The Railroad Band, special vinyl edition of ULTRATUMBA, our latest work. Blues and rock'n'roll with latin vibes. The Railroad Band is seeking to release ULTRATUMBA, collaborate with us to achieve it. Folk / Blues, Rock, Vinyl 104% Project crowdfunded on August 10, 2021 🎉 101 Pledges 2.085€ From 2.000€
Álbum LP "Vacaloura" by Zeltia e Irevire The composer of Morrazo along with her new band will gather her music in an album in which the Forest hopes to have her voice. Folk 119% Project crowdfunded on February 05, 2020 🎉 105 Pledges 4.160€ From 3.500€
Alfredo Padilla Solist Album: "I sell a couple of black eyes" The album will be recorded in Argentina, Uruguay and many Spanish cities. The final mixing is in Madrid and supervised by our artistic producer Pablo Sciuto (Casa Sonora). It wil be an intimate work based on rock, tango and Argentine folklore fusion; prominent guest musicians will work with us. Rock / Latin, Folk 104% Project crowdfunded on November 09, 2014 🎉 44 Pledges 2.075€ From 2.000€
Gravación do Novo C.D. de Os Cempés e a ELMPG Faite mecenas desta nova aventura musical de Os Cempés. Formarás parte do proxecto dende o comenzo, recibirás o CD na casa, poderás escoitalo antes de que se edite, e ata podes organizar unha festa/concerto na túa casa con Os Cempés na que vos prepararemos unha sabrosa ración de percebes de Cedeira. Folk 178% Project crowdfunded on December 14, 2011 🎉 266 Pledges 9.775€ From 5.500€