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Solo/Pep Tosar

Splendid and unknown autobiographical piece of Strindberg. Pep Tosar, a great Catalan actor, brings to life the words of Strinberg who, looking to a modern and ever-changing Stockholm, reconsiders his fights with women, with Society and with himself.

La Trilateral

A project of


Created in

From 6.000€
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Since the day I accidentally found in a bookshop **Ensam* – meaning “alone” in Swedish – I have known that I had a little masterpiece in hand. A story that left behind the more realist, symbolist and expressionist texts of Strindberg, and spoke directly to the contemporary men and women: us. “Ensam” is the expression of one shared human hope: the possibility to start over again and, for once, not to fail.

The text’s quality, the fortune of counting on such a great actor as **Pep Tosar, the collaboration of **Carolina Moreno, specialist in Nordic Literatures and translator, the participation of **David Anguera, actor and pianist, and the invaluable contributions of **Alfons Flores, set designer, and **Pauet Riba, creator of the videoart and mapping, and the warm and friendly support of all the people forming the crew, have encouraged me to share this project with you.

Your energy and generosity will make possible the dream of making it real and the pleasure of enjoying it. Thank you very much, patrons!

Teresa Vilardell

Dramaturgy and Stage Directing

Who are we?

The Cultural Association “La Trilateral” was founded in 2004 by Miquel Casamayor, Fina Rius and Teresa Vilardell, with the aim to have a structure that could provide the possibility to produce and distribute more personal projects. Projects where creation and investigation were essential. Actually, we have mostly worked exploring the dramatic and compositive possibilities of non-dramatic texts, such as short stories, poems and essays; concretely, looking for their intern organization and the revelation of their dramatic action, finding out their acoustic and verbal expressivity and, specially, their visual and plastic materiality.

What will we do with your contributions?

Your contributions will be destined to the creation and production of the set design of the piece, and to remunerate part of the artistic crew.

We have conceived some rewards, depending on the value of your contributions. We have thought about those of you who may be abroad, and who possibly will not be able to come to Barcelona to attend to the show, so we have also conceived some digital rewards, entitled If you are abroad in the pledges list.

Where will be the piece performed?

  • The last rehearsal of Solo/Pep Tosar will take place on Thursday 20th November of 2014, at 21.00h, in Teatre Sagarra of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona).

  • The premiere of Solo/Pep Tosar will take place on Friday 21st of November of 2014, at 21.00h, in Teatre Sagarra of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona).

  • The premiere in the Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona) will take place on 29th January of 2015 at 20.30h, and the piece will be performed until 8th February.

Performances will run from Wednesday to Sunday.

  • It is also expected to tour around Catalonia.

How will you receive your rewards?

  • The mention of your collaboration will be included in the final video of the piece.

  • We can’t send any physical reward abroad so, unless you decide to do a trip to attend to the show, you will receive the digital rewards (the recording of the piece, if you contribute with 20€, or the recording of the piece, the digital album and our version of the text, if you contribute with 50€) online.

  • If you decide to travel to Barcelona and attend to the show, you can choose any other kind of reward. Your name will be included in a list, and the theatre tickets and other rewards (dinner tickets, vodka bottle...) will be waiting for you in the theatre’s box office the day of the show.

  • If you have any question, we will be pleased to answer it.

Els nostres col·laboradors en les recompenses

Purity Vodka

Character, body and smoothness. Combining heritage and innovation, Purity Vodka comes to life in a proprietary vodka still at Ellinge Castle, a wonderful interlocking of the XVIIth century in the south of Sweden. Purity Vodka has developed a unique still system specifically for vodka production. During the thirty-four distillations, ninety percent of the liquid is lost. The remaining spirit is so refined that no filtration is necessary, leaving all the natural flavours and character in the vodka. Its unique character has made Purity Vodka the most awarded ultrapremium vodka all over the world.


Pappa Sven

Exquisite Swedish restaurant in Barcelona. With Nina Olsson as owner, Pappa Sven is a professional restaurant that oozes a genuine passion for Swedish food and beverages. Pappa Sven's unique environment is perfectly suited for enjoying a nice dinner with inspiration and passion for the Swedish kitchen. Pappa Sven restaurant is located in Eixample, in the center of Barcelona.

With the support of

Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya

With the collaboration of

Ajuntament de Santa Coloma de Gramenet - Embassy of Sweden - Teatre Sagarra


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#06 / Sorteig d'un sopar per a dues persones

Atenció, mecenes!

Ahir vam celebrar el sorteig d'un sopar per a dues persones a l'exquisit restaurant suec Pappa Sven en el qual han participat els trenta mecenes que van aportar 100€ al nostre projecte.

Per tal de deixar clar que no hi ha hagut manipulació del sorteig, us adjuntem aquest petit vídeo on es veu com ho vam fer ahir, en sortir de l'assaig.

El guanyador amagat rere les incials E.G., ha resultat ser Edgar Gallart. Felicitats, Edgar!

#05 / A punt d'estrenar!

Doncs ara ja sí, estem a punt d'estrenar aquest espectacle al Teatre Akadèmia, cuit amb tanta paciència, llaurat amb tant d'esforç, i que sense la vostra confiança i generositat no hauria estat possible, encara no seria possible.

L'August Strindberg encarnat per en Marc Martínez està a punt per trepitjar l'escenari.

I per fer-lo possible ja només falta, doncs, trobar-vos a la sala del Teatre Akadèmia, on serem a partir d'aquest dimecres 28 de gener, i fins diumenge 8 de febrer.


#04 / La gran culpable de tot plegat: Teresa Vilardell

Avui us presentem el pes pesant de tot aquest enrenou. Ella és la Teresa Vilardell, la directora de l'obra. Està convençuda que la cultura no és un bé de consum qualsevol i lluita per fer arribar projectes de risc artístic als escenaris d'arreu de Catalunya.

#01 / Els culpables de tot plegat: Rubèn Taltavull

Res millor per conèixer un projecte que saber qui hi ha al darrere, qui s’encarrega de fer moure els engranatges d’aquesta màquina en moviment. És per aquest motiu que, a partir d’ara, us presentarem, mica en mica, els culpables de tot plegat.

Comencem avui amb el Rubèn Taltavull, cap tècnic, dissenyador i il·luminador de “SOLO/PEP TOSAR”.

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