Art-book «A Fixed Point to Be Oriented» Inma Herrera and Shirin Salehi A paper publication that compiles the visual documentation of our exhibition at the Miró Foundation Mallorca. Publications / Sculpture, Art 112% Project crowdfunded on September 01, 2023 🎉 61 Pledges 5.025€ From 4.500€
Efest Efest is a story that unveils the hidden work of an unknown artist. Efest is Josep Tello, my grandpa and the most amazing mind I've ever met Documentary / Animation, Sculpture 127% Project crowdfunded on August 13, 2020 🎉 111 Pledges 10.810€ From 8.500€
AMAZONOMACHY IN NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF MADRID My project Amazonomachy will be exhibited from December 11, 2018 to February 3, 2019 in MAN. The goal is producing a catalog and a video. Artbook / Sculpture, Exhibitions 220% Project crowdfunded on December 01, 2018 🎉 126 Pledges 9.920€ From 4.500€
De mar, 17 projectes escultòrics Volem editar un quadern amb una vintena de projectes escultòrics – realitzats per escultors vinculats al tallerBDN – ideats per a ciutats, passejos o paisatges que tinguin el mar com a protagonista. Aquest quadern serà la tarja de presentació dels projectes als ajuntaments de municipis de costa. Sculpture / Publications 101% Project crowdfunded on December 21, 2011 🎉 55 Pledges 3.040€ From 3.000€
KING OF POP Tributo al Rey del Pop, el cual siempre llevó un niño dentro. Serie de tres esculturas cerámicas realizadas con la última tecnología de ultra definición en la ilustración, representando los tres principales periodos de MJ en forma de muñeca matrioska desmontable. Design / Sculpture 100% Project crowdfunded on April 04, 2011 🎉 31 Pledges 1.300€ From 1.300€