Pantaleó: enregistrament del segon disc Pantaleó volen enregistrar un segon disc i necessiten el vostre suport per poder-ho fer. Us animeu a participar? Pop / Indie 151% Project crowdfunded on November 27, 2016 🎉 121 Pledges 6.030€ From 4.000€
'Viatges i flors', el disc de Jo Jet i Maria Ribot 'Viatges i flors' serà el primer disc que hem fet plegats Jo Jet i Maria Ribot. Ja el tenim gravat però ens cal finançament per convertir-lo en el llibre-CD que hem imaginat. Tenim un conte per explicar-vos i dotze cançons per compartir, però ens falta la vostra ajuda per poder fer-ho. Indie 206% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2014 🎉 183 Pledges 5.759€ From 2.800€
Santa Rita wants to record their first studio album! Santa Rita, a rock, grunge and other musical adventures band based in Barcelona NEEDS YOUR HELP! We’ve been going on and on with the band since 2008. After having self-produced an EP, it’s time to jump forward into the LP. Would you like to help us? Indie / Psychedelia, Rock 102% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2012 🎉 118 Pledges 4.595€ From 4.500€
Coriolà. El debut. Aquesta història que va començar fa un any i mig i que ha anat creixent gràcies al vostre suport arriba a un moment clau. En poques setmanes entrem a l'estudi per enregistrar el nostre primer disc. En aquest moment tant important, necessitem que ens acompanyeu una vegada més. Folk / Indie, Pop 121% Project crowdfunded on October 12, 2013 🎉 135 Pledges 4.235€ From 3.500€
Enregistrament del primer LP de Caseta, "Naufragi" Enregistrem el nostre primer àlbum a uns estudis professionals. Ens ajudes? Indie 105% Project crowdfunded on April 19, 2017 🎉 94 Pledges 4.210€ From 4.000€
ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE Ölivia Musyk first songs Music / Indie, Classical, #8m, Vinyl 102% Project crowdfunded on March 24, 2022 🎉 108 Pledges 4.095€ From 4.000€
New album: Llum Polar We are preparing a new album on trips and stars, dreams and wills. A nomad album to explore new sounds. Polar light. Rock / Indie, Psychedelia, Vinyl 107% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2019 🎉 101 Pledges 3.745€ From 3.500€
Pësh: El segon disc és a tocar Volem ensenyar-vos l’univers que s’amaga rere les cançons i les històries del segon disc de Pësh. Ens ajudeu a fer-ho possible? Indie 118% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2018 🎉 139 Pledges 3.540€ From 3.000€
Primer Àlbum Sequoia El nostre primer àlbum escrit i composat amb molt d'amor Indie 100% Project crowdfunded on January 28, 2021 🎉 72 Pledges 3.501€ From 3.500€
International Bikini Allstars, the new album of Fuckin' Bollocks We want to raise money to pay for the recording of our next album "International Bikini Allstars" will edit BCore, in mid-2013. Indie 100% Project crowdfunded on April 22, 2013 🎉 84 Pledges 3.501€ From 3.500€
IO, el primer disc d'Iglú. Volem compartir amb vosaltres les cançons més atrevides i festives que hem fet fins ara. Necessitem la vostra ajuda perquè surtin a la llum! Indie 115% Project crowdfunded on January 09, 2021 🎉 144 Pledges 3.440€ From 3.000€
Recording of the debut CD from Soak in bleach- STATIONS We're very excited to announce our crowdfunding drive and to ask your collaboration in the recording of our CD and professional music video. Indie / Rock, Vinyl 100% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2018 🎉 97 Pledges 3.010€ From 3.000€
Enregistrament del primer EP de PEARSON Després de mesos de treball, decidim editar el nostre primer EP. Cinc cançons per ensenyar al món quina és la nostra manera de veure les coses. Pop / Indie 105% Project crowdfunded on February 05, 2014 🎉 53 Pledges 2.950€ From 2.800€
Vinil Canapost, el Vent i l'Home Invisible Aquest disc és una pel·lícula sonora dels mesos que vam viure a Canapost quan va néixer la Jazz. Primer disc, família més gran i nova vida. Indie / Vinyl 104% Project crowdfunded on December 19, 2021 🎉 63 Pledges 2.400€ From 2.300€
A CD for Monsieur Cactus This is Monsieur Cactus and we wish to record and album! We would love to share with you all the music we have as far, and through crowdfunding, we can acheive it. This new album will be created the way we feel it and you can be a part of it. Do you want to join us? Electronic / Indie 116% Project crowdfunded on January 17, 2014 🎉 102 Pledges 2.316€ From 2.000€
FAR - Help us register our first CD!! This next months FAR will be entering the studios to register our first debut. Once registered, we’ll need to edit it (mix and master), so we’ll be needing some of your help! Indie 112% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2017 🎉 75 Pledges 2.239€ From 2.000€
ABANS ESTÀVEM AL MÓN - Nou disc de Bläue Crowdfunding per finançar l'edició, distribució i oficialitzar el llançament del nou disc de Bläue 'Abans estàvem al món'. Fabricació de 300 vinils destinats a distribució física, campanya de comunicació, llançament "online" penjant el disc a les principals plataformes de música en streaming. Indie / Electronic, Rock 104% Project crowdfunded on April 23, 2016 🎉 97 Pledges 2.190€ From 2.100€
First EP Barbott After having been together for 9 months, dreaming of this project called Barbott, we want to share the growth of our first EP with you. We need godparents for its birth! Indie / Rock 161% Project crowdfunded on August 03, 2013 🎉 57 Pledges 1.930€ From 1.200€