FUTIKAFU FOFU TO GNÉ GNA - Rap combatiu de La Casamance L'Almamy és un jove raper de Casamance (Senegal). Ajuda a fer realitat el seu 1r disc EP de rap combatiu, un projecte amb un rerefons social Hip Hop / Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on November 19, 2023 🎉 58 Pledges 1.630€ From 1.600€
Capitano Barbaconyo's first album and video clip Let the music play and viva vindictive queer art! 🦄 Visibility without making ourselves precarious! 100% dissident and migrant product Hip Hop / Lgtbiq 104% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2022 🎉 76 Pledges 2.087€ From 2.000€
Get on the balcony We begin the journey to the record of LNDB new's album. After a first year rapping on the balcony and on stage, it's time to create. Hip Hop 101% Project crowdfunded on June 06, 2022 🎉 83 Pledges 3.042€ From 3.000€
BÒRIA: Verema El primer EP de Bòria. Venim fortes! Hip Hop / Reggae and ska 113% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2022 🎉 146 Pledges 3.944€ From 3.500€
Valdivia y Tito Torres presentan: La Grobe Primer disco profesional de estos dos músicos de la escena urbana. Rap, Jazz, Soul...con músicos del Liceu y lírica irreductible. Hip Hop 107% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2019 🎉 125 Pledges 3.891€ From 3.650€
Primer disc de JOINA, "Companyes" "Companyes" és una mirada plena de llum. Un disc dedicat a totes les dones que han tingut la valentia de trencar el silenci i alçar la veu. Hip Hop 120% Project crowdfunded on August 07, 2018 🎉 116 Pledges 3.598€ From 3.000€
Rizomas Salvajes: Las Bajas Pasiones Las Bajas Pasiones, proyecto de electrorapqueer, queremos grabar nuestro primer disco, Rizomas Salvajes, y necesitamos vuestra ayuda! Hip Hop / Rap, Electronic, Lgtbiq 118% Project crowdfunded on January 27, 2018 🎉 98 Pledges 3.077€ From 2.600€
Fem possible el nou disc de Resiliència Resiliència és un projecte de rap en català. Prou de criticar, anem a construir. Volem publicar un disc i necessitem la teva ajuda. Hip Hop 107% Project crowdfunded on January 28, 2017 🎉 49 Pledges 1.282€ From 1.200€
Santo Machango - New Album " Mojo " After quite a long time, we finally would like to make our new album MOJO come to life and share it with all of you. Hip Hop / Funk, Soul, Rock 108% Project crowdfunded on December 28, 2014 🎉 151 Pledges 3.231€ From 3.000€
Femcees Feminist Flow: Rap compilation for Women's Rights Femcees Feminist Flow is a rap compilation that promote Calala-Women's Fund with the support of La Tuerka and the collaboration of 15 groups and femcees (women rappers) that join their flow to support feminist and human rights women defenders’ groups and networks from Spain and Latin America. Hip Hop / Rap, Positive impact 151% Project crowdfunded on November 10, 2014 🎉 230 Pledges 5.748€ From 3.810€
Primer disc de Poca Broma Fes-li la Cara Nova a l'actualitat musical. Ajuda a Poca Broma a editar un disc que faci tremolar les places i carrers. Hip Hop / Punk, Rock 138% Project crowdfunded on May 07, 2013 🎉 66 Pledges 2.071€ From 1.500€