"Eva i Bea", una pel·lícula de Nando Caballero Un llargmetratge LGTBIQ+ en català, rodat a Sabadell i Cerdanyola. Feature film 144% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2024 🎉 115 Pledges 6.030€ From 4.200€
Bruna, Pruna return to stay Feature film 102% Project crowdfunded on June 07, 2024 🎉 42 Pledges 2.245€ From 2.200€
GURE HITZAK - LA PEL·LÍCULA "Gure Hitzak" és una pel·lícula d'autor que ficciona una història real protagonitzada per la filla de dos membres d'ETA nascuda a la presó. Feature film 118% Project crowdfunded on May 12, 2024 🎉 164 Pledges 4.969€ From 4.200€
La Gallineta Gallineta, què has perdut? Feature film 108% Project crowdfunded on April 20, 2024 🎉 67 Pledges 3.235€ From 3.000€
Feature film “MARTA CARRASCO” When Marta Carrasco comes on stage with such human complexity and physical dedication, she dives in at any cost. Not dying makes her strong. Feature film / Theatre, Dance 147% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2023 🎉 159 Pledges 11.025€ From 7.500€
Què fas aquí? Sara, una psicòloga amb prestigi comença una teràpia grupal on inconscientment descobrirà un assassinat. Feature film 136% Project crowdfunded on October 10, 2023 🎉 20 Pledges 1.360€ From 1.000€
Ilusión de Verano Película de ficción basada en la realidad de los sueños de libertad, juventud, y los viajes que nos marcan. Feature film 100% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2023 🎉 77 Pledges 15.000€ From 15.000€
The Angelus case, the fascination of Dalí Charansonnet reveals an unknown facet of the genius painter from Empordà, mixing intrigue with a refined surrealist comedy. Feature film / Painting 106% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2022 🎉 175 Pledges 15.830€ From 15.000€
Canigó 1883. La llegenda pirinenca de Jacint Verdaguer El film que narra les excursions i ascensions del poeta Jacint Verdaguer pel Pirineu que són la gènesi del gran poema èpic Canigó. Feature film 103% Project crowdfunded on July 03, 2022 🎉 308 Pledges 20.685€ From 20.000€
Bar Lola 2 Tres joves alienats pretenen descobrir els avistaments d'OVNIS i la comunitat que els coneix a Montserrat. Feature film 100% Project crowdfunded on June 01, 2022 🎉 40 Pledges 2.255€ From 2.250€
Más que a mi vida Cuando el amor, lejos de salvarte, te destroza. Feature film 103% Project crowdfunded on April 30, 2022 🎉 70 Pledges 2.570€ From 2.500€
Mai parlarem de nosaltres Largometraje ópera prima que refleja las inquietudes y las fragilidades de una amistad adolescente. Feature film 106% Project crowdfunded on April 18, 2022 🎉 102 Pledges 7.445€ From 7.000€
Lo que dejan las luces Un cuento de fantasmas en la ciudad de Barcelona. Proyecto de largometraje de ficción. Feature film 105% Project crowdfunded on April 10, 2022 🎉 83 Pledges 3.685€ From 3.500€
Foscúria Elisabet’s life begins to unfold as she dives into a creative and destructive process. Feature film / #8m 104% Project crowdfunded on March 30, 2022 🎉 120 Pledges 2.600€ From 2.500€
Apartamentos Paradiso Ciment, sorra, calor i aigua. | Treball de Final de Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Feature film 106% Project crowdfunded on July 13, 2021 🎉 135 Pledges 6.910€ From 6.500€
La nit no fa vigília A feature film about the cohabitation between a young boy and his grandmother in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Barcelona Feature film 103% Project crowdfunded on June 28, 2021 🎉 167 Pledges 6.675€ From 6.500€
LA CORRIENTE - A film written during the Covid-19 lockdown and inspired in real stories. We've shot most of this beautiful story! Join LA CORRIENTE and help us finish the shoot and the post-production. Feature film 101% Project crowdfunded on May 03, 2021 🎉 247 Pledges 25.310€ From 25.000€
TRÍPTICO Every creative process is an act of self destruction. Psychological horror feature film. Feature film 114% Project crowdfunded on April 21, 2021 🎉 154 Pledges 6.855€ From 6.000€