Fuerzas y cuerpos Photobook on the invisibility of the Civil Guard in Catalonia by Paula Artés, where it shows where they control us and we do not have access Photography / Books, Artbook 134% Project crowdfunded on January 18, 2019 🎉 274 Pledges 10.416€ From 7.800€
'Here & There (again)' The project 'Here & There (again)' will be a book compiling a selection of drawings made on location by Miguel Herranz during the last 3 years. Artbook 194% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2015 🎉 305 Pledges 7.765€ From 4.000€
"Bitter, Sweet, Soft" book. Editorial Lumínic launches its first photobook by the photographer Bernat Millet, "Bitter, Sweet Soft", about the Saharawi community Photography / Artbook 101% Project crowdfunded on January 29, 2021 🎉 100 Pledges 6.539€ From 6.500€
"Famílies Trans - Construccions Identitàries": El llibre. Nou projecte de l'artesana audiovisual Mar C. Llop que mostra els processos i experiències de 29 famílies amb infants trans*. Photography / Positive impact, Artbook 106% Project crowdfunded on January 10, 2022 🎉 187 Pledges 6.342€ From 6.000€
NEW YORK drawing among giants "NEW YORK drawing among giants" is a book of drawings of New York by artist Santi Sallés. An incredible collection of iconic buildings, places and objects from one of the best cities in the world; a taste of New York through his drawings and experiences. Artbook / Travel 156% Project crowdfunded on October 11, 2015 🎉 206 Pledges 6.255€ From 4.000€
Oldies But Goldies "Oldies But Goldies" is a book of beautiful drawings of old, vintage cars by French artist Lapin. He archives the drawings of the cars that have marked its time in his sketchbooks since years. An incredible compilation of old but golden cars found on the streets to celebrate and remind their beauty! Artbook / Books, Illustration 111% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2013 🎉 234 Pledges 6.125€ From 5.500€
"Mirar Rembrandt" Un llibre que et descobrirà cóm mirar un gravat, amb una introducció a la mitologia i un estudi sobre els gravats mitològics de Rembrandt Artbook / Art 112% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2019 🎉 123 Pledges 5.325€ From 4.750€
La emoción del color Un libro ilustrado sobre la obra pictórica del artista G. Martí Ceballos admirador del expresionismo alemán y del fauvismo. Painting / Artbook, Art 126% Project crowdfunded on March 23, 2019 🎉 116 Pledges 5.030€ From 3.990€
La Caseta de fusta Aquest projecte té per objectiu construir una caseta de fusta per transformar en un estudi on crear, compartir, aprendre i fer cursos. Painting / Artisanal, Artbook, Illustration 139% 38 hours 4.859€ From 3.500€
Libro de artista "Rodalies Nord" Libro de artista sobre mi exposición individual de pinturas de paisaje al óleo. Textos y fotografía de las obras de alta calidad. Artbook / Painting 116% Project crowdfunded on January 02, 2019 🎉 59 Pledges 4.650€ From 4.000€
ZIRKUS contes il·lustrats La Dona barbuda, el Llançador de punyals, l'Home-bala... Un recull de relats il·lustrats sobre un circ molt especial. Que comenci la funció! Artbook / Circus, Illustration 105% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2020 🎉 133 Pledges 4.484€ From 4.284€
Dibushits Un artbook, libro de bocetos, en resumen, mi obra gráfica. Un compendio de mis trabajos fuera del trabajo de estos últimos años. Artbook / Comic, Illustration 225% Project crowdfunded on March 06, 2019 🎉 121 Pledges 3.825€ From 1.700€
The Void | Illustrated book Tropèl is a collective of young illustrators from Barcelona. After sharing studio and some collaboration works, we decided to get into the self-publishing world. Our first book 'The Void' joins together five stories in whose each illustrator explores the concept in its widest sense. Artbook / Books, Art, Illustration 144% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2012 🎉 96 Pledges 2.865€ From 1.985€
CALENDARI DEL BON CONSUMIDOR 2017: Les hortalisses de temporada Espectacular calendari per l'any 2017 il·lustrat amb fantàstiques aquarel·les de les verdures de temporada de varietats locals: per ajudar-te a mantenir una dieta més conscient i saludable! Artbook / Positive impact, Ecology 153% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2016 🎉 101 Pledges 2.723€ From 1.775€
Catálogo exposición Diego Guirao, (obra reciente). Queridos amig@s, la finalidad del crowdfunding es realizar la edición del catálogo de mi próxima expo en la galería H2O en febrero de 2018. Artbook / Painting 103% Project crowdfunded on January 31, 2018 🎉 54 Pledges 2.690€ From 2.600€
CITIES, traveling from home Artistic and travel book containing paintings made daily during confinement to escape through painting to distant places. Artbook / Painting 104% Project crowdfunded on January 13, 2021 🎉 53 Pledges 2.600€ From 2.500€
ALAI is joy Photo book of 25 postcards, original design, with texts about 11 years living with ALAI, an adopted podengo. A whole shared life. Artbook / Photography 102% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2019 🎉 79 Pledges 2.559€ From 2.500€
Contes rarets 'Contes rarets' és un projecte d'artistes i artesans que es volen endinsar en el món de l'autoedició amb contes diferents, que entenen com a una projecció de la inspiració que es retroalimenta amb l'artesania. Artbook / Books, Illustration 100% Project crowdfunded on April 07, 2013 🎉 45 Pledges 2.305€ From 2.300€