La Canya del Metall needs you for our first album! Help us in the mission of creating a great metal album in Catalan. Goatshavers! The dream of our history made real!" Metal 105% Project crowdfunded on July 13, 2024 🎉 64 Pledges 6.991€ From 6.660€
BOC: nuevo LP con música, literatura y dibujo Ayúdanos a editar y promocionar el "Nuevo LP "Les mil i una..."" de "BOC"*. Previamente al verkami hemos hecho un concurso de portadas y cuentos para poder completar la parte visual del producto y así hacer un proyecto artístico combinando música, literatura y dibujo. Folk / Punk, Reggae and ska, Metal 167% Project crowdfunded on September 17, 2013 🎉 192 Pledges 5.350€ From 3.200€
Blindpoint's debut album: Through the ashes of life Help us to publish Blindpoint's first album, composed of 7 brand new songs of alternative metal Metal 113% Project crowdfunded on May 01, 2019 🎉 164 Pledges 3.945€ From 3.500€
HYDE XXI Steampunk Metal Progresivo. Nuevo CD Tras la nominación a mejor disco de metal de España en 2012, es el momento de mostrarles de nuevo nuestro voto de confianza apoyando su nuevo CD, te adelantamos su nuevo single "Suburbe". Dale clic y empieza a sentir. Metal 107% Project crowdfunded on September 24, 2013 🎉 83 Pledges 3.865€ From 3.600€
Udol on vinil: 153 lliures i 17 salaris We want to release our first album on vinyl, since it was only released on CD. Metal / Vinyl 152% Project crowdfunded on January 21, 2019 🎉 167 Pledges 3.800€ From 2.500€
"Món Oblidat" Forja's second album "Món Oblidat" is a conceptual metal album about a journey of self-discovery and personal reunion through Catalan mythology. Metal 102% Project crowdfunded on October 14, 2023 🎉 75 Pledges 3.556€ From 3.500€
FixPoint, first LP of WeAreDust We are a metal band from Santiago de Compostela (Galiza-Spain), and we enjoy ourselves by playing and recording our music. After years of rehearsal, we have finally made up our minds into going to the studio this January :D :D Metal 101% Project crowdfunded on May 16, 2017 🎉 103 Pledges 3.356€ From 3.325€
Bustin' Out "HEADSHOT" Gravación de HEADSHOT, el primer LP del grupo de Metal-Rock Bustin' Out. Nuestro objetivo es recaudar lo necesario para sacar adelante nuestro disco. Uniros a nosotros y formad parte del movimiento METAL DEFENDERS 2.0! WE WILL METAL-ROCK YOU!! Metal / Rock 104% Project crowdfunded on October 07, 2012 🎉 86 Pledges 3.120€ From 3.000€
Eterna, Saüc's first album Saüc are a hard rock/metal band from Balaguer (Catalonia), we need your help to release our first CD, Eternal. Metal 195% Project crowdfunded on June 01, 2021 🎉 104 Pledges 2.925€ From 1.500€
Participa! El primer àlbum de Dirty Squirt: "The voice inside your head" Hem treballat dur per dur-te el nostre primer àlbum, ara necessitem la teva ajuda per arribar al clímax! Metal 134% Project crowdfunded on February 20, 2016 🎉 74 Pledges 2.674€ From 2.000€
"Circus of Life" second album of Motto Perpetuo We've got some incredible songs waiting to be released, we need YOUR help to make our second full length album a reality! Metal 104% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2016 🎉 81 Pledges 2.610€ From 2.500€
TalaioT-Dos: Repressió i Revolta Convocam als nostros foners! El segon disc de TalaioT ja és aquí! Col·labora per obtenir recompenses exclusives! Metal 129% Project crowdfunded on December 07, 2021 🎉 116 Pledges 2.575€ From 2.000€
Ars Moriendi - SkinOfCecile Album Ars Moriendi reflects the way in which we want to let die what we have created, to make our dream a reality. Make It Real. Metal / Vinyl 103% Project crowdfunded on October 24, 2017 🎉 108 Pledges 2.570€ From 2.500€
Fornaris_ TAROT Ajuda'ns a editar en format vinil es nostre segon LP Metal 130% Project crowdfunded on January 29, 2024 🎉 85 Pledges 2.215€ From 1.700€
ICESTORM - NOU DISC "SAGA" Icestorm passará per l'estudi de gravació per tal d'enregistrar el seu tercer treball Metal 105% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2018 🎉 71 Pledges 2.105€ From 2.000€
"Soundscapes", nuevo disco conceptual de Abel Sequera ¡Con la colaboración de Derek Sherinian (ex-Dream Theater), Mike LePond (Symphony X) y Randy George (Neal Morse band) entre muchos otros! Metal 105% Project crowdfunded on December 25, 2018 🎉 56 Pledges 2.091€ From 2.000€
Golíat i Dead in Montana - Split LP 12" + CD Som dos grups del Maresme que durant la tardor passada vam gravar un disc compartit. El que volem ara és treure’l en el format pel qual va ser concebut, el vinil. A més, en una edició de luxe: vinil de color blanc, CD amb continguts multimèdia i una presentació espectacular! Metal / Rock, Vinyl 118% Project crowdfunded on April 30, 2012 🎉 93 Pledges 1.966€ From 1.666€
FORNARIS_Tremolau Eterns Mortals Edició en format vinil del primer LP Metal 115% Project crowdfunded on January 15, 2022 🎉 68 Pledges 1.730€ From 1.500€