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Science and Technology

83 science and technology projects

Help us launch a new research submersible to explore the oceans, the ICTINEU 3!

Help us launch a new research submersible to explore the oceans, the ICTINEU 3!

We are about to finish the construction of the research submersible ICTINEU 3, only a few weeks are left for final assembly. It's a manned sub for 3 passengers and it can reach a depth of 1,200 m. It's been designed and built in Barcelona, Catalonia, with cutting edge technology and high performance
Science and Technology / Technology, Science, Ecology, Design
From 60.000€
#NumberSign: Banc d'ADN, la darrera esperança pels nostres desapareguts a la Guerra Civil

#NumberSign: Banc d'ADN, la darrera esperança pels nostres desapareguts a la Guerra Civil

Audiovisual interactiu d'uns 20' basat en una plataforma de codi obert. Té com a objectiu difondre el protocol del Banc d'ADN creat per dues famílies de desapareguts a la Guerra Civil i el Laboratori de Genètica Forense de la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Documentary / Free licenses, Science and technology, History, Positive impact
From 13.150€
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