Occupational health in the context of the armed forces: a study of professional military personnel in the army and navy Research focused mainly on stress as part of a doctoral thesis. Science and Technology 0% 7 days 40€ From 6.000€
Trustto Team x MSF Development of a medical device in collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières. Non-profit project. Science and Technology / Positive impact 196% Project crowdfunded on July 10, 2024 🎉 97 Pledges 2.945€ From 1.500€
e-Tech Racing - #TenYearsOnTheCharge e-Tech Racing wants to celebrate their 10th anniversary. Help us be the first Spanish team to develop their own in-wheel electric motors Science and Technology 106% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2024 🎉 50 Pledges 3.177€ From 3.000€
CHICHARRA INTERNATIONAL SOUND RESEARCH FESTIVAL Edition 2023 - "The States of Water" International sound research festival dedicated to the dissemination of sound art, science and technology projects. Art / Science and technology, Festival 121% Project crowdfunded on September 10, 2023 🎉 53 Pledges 2.410€ From 2.000€
Pharos - Trustto Team x Open Arms Electric rescue drone incorporating foils to improve flight efficiency, with the objective of locating drifting vessels. Science and Technology / Positive impact 125% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2023 🎉 62 Pledges 2.180€ From 1.750€
COLLABORATIVE TOOLS FOR COMMUNITY ARCHITECTURE A project-based methodology for socially committed architecture Books / Science and technology 112% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2022 🎉 169 Pledges 5.603€ From 5.000€
e-Tech Racing - #DriveWithUs Our passion for engineering has made us compete with our electric car in Italy and Spain. Do you want to drive with us? Science and Technology / Sport 108% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2021 🎉 25 Pledges 3.240€ From 3.000€
"Restoration of the steam locomotive MZA 606 "Cuco" "Recovery of the Cuco locomotive of the year 1885, an engineering jewel that will blow steam again" Science and Technology / Technology, History 130% Project crowdfunded on November 05, 2020 🎉 172 Pledges 17.275€ From 13.301€
Elisava Racing Team Dayna smart electric rescue motorcycle by Elisava Racing Team Design / Science and technology, Positive impact 180% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.599€ From 2.000€
MAR A LA VISTA Restoring a traditional sailboat to go whale watching and raise awareness around conservation Science and Technology / Nature 240% Project crowdfunded on July 26, 2020 🎉 318 Pledges 24.000€ From 10.000€
SAVE THE MEDITERRANEAN FAN MUSSEL ! Technical and Scientific action to protect surviving individuals of the endangered Mediterranean fan mussel in the Ebro Delta (Spain) Science and Technology / #8m, Nature, Ecology 102% Project crowdfunded on March 21, 2020 🎉 161 Pledges 8.124€ From 7.959€
Ayúdanos a llegar a la ESTRATOSFERA! Lanzar un globo con una carga de sensores, soportar fuertes vientos, temperaturas extremas, una caída libre de 30.000 metros y recuperarlo. Science and Technology 191% Project crowdfunded on February 14, 2020 🎉 32 Pledges 956€ From 500€
Your immersion in Basque with Metodoeseyde We want to launch a new version of our App, for your immersion in the Basque language and encourage the use of this language. Science and Technology / Education, App 100% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2020 🎉 62 Pledges 1.200€ From 1.200€
BE PART OF THE OCEAN You can contribute to a pioneering project in the world: the construction and implantation of artificial reefs made with natural materials. Science and Technology / Nature, Ecology, Positive impact 103% Project crowdfunded on December 27, 2019 🎉 139 Pledges 15.420€ From 15.000€
Hidden Deserts We need your help to discover the submerged deserts that threaten our oceans! Science and Technology / Nature, Positive impact 107% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2019 🎉 197 Pledges 10.685€ From 10.000€
Control your vital signs accurately with your mobile You can measure your blood oxygen saturation and your heart rate anywhere anytime. Design / Science and technology, App, Sport 117% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2019 🎉 64 Pledges 4.675€ From 4.000€
Heracleópolis Magna revealed Help and collaborate with us to discover the history of the city that was the capital of Egypt in 2000 a.C. through archeology. Science and Technology / Archeology, History 136% Project crowdfunded on August 27, 2018 🎉 77 Pledges 6.800€ From 5.000€
Formula Student electric car e-Tech Racing is a students' team that can be defined in a few words: engineering passion. Will you help us with our car? Science and Technology / Technology, Sport 122% Project crowdfunded on May 15, 2018 🎉 74 Pledges 3.650€ From 3.000€