Una furgoneta per dur el circ social arreu de Catalunya Gràcies a aquesta furgoneta podrem portar el circ adaptat i inclusiu per tot Catalunya... i tant de bo més lluny encara! 🤞 Circus / Positive impact 103% 5 days 4.102€ From 4.000€
TRIPLE CD "MIQUEL PUJADÓ CANTA GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR I ANARQUIA" ("MIQUEL PUJADÓ SINGS GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR AND ANARCHY") Edition of a triple CD with the BRASSENS songs that have been translated and adapted by MIQUEL PUJADÓ, sung by him and by other performers. Songwriter 212% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2025 🎉 129 Pledges 4.235€ From 2.000€
Circles of Care: Menstrual Care Beyond Capitalism Community-driven Circles that Challenge Capitalist Norms and Promote Collective Care around Menstrual Health Community / Exhibitions 202% Project crowdfunded on December 10, 2024 🎉 27 Pledges 1.010€ From 500€
Empatica, Disco Vanessa Bissiri 8 canciones vienen a dibujar un universo de sentidos y visiones. En la búsqueda de un sonido propio me descubro y me relato. Me ayudas? Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on December 13, 2022 🎉 81 Pledges 3.055€ From 3.000€
“Poemari per a acordió” by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA Compilation of poetic texts in the form of a book and a musical version on the networks. Poetry / Music, Books 101% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2022 🎉 115 Pledges 4.026€ From 4.000€
Vaudeville Circus: un auténtico Cabaret Un espectáculo de variedad en auténtico estilo retro, una forma de entretenimiento “diferente”: extravagante, divertida y cómica Performing Arts / Magic, Cabaret, Circus, Music, Dance 115% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 2.870€ From 2.500€
DE FOC I DE VELLUT, MIQUEL PUJADO'S NEW CD 40 years after his first LP, MIQUEL PUJADÓ publishes a new album with great musicians like Xavier Batllés. Songwriter 144% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2021 🎉 121 Pledges 3.610€ From 2.500€
CIRCUS FAMILY ON THE ROAD... Mexico direction!! After all of Europe and all of Morocco... We are preparing our next dream: to spread smiles throughout Mexico. Can you help us...? Circus 101% Project crowdfunded on August 17, 2021 🎉 44 Pledges 3.530€ From 3.500€
Enter my Paradise Paradise is a huge leap in the dark, a voyage in 7 dimension. I'd love to have you with me. Do you want to join me? Music 102% Project crowdfunded on August 02, 2021 🎉 76 Pledges 3.680€ From 3.600€
MUDNESS A multilingual, independent mockumentary focusing on ART and raising philosophical questions about technology and the future of humanity. Feature film / Art, Sci-fi 101% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2021 🎉 58 Pledges 5.030€ From 5.000€
LA CORRIENTE - A film written during the Covid-19 lockdown and inspired in real stories. We've shot most of this beautiful story! Join LA CORRIENTE and help us finish the shoot and the post-production. Feature film 101% Project crowdfunded on May 03, 2021 🎉 247 Pledges 25.310€ From 25.000€
Mundo de Ilusão Mundo de Ilusão es el primer CD de samba como cantautor de Mestre Boca Rica (Ricardo Corsi) y contará co 13 musicas inéditas. Songwriter 109% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2021 🎉 175 Pledges 5.430€ From 5.000€
«Carácter Lechuga» The cosmic-comedic journey of a failed actor in post-Olympic Barcelona in which finding oneself becomes a nightmare. Webserie 311% Project crowdfunded on December 04, 2020 🎉 73 Pledges 3.110€ From 1.000€
Crowdfunding for the DEBUT ALBUM from Las Marikarmen! "COMPOST YOUR GENDER" Infinite desire to release an album with our own songs and share everything we have inside! Also unique and glamorous rewards! Electronic / Lgtbiq 113% Project crowdfunded on September 07, 2020 🎉 85 Pledges 2.036€ From 1.800€
MAR A LA VISTA Restoring a traditional sailboat to go whale watching and raise awareness around conservation Science and Technology / Nature 240% Project crowdfunded on July 26, 2020 🎉 318 Pledges 24.000€ From 10.000€
"Tutta colpa della musica", Laura Milazzo's debut album Songs by artists who have marked the history of Italian music from the 60s and the 70s in a jazz key! Jazz 106% Project crowdfunded on January 11, 2020 🎉 112 Pledges 3.720€ From 3.500€
Presentación nuevo disco Beto Stocker Banda Recaudación de fondos para la Presentación del disco Música Para Las Mesas, de Beto Stocker Banda, en la Sala Almo2Bar, Barcelona. Indie / Events 108% Project crowdfunded on November 19, 2019 🎉 59 Pledges 1.185€ From 1.100€
Ayudemos a que La Oreja Magica regrese a la radio.NUEVA META: 1600 Euros. Con tu ayuda La Oreja Mágica ya regresará al aire todos los jueves en setiembre.Con esta nueva meta podremos pagar tres meses adelantados. Radio and Podcast 154% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2019 🎉 37 Pledges 1.845€ From 1.200€