Playtattoo are temporary tattoos that, from a feminist perspective, deal with issues that shake, invigorate and excite us with the same enthusiasm with which we smeared our fingers in oil, when we were children, till we managed to grasp that sticker at the bottom of the bag which would eventually draw our bodies.
Playtattoo is a bet on the game, as a way of life and to understand the world. It is an invitation to use our body to transform ourselves into a wider range of possibilities than we already have.
In addition to enhancing your daily look, Playtattoo is an accessory that tells you stories, inspires you and invites you to ponder, while playing by sharing it with whomever you want to.
Imagine that someone asks you about your tattoo and you can tell them things about the artist who created it, about how they came up with the idea, or simply a unique anecdote behind each creation.
Besides, we like “green” and we obviously bet on sustainable design.
Sustainable design
We have put all our love, and use our brains to do our best counting on our resources:
Our suppliers are locals and manufacture all the designs with materials and ingredients dermatologically tested for cosmetic use on the skin.
Eco design guided by the 3 R's: Recycle, Reuse and Reduce ...
Inks based on vegetable oils 100% sustainable to water, without toxic elements or components of animal origin.
100% d*egradable plastic.*
Do you want to see our first collection?
With your help we will produce our first collection of temporary tattoos 'Embroidering' (Yes, a rare word, but full of threads and resewing).
This collection is a tribute to those wise hands who have practised and still do, the art of embroidering, darning, doing and undoing. To set high value on those invisible tasks that sustain the world through bonds, care, tenderness and love. A collection leading us to lose track, skip a stitch, and unravel ourselves so that we can start from anew. A vindication to continue creating united while sharing along the way.
For instance
you can wear a tattoo inspired by the artwork of an embroiderer who is exhibited at the National Museum of American History in Washington and at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston:
Harriet Powers.
Do you know who she was? An African-American woman born in slavery in the nineteenth century in America. She learned how to embroider thanks to the sorority amongst slaves in the cotton fields. She is considered an expert embroiderer and one of the best representatives of Southern embroidery and quilts, a mixture of European and African style, heritage of her native hometown.
Now you can share your story and honour it by placing it on your skin. Her work, life and creations, as well as those of the other 5 embroiderers that inspire the collection, represented a transgression of women’s roles of their time.
In each collection you will find
30 varied tattoos
Tattoos of designs by women artists such as Anna Maria Garthwaite, Giovanna Garzoni, Harriet Powers, May Morris or Ruth Colver Culeman, who became a turning point in history when it comes to breaking women’s stereotypes of her time.
Tattoos of a contemporary artist (we will announce them during the campaign).
Tattoos of inspirational phrases (taken from popular wisdom).
2 tattoos lemurs (our travel buddy, this creature inspires us, I'm positive you will be inspired too, we'll give you further information below.
Why temporary tattoos ?!
Because we are cyclical, cyclonic and changeful. Because we want a tattoo that disguises you, transforms you and gives performativity to your body to become one of your beauty rituals. A funny beauty accessory that is not at the service of the one who looks at you, but at yours when you look at yourself.
Because we like each piece of the skin in your bodies, we do not want to remove any! We like curves, devoid of curves, gradients, mountains and precipices. Scars, wrinkles, hair, hairless, gray hair, bellies and imperfections. We laugh at Photoshop and we welcome to all the existing beauties, people capable of love willing to look beyond the visible. Welcome the petite, the woman, the non-woman, the man, the non-man, them, them all.
In short, Playtattoo is an e-commerce of temporary tattoos. These tattoos become a form of expression that make visible what you think, what you feel and what you want. A bit of art, message and aesthetic element on your skin.
Participate in our campaign and choose your reward if you like tattoos just for a while. If you believe in the game to broaden perspectives, to change glasses and appreciate closely what some insist on leaving far behind.
How will we allocate your contributions?
Production of the first Playtattoo collection:
We will print 1500 collections. That is to say,
15000 temporary tattoos and 1500 packaging
. The idea is to make a minimum circulation of 1500 collections:
With the European certificate of cosmetics
With non-toxic vegetable inks
With ecological materials for packaging that ensure the highest quality and safety of the product.
The final number of collections will depend on the outcome of the campaign. Hopefully we can create more collections and offer you those that come after: Sportísimas, Animalaris, Curanderas and Sexualismos.
Planned Calendar
About us?
