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De mar, 17 projectes escultòrics

Volem editar un quadern amb una vintena de projectes escultòrics – realitzats per escultors vinculats al tallerBDN – ideats per a ciutats, passejos o paisatges que tinguin el mar com a protagonista. Aquest quadern serà la tarja de presentació dels projectes als ajuntaments de municipis de costa.


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Edit a booklet with around twenty sculptural projects based on the sea, done by artists who are involved with tallerBDN and these are designed for coastal cities or towns, promenades or landscape.

This book would become part of a collection that was started in 2010:

  3. "DE MAR, 17 * projectes escultòrics" (17 sculptural projects for the SEA)

And in the near future:

4. "25 * ESCULTORS" (25 SCULPTORS): A catalogue containing the work of the sculptors from tallerBDN who will organise an exhibition at the Vila Casas Contemporary Art Foundation in Palafrugell and another in Badalona in 2012.

5. "5 BECATS" (5 SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS): Promoting the work of the young scholarship holders at tallerBDN, in particular we would like to highlight the work of: Raúl Hernández, Lucía Retamosa, Xandra Sans, Gerard Ballester and the person chosen by the judges in 2012.

N.B: 17 *, 25 * are estimated figures.



The sea is the main theme of all the projects


Attain one of the main objectives established by the tallerBDN centre on the creation, production and promotion of sculpture. We want to turn the 'DE MAR, 17 projectes escultòrics' booklet into the business card of these designs to present them to all the municipalities along the coast, to publicise them and offer alternative types of public sculpture for the squares, promenades and coastal scenery in these municipalities.


'DE MAR, 17 projectes escultórics' will include:

  • Three introductory texts that are supervised by a representative of the Badalona city council, the director of the tallerBDN and a landscape gardener.
  • One project of each sculptor.
  • Two photographs of each project, one of the whole piece and the other in more detail, with the title, measurements, scale and materials.
  • Brief descriptive texts on each project written by the sculptors themselves.
  • One version in catalan and spanish.


The two booklets edited in 2010, '16 ESCULTORES 'and' HISTORIA DE UNA ILUSIