Andrea Motis,The Quiet Trumpet An emotionally charged story regarding an unrepeatable moment: That vertigo filled instant when one is about to leap into the unknown. Documentary / Jazz, Music 114% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 354 Pledges 17.064€ From 15.000€
Sant Andreu Jazz Band - Jazzing vol.2 , 3 and 4. Contribute and help us make three new albums of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band a reality! They were recorded 2020 during confinement and at the B Jazz / #8m 139% Project crowdfunded on April 03, 2022 🎉 169 Pledges 11.090€ From 8.000€
Jazzing Festival 2015: jazz for all We are Sant Andreu Jazz Band, a very young big band from Barcelona, Spain. We are committed to jazz music and last year we made the first jazz festival from Sant Andreu, the Jazzing Festival. It was a very ambitious project and this year we want to make possible a second edition. Will you join us? Jazz / Music, Festival, Events 170% Project crowdfunded on July 12, 2015 🎉 140 Pledges 8.475€ From 5.000€
Pegasus 10: Standby....ON! The catalan jazz-fusion band best known internationally is preparing a new album. The record wants to mark the restart point of the friendship that has always united Pegasus with fans and friends. Jazz 103% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2013 🎉 114 Pledges 8.250€ From 8.000€
Armando Erenas presenta Life Soundscapes El primer proyecto del músico es un libro que trata de arte, música, literatura y superación Jazz 123% Project crowdfunded on July 31, 2023 🎉 155 Pledges 7.376€ From 6.000€
JOC presenta el seu primer treball com a Crooner: "My Song" Presentació del CD "My Song" a la sala Luz de Gas (Barcelona) el proper 12 de Setembre Jazz 109% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2017 🎉 187 Pledges 7.065€ From 6.500€
12x6 Guitarra l'Escola de Barcelona Una reunió dels millors guitarristes del nostre país tocant un repertori que va del clàssic al jazz i música de cinema Classic / Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on July 06, 2019 🎉 82 Pledges 7.000€ From 7.000€
Primer disc de Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra Hola! Som Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra, una big band formada per les noves generacions del jazz català i del folk pirinenc, capitanejats pel Sergi Vergés, arranjador i director. En breu volem entrar a l'estudi de gravació per plasmar la música que hem estat preparant aquests darrers mesos. Jazz / Folk 110% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2016 🎉 259 Pledges 6.600€ From 6.000€
Creació del segon disc de la Fredi's Jazz Band La big band vallesana prepara el segon àlbum amb un repertori enèrgic i entusiasta. Necessitem el teu suport per fer-ho possible! Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on July 30, 2024 🎉 77 Pledges 6.530€ From 6.500€
Chocolat! CD Gravació del CD de l'espectacle Chocolat! de la Companyia Divinas Chocolat! · 90% swing + 10 % comedy Deixa't seduir per la màgia del swing! Jazz 102% Project crowdfunded on December 24, 2012 🎉 84 Pledges 5.630€ From 5.500€
8 am - Sommeliers' new Album In this second album we show you a more personal facet integrated of original themes to help you start the day with energy! Pop / Jazz 102% Project crowdfunded on December 25, 2017 🎉 149 Pledges 5.585€ From 5.500€
Alba Llibre - Underwear El primer disc, la primera vegada, primeres impressions concentrades per crear Underwear... Una part de mi. Pop / Jazz 138% Project crowdfunded on April 29, 2014 🎉 151 Pledges 4.828€ From 3.500€
STORMIN' - DROP COLLECTIVE's First Album Love and passion for Jazz, Reggae and Ska in one album. Reggae and Ska / Jazz 117% Project crowdfunded on January 22, 2018 🎉 141 Pledges 4.669€ From 4.000€
Jazz Trombone Ballads Un viaje ilustrado por la historia del trombón en el jazz. Un libro para estudiantes de trombón pero también para amantes de la música. Books / Jazz, Music, Illustration 114% Project crowdfunded on May 30, 2021 🎉 119 Pledges 4.555€ From 4.000€
Creació del primer disc de la Fredi’s Jazz Band Volem compartir la nostra passió pel Jazz, que tothom pugui gaudir d’aquesta música que a nosaltres ens té tan enganxats. Jazz 114% Project crowdfunded on February 02, 2021 🎉 104 Pledges 4.550€ From 4.000€
Producció del segon disc de Verd i Blau Verd i Blau estem preparant el nostre segon disc, que inclourà nou cançons noves. Després de la bona rebuda que ha tingut el primer disc, ens fa molta ilusió poder enregistrar i presentar nova música i necessitem que ens ajudeu per poder tirar endavant aquest projecte. Gràcies! Pop / Jazz, Funk 102% Project crowdfunded on August 20, 2013 🎉 112 Pledges 4.415€ From 4.321€
CD JORDI TORRENS & ESTEVE MOLERO We did it! THANK YOU! 85 patrons in only 30 days. There is still time to participate! Become a micro patron of our project. Jazz 123% Project crowdfunded on April 09, 2016 🎉 119 Pledges 4.315€ From 3.500€
"El Principio" Alba Alsina’s first record A project that presents a new vision of flamenco-jazz through original compositions. Become a patron and be part of the project! Jazz / Flamenco 102% Project crowdfunded on April 23, 2019 🎉 96 Pledges 4.278€ From 4.200€