SPANISH BRASS - DVD/CD "brass brass brass" Spanish Brass presents our new recording project, a DVD/CD devoted to our educational/family show "Brass Brass Brass". Spanish Brass has been hard at work for two years now on our newest educational/family show, "Brass Brass Brass", and we can't wait to release it in a double CD/DVD set! Music / Classical, Jazz 107% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2016 🎉 209 Pledges 16.030€ From 15.000€
Hermann Baumann and Javier Bonet / Mozart Horn Concertos recording Hermann Baumann,Javier Bonet and YOU can make Horn History. / How do you think MOZART would perform his works in 2014?. / Bonet and Baumann have their ideas about that!. / Along with Munich Radio Orchestra they would like to invite YOU to be a part of their project! Classic 103% Project crowdfunded on December 18, 2014 🎉 184 Pledges 15.520€ From 15.000€
world music documentary Persimpatia: Zoltán Lantos Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit, and we’ve tracked down the first one: Zoltán Lantos from Hungary. His music has seduced us and makes for a great story, but we need your help to be able to share it with you! Documentary / Classical, Music 109% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2013 🎉 191 Pledges 13.045€ From 12.000€
BeethOUVen 9 The OUV joins Beethoven's 250th anniversary with the most international premiere of the latest movement of the 9th Symphony.We count on you! Classic / Events 103% Project crowdfunded on October 28, 2020 🎉 61 Pledges 12.400€ From 12.000€
Lost in Venice Infermi d'Amore's first CD! Various unpublished masterpieces from the 18th century Venetian repertoire: Vivaldi, Marcello, Venier. Classic 101% Project crowdfunded on December 18, 2021 🎉 153 Pledges 12.155€ From 12.000€
Persimpatia: Paul Giger. Documentary & concerts Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit. These violinists are exceptional individuals making extraordinary music. Documentary / Classical 100% Project crowdfunded on March 29, 2014 🎉 170 Pledges 12.040€ From 12.000€
Bambú Ensemble's first CD The string octet embraces their very first CD recording. Will you help us making it happen? Classic 107% Project crowdfunded on January 29, 2021 🎉 227 Pledges 10.694€ From 10.000€
Disco 10 años de Euskadi Brass Celebrando 10 años de Euskadi Brass: Ayúdanos a grabar nuestro CD conmemorativo y a seguir inspirando a futuras generaciones de músicos. Classic 104% Project crowdfunded on November 24, 2024 🎉 229 Pledges 10.196€ From 9.800€
DVD contra el càncer - 5è Aniversari GIOrquestra Col·labora en l'edició del DVD solidari del concert del 5è Aniversari de la GIO. 5ª de Beethoven, Obertura 1812 de Txaikovski i l'estrena de "Núria" d'Albert Guinovart. Una col·laboració amb El Crep de Mi Vida per a recaptar fons per a un projecte pioner de l'Institut d'Investigació Biomèdic. Classic 102% Project crowdfunded on March 07, 2017 🎉 119 Pledges 10.180€ From 10.000€
La Cascada de Lutour, música i natura Our choir will record a video-concert to premiere this work based on the poem dedicated by the Catalan poet Joan Maragall to nature and love Classic / Poetry, Film 145% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2021 🎉 284 Pledges 10.125€ From 7.000€
Nueva York: La fuerza de una ilusión La vida es un camino en el que buscar y luchar por ilusiones. Ya sean grandes o pequeñas. Y después compartirlas. Queremos luchar por nuestra ilusión: Actuar en Nueva York. Y compartirla contigo Classic / Events 100% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2013 🎉 127 Pledges 10.035€ From 10.000€
Producción y estreno de "Bóveda. Ópera de planetario", de Diana Pérez Custodio 12 cantantes (4 flamencos, 4 líricos y 4 voces blancas) cantarán, bajo una vídeo-bóveda, una oda a la resiliencia y a la esperanza. Classic / Opera, Flamenco, Events 100% Project crowdfunded on August 23, 2024 🎉 129 Pledges 10.030€ From 10.000€
Mahler 5 - Recording of the chamber version - Natalia Ensemble Recording of our chamber version of Mahler's 5th Symphony by Natalia Ensemble Classic 110% Project crowdfunded on March 12, 2016 🎉 274 Pledges 9.901€ From 9.000€
Baptista, vel solis cedens Help us to make true our musical and scenic project. "Baptista" is a contemporary oratorio for actor, acress, two choir and instrumental ensemble, with music by Manuel J. Sánchez García. Young artists bringing culture to their towns supported by great professionals. Classic / Performing arts 100% Project crowdfunded on July 04, 2014 🎉 143 Pledges 9.509€ From 9.500€
Spanish Brass. Tell me a Brass Story. (New CD) “Tell Me a Brass Story” is Spanish Brass Luur Metalls’ latest recording project, dedicated to works for brass quintet and symphonic band, produced in partnership with the Banda Municipal de Bilbao (Spain) and conductor Rafael Sanz Espert. Classic / Blues, Punk, Jazz 157% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2012 🎉 157 Pledges 9.440€ From 6.000€
Concierto Misa de la Coronación de Mozart (OCCIGU) En la OCCIGU hemos preparando una coronación muy especial con la ayuda de Mozart. Conviértete en mecenas de un concierto memorable. Classic / Events 116% Project crowdfunded on May 29, 2018 🎉 424 Pledges 8.720€ From 7.500€
"Puro de Oliva", Spanish Brass & Chano Domínguez (new CD) "Puro de Oliva” is the fusion of the musical visions of Chano Dominguez and Spanish Brass in a unique, original and innovating show. Classic 108% Project crowdfunded on March 17, 2018 🎉 178 Pledges 8.610€ From 8.000€
"Sinergies" - Nuevo CD de Luis González y Carlos Gil A new recording project by Luis González (trumpet) and Carlos Gil (trombone) with original music for both instruments. Classic 172% Project crowdfunded on December 01, 2019 🎉 278 Pledges 8.600€ From 5.000€