KOKORO - Juguetes sensibles, juguetes con sentido El CUB: un juguete innovador para niños con TEA. Diseñado por dos maestras y pedagogas para fomentar el desarrollo y el juego Games / Design, Children 102% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2024 🎉 122 Pledges 8.166€ From 8.000€
Save la FUSTOPIA La fustopia is at a critical point, helping to move forward after administrative sanction caused by the malpractice of a tax manager. Design 100% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2024 🎉 228 Pledges 30.145€ From 30.000€
calendari FEM 2024 Alpinisme i escalada en femení. Design / Nature, Positive impact, Sport 137% Project crowdfunded on November 15, 2023 🎉 46 Pledges 1.234€ From 900€
Being&Becoming Tenemos como objetivo dar a conocer diseñadores/as emergentes con la intención de indagar sobre nuestra identidad Design / Fashion 113% Project crowdfunded on April 24, 2023 🎉 25 Pledges 905€ From 800€
El Joc de Memòria dels Ocells de Catalunya Una manera entretinguda i divertida de conèixer una mica més els nostres ocells. 30 espècies representatives de la nostra avifauna. Design / Games, Nature 473% Project crowdfunded on March 20, 2022 🎉 313 Pledges 9.462€ From 2.000€
Production of Woman'sBack®, the first backpack for women with breast cancer Woman'sBack ® is the first backpack designed for women who have had breast cancer and want to lead an active life without limitations. Design / Fashion, Positive impact 123% Project crowdfunded on January 23, 2022 🎉 82 Pledges 4.311€ From 3.500€
Trustto Team - Elisava Desarrollo de dos camillas de rescate, con colaboración del GRAE de Catalunya. Proyecto sin ánimo de lucro. Design / Positive impact 168% Project crowdfunded on June 30, 2021 🎉 86 Pledges 2.523€ From 1.500€
La vuelta al mundo cervecero en 91 estilos Un poster único que contiene todos los estilos cerveceros actualizados, con descriptores y ejemplos de cervezas TOP al alcance! Design 314% Project crowdfunded on June 19, 2021 🎉 257 Pledges 9.410€ From 3.000€
51 rutes pels cims més emblemàtics de Catalunya T’agrada de muntanya? T'oferim 51 rutes autoguiades per descobrir els cims més emblemàtics de Catalunya de manera fàcil i segura. Som-hi! Design / Sport, Travel 110% Project crowdfunded on May 02, 2021 🎉 159 Pledges 7.131€ From 6.500€
Sr. Pérez - La porta màgica Obre la porta a la imaginació. El Sr. Pérez és màgic com la seva porta. Design / Children 105% Project crowdfunded on October 19, 2020 🎉 16 Pledges 523€ From 500€
Olabaà: play buildings Play and create countless buildings with the U-01 module. Collaborate in its production! Design / Children 111% Project crowdfunded on October 04, 2020 🎉 62 Pledges 4.450€ From 4.000€
Elisava Racing Team Dayna smart electric rescue motorcycle by Elisava Racing Team Design / Science and technology, Positive impact 180% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.599€ From 2.000€
STRONG AS A WOMAN | marca de ropa para atletas y deportistas ¿Levantar pesas es lo tuyo? Esta es tu marca. Design / Fashion 112% Project crowdfunded on August 01, 2020 🎉 106 Pledges 4.582€ From 4.100€
MALLOT PURACEBA Ja tenim aquí el super mallot ciclista Puraceba per pedalar pels nostres camins i carreteres amb estil. Design / Sport 378% Project crowdfunded on July 06, 2020 🎉 72 Pledges 3.775€ From 1.000€
ILUSTR-ARTE Calendario ilustrado Calendarios de pared ilustrados con pequeños relatos y reflexiones cortas. Design 101% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2019 🎉 34 Pledges 1.005€ From 1.000€
PLAYTATTOO Temporary tattoos or how to combine fun, art and feminism on your skin! Tattoo stickers that aim at other ways we think of, feel about, look at, dress and express ourselves as individuals. Design / Children, Positive impact 109% Project crowdfunded on July 27, 2019 🎉 175 Pledges 4.918€ From 4.500€
de capital del vallès a capital del món Producte sabadellenc gamberru #PURACEBA vol fomentar els valors del sabadellenquisme per impulsar productes i projectes fets a Sabadell Design / Fashion 498% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2019 🎉 127 Pledges 2.491€ From 500€
Ethical Time, the 1st sustainable fashion app Welcome to the values revolution! Finally, a space that allows you to purchase according to what you think. Together, we will make it real. Design / Fashion, App, Positive impact 118% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2018 🎉 599 Pledges 23.585€ From 20.000€