Do you want to be the 8th Excómunion member? Collaborate with our third album! Assist in the crowdfunding of the third Excómunion album. After two experiences of self-financing, self-management and self-production, we want to use Verkami to produce our third album: "From what might happen”. Rock / Free licenses, Folk 111% Project crowdfunded on November 07, 2015 🎉 213 Pledges 4.450€ From 4.000€
VIGILIA, Nuevo disco de MALSON El primer CD de la banda de rock MALSON. Un proyecto con mensaje duro y contundente, dando una perspectiva critica y personal sobre los problemas sociales, políticos y económicos actuales. Con ritmos que van desde punk rock al metal, pasando por stonner. Rock / Free licenses, Punk, Metal 113% Project crowdfunded on December 14, 2014 🎉 88 Pledges 2.261€ From 2.000€
New Freak Fandango Orchestra Album The Freak Fandango Orchestra is about to finish their 3rd studio album. Collaborate and get their awesome music and a lot of cool rewards Folk / Free licenses, Punk, Rock 117% Project crowdfunded on December 30, 2013 🎉 88 Pledges 2.927€ From 2.500€
Electric Fence, new album! MOTORKILLER!!! We are ELECTRIC FENCE, a Hard Rock band from Madrid with a bunch of great songs in our pocket, waiting to be released in our coming album, MOTORKILLER. We need your help for that, so c'mon, fancy participate in our project!! Be our patron!! Rock / Free licenses 138% Project crowdfunded on April 07, 2013 🎉 85 Pledges 2.065€ From 1.500€
2º disco de Brazil Brazil tenemos un carro de nuevas canciones y pensamos que nuestro primer CD ya se os habrá rayado de tanto escucharlo.Así que si nos ayudáis,os grabaremos uno nuevo.Como sabemos que os gusta así os lo vamos a grabar de traca,como el primero.En tienes la info que quieras. Rock / Free licenses, Punk 110% Project crowdfunded on August 11, 2012 🎉 113 Pledges 2.147€ From 1.960€
“L’home en cursiva”, primer disc de Make Some Are Us Hey! MAKE SOME ARE US som una banda de rock, pop, indi... el que hem dit sempre rock alternatiu! Volem treure finalment el nostre primer disc i proposar-te que ens ajudes a aconseguir-ho. Indie / Free licenses, Rock, Pop 115% Project crowdfunded on June 03, 2012 🎉 56 Pledges 1.149€ From 1.000€