Playtattoo is a team of nice people whose concerns have led us to intend to pursue a feminist agenda. We might screw up. Yet, we are we determined to learn that becoming less and less will eventually result in more and more. We want to hold hands, jump together and colour with a wider and more diverse palette.
We take the risk, by being aware of the imperfection, we are determined to pursue a world where people feel more and more free, naturally free, changeful and with the right (almost obligation) to make mistakes. Where changing the story is a reality and telling stories becomes a shared fun.
Once upon a time Playtattoo …
Once upon a time you ...
The Lemur!
After searching thoroughly we have found this endearing rare creature, intelligent and extremely playful. You need to be constantly stimulated if you do not want me to turn it all upside down.
Note! He loves to wander around at night! Female and male are practically indistinguishable at first glance and did you know? The female rules the roost, they gather with the other female neighbours to defend their resources in the territory, they look for their sores: it is clearly a feminist mammal!
For all this reasons, we have chosen her as our companion of adventures and, with her, we aim to play and spread what we call the "Lemur Effect".
What is the Lemur Effect?
When you get an entire collection, in the Playtattoo envelope that will be delivered into your mailbox, 2 gift lemurs will be enclosed like the ones above. It is obvious that you can do whatever you want with them. Yet, from Playtattoo we suggest a game:
1- Find that someone you want to show your love, gratitude, love ... whatever!
2- Place the tattoo on their bodies while…
3- You explain why all this love.
Requirements for the game:
People: 2
Age: from 3 to 150 years.
This way, we start a chain of appreciation or # The Lemur effect
Y And what if I became a fan? What I can do? 1-
1- Spread the word! The campaign has begun and we need the whole world to know
2- Ask at any store if they have playtatoo.. If by any means they tell you they don’t , telll them that either you need to tour the world to find them or just give them our mail [email protected]
3- Give a collection to your most beloved people
4- Follow us in instagram or facebook and gives us your opinion on what comes out of the lemur by sharing generously.
5-Do you own a store?........ should you have any question contact [email protected]
6- Set up a party in the middle of August and distribute Playtattoos with love and waste.
7- Anything you can think of doing Involving enjoyment, fun, playing and being happy.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Endavaaaant valenteees!!!
Responder estos bellos comentarios era una asignatura pendiente. Os hemos leído durante estos días y nos habéis servido de ánimo, de calorcito, para dibujarnos una sonrisa en los labios para seguir poniéndonos del revés, hacer el pino y seguir trabajando en Playtattoo. Os pedimos sorry por haberlo pospuesto tanto, ¡¡pero no vamos a dejar pasar ni un segundo más!!
Empezamos de abajo arriba por orden de llegada:
Pablo González – Grààààààcies!!!!!!!
Miguel Fiol – et lof youem too!
Montaine_jd – Muack!!!
Oriol Gibert – Hem rebut els teus ànims mooooolt!!!!
Jeremías Buireo – Os informamos en breve, pero mientras tanto toma papel y boli: 25 de julio, de 20 a 23 h en La Caldera de Les Corts (C/ Eugeni D’ors 12)
Alicia Giralt – les calcomanies estan arribant Alícia!!!!
Elisa Lera – Sororidad siempre!!!
Rosa Zaragoza – Preciosa, gràcies!
Valentí Acconcia – Allá vamos! Thank you!
Ilumpuncom – Requetebieennnnn!!!!
Sílvia Álvarez – Esperem que els gaudeixis a saco el que queda d’estiu!
Goretti Herrera – Con gente como tú +
Joseanlog – Gracias mil por tu ayuda y difusión!
Alex – A beautiful birth by a very beatiful work!!! Don’t melt too much, we want you to come back to enjoy them together!!!
...and when the postman will knock on the door? I'll melt on happiness, hehe.
I can't wait to wear them! It's been a beautiful birth
Me encanta el proyecto! no puedo esperar para recibir mis tattoos :)
Goretti Herrera
Es un proyecto supeerrrrr Bonitooo :)
Silvia Alvarez
M'encanta la idea de tatoo temporals, sense tòxics i sobretot macus!
Valentí Acconcia
¡Ánimos equipo, a por el 100%!
rosa zaragoza
os invito a participar en esta idea. A mi las calcomanias me encantan desde que soy pequeña y es una forma de ayudar a un proyecto de una gente fantástica, os lo puedo asegurar