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30 anys festival desFOLCa't

Crowdfunding destinat a fer possible econòmicament el 30è aniversari del festival desFOLCa't a Calaf.


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From 3.000€
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DesFOLCa't is a popular and traditional music festival open to all audiences and ages that is held annually in the town of Calaf (Anoia). In a weekend, various activities and concerts of popular and traditional music from Catalonia and the world are concentrated.

Bringing root music to different audiences is one of the festival's main goals. Desfolca’t is not only a clear commitment to promote the rich musical heritage of different regions of the world, but also aims to ensure that traditional music is lived by all generations, from the youngest to the oldest.

The 30th edition will be held on 18 and 19 June 2022.


Video summary 2019

Who ?

Desfolca't is a festival organized by the COMTCSAE (Organizing Commission of the Traditional Music of Calaf and Alta Segarra). We are a non-profit organization that works together with Calaf City Council.

About rewards

To collaborate with the 30th edition of the festival, you will be rewarded with all the merchandising of the new image that makes us so excited to release it.

You will have different delivery options:

  • Friday, May 6, 2022 at the presentation concert of the 30th edition at the Casino de Calaf

  • On June 17 and 18 during the festival.

For those that cannot be delivered physically, post-shipment will be made.

What will we use your contributions for?

We need your help and collaboration to make the festival economically viable. So that it remains a free event and open to the public.

Specifically, we will allocate the amount raised to the micro-patronage scenario.

Your contributions will be used to hire groups, technical team, etc.

Presentation of the 30th edition

On May 6 we will present all the details and news of this year at the Casino de Calaf.

Tickets available: Entrápolis

Cartell presentació 30a edició
Cartell presentació 30a edició


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  • desfolcat


    almost 3 years


  • xeniaoller


    almost 3 years

    Som-hi! Ens veiem a la presentació :)

  • Andrea


    almost 3 years


  • Marti Viñas Roig

    Mari Viñas Roig

    almost 3 years

    Molts ànims amb el projecte! Salut!

  • Adrià Serra

    Adrià Serra

    almost 3 years

    Dels millors festivals que he estat mai!❤️

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