miércoles que viene con las voces de Fausto.

#06 / Un paso mas cerca¡

Vale vale vale, segundas guitarras FINISH, vamos a dar una vueltita y a otra cosa.

¿Que queda? mmm

Voces y locas percusiones varias

Ya puedo colocarme con el olor a discos nuevos.

#05 / Guitarras calentitas

Bajos terminados, las primeras guitarras empiezan a sonar ya en el PC, se buscan sonidos y se ultiman detalles.

¿Qué nos queda?

segundas guitarras


percusiones varias

Seguimos trabajando y pinta muy bien¡

#02 / 60% del objetivo conseguido¡

Quien tuviera más primos :D

Seguiremos dando la turra para lograr el 100%¡

No dejes de visitar nuestro Facebook e Instagram para conocer nuestros próximos conciertos y eventos.

#01 / Primer día

Parece que el proyecto está teniendo buena aceptación, pero queremos más y no nos dormiremos ahora.

Mil gracias a los participantes!!

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