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On July of 2015, thirty people - “with” and “without” disabilities - will live together for 5 days in a small town of Catalonia to reflect upon the concept of disability, through a workshop of contemporary theatre.

Raúl Ornelas

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From 800€
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Alienation is the phenomenon of eliminating the personality of people, controlling and canceling their free will - so to make one person dependent of what others are commanding. Can we let people with disabilities get alienated by the society we live in? And most of all - what is disability?

What do we want to do?

On July of 2015, thirty people - “with” and “without” disabilities - will live together for 5 days in a small town of Catalonia to reflect upon the concept of disability, through a workshop of contemporary theatre.

Using improvisation theatre - we’ll reach together a final performance which we’ll show in the theatre of the town. We’ll work on social theatre scenes too.

How is the workshop going to be?

In the spring of 2014 near Florence, Italy, cultural association dis.forme, with the participation of “Stanza Arcobaleno”, worked on theatre workshop to give an impulse to reflect upon the concept of “disability”. The first workshop “alien-abili?” (alien-ables?) presented its final show the 26th of june 2014 where we had the idea of looking for a different conscience about disability.

In the discriminatory social situation we live in, the need for a reflective atmosphere gets fulfilled by “alien-abili?” which, through theatre exercises, debates, impros and performances, wants to push free thought.

For the efficiency demonstrated by this first experience we decided to repeat the workshop. This time in Borgonyà, an old industrial colony of Catalonia. Living under the same roof for five days we’ll look for a change in the concept of disability.

Who is going to participate?

25 people will participate. Five of them as coaches and twenty participants. The half of the participants will be people with “disabilities” which will come from Catalonia. Some people who participated in Italy before will join to share their previous experience.

How is the show going to be?

The workshop will be held in Espigolart, a residential centre of arts and nature in the town of Borgonyà. The show will be held in the theatre of the town. There will be the chance of showing it in the city of Vic too.

Why this crowdfunding?

The first experience of this workshop was possible thanks to voluntary helps and no money. This time the idea of bringing people to live together for five days brings different economical needs.

We have the idea of producing a documentary about the experience, which will later be shared for free on the internet, so that we can share the experience and its results with a larger audience.

Verkami is a big help to make this economical needs public. The money we’ll achieve from the crowdfunding will be used for sleeping, eating, producing the show, making the documentary and the gifts for the crowdfunding campaign.

Who is proposing the project?

“Alien-abili?” will be coordinated by five people who usually work in theatre and education. The project will be a collaboration between the cultural associations: “dis.forme”, “Lencería cultural” y “Espigolart”. Some of the coaches will be: Mercè Piqué, an imperfect creator, with courage and humor, Esmeralda Elizalde, social activist who works through theatre and Raúl Ornelas, a scenic experimentator and creator.

+ Info

If you want more infos visit:

dis.forme website
dis.forme Facebook page
Lencería Cultural Facebook page
Espigolart Facebook page


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#02 / ¡Conseguido, el sueño empieza a ser real!

Bajo la almohada hay más que sueños, y nos habéis ayudado a hacer realidad uno de los nuestros. ¡Gracias! Gracias a todas las personas que han aportado en nuestro verkami, que creen en nuestro proyecto y en un escenario inclusivo. Muchas han sido amigas y colegas, de la vida o virtuales, personas cerca de Barcelona, Borgonya, incluso Italia, Alemania y hasta México. Recibimos su apoyo, y su donativo con el corazón abierto. Gracias a Verkami por organizar una forma diferente de subvención, en estos tiempos muchos proyectos han sido posibles gracias al micromecenazgo y a la actitud de la gente que dona para hacer realidad las obras y proyectos con los que se identifica y que siente necesarios.

Pronto tendrán noticias de Alien-Abili, contaremos todo lo que sucederá en este proyecto del que ya son parte.

Podéis seguir todo el proceso con el HT #AlienAbili

Besos y abrazos

Lencería Cultural



#01 / Sutilezas entre exclusión, segregación, integración, e INCLUSIÓN

Apostamos por la inclusión en todos los ámbitos, sobre todo en la expresión artística, queremos un escenario abierto a todas y todos, un acceso ilimitado a ese lugar mágico que el escenario es, en el que el intercambio de ideas, energías, sentimientos, sucede, al tiempo que revela ante los ojos de las personas espectadoras la realidad, o partes de la realidad que normalmente pasan desapercibidas, con el objetivo de mostrarlas simplemente, o criticarlas, o mejor aún, TRANSFORMARLAS.

A punto de transformar la realidad.

Lencería Cultural



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