23 30 A Captive Story | Documentary about Immigration Detention Centres '23 30, A Captive Story' reports on the Immigration Detention Centres in Spain throughout the stories of some immigrants who have suffered from their existence in their own flesh. The aim of the documentary is to shed light on this dark and unknown reality. Documentary / Journalism, Positive impact 115% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2015 🎉 219 Pledges 9.185€ From 8.000€
Living, Dying and Being Born in Gaza It is a photography book accompanied by poems by different authors from the Mediterranean along with our own chronicles. We want to show the hidden face of Palestine. We want to witness daily life as also resistance. We want to make a tribute to the beauty of the people from Gaza. Journalism / Cooperative, Poetry, Books, Photography 216% Project crowdfunded on October 25, 2014 🎉 387 Pledges 12.945€ From 6.000€
VLCETC. From Europe to Valencia. What does Europe know about Valencia? And Valencia about Europe? VLCETC is a docmentary that tries to answer those questions and also show the diferent european realities. Documentary / Journalism, Travel 104% Project crowdfunded on August 17, 2014 🎉 17 Pledges 520€ From 500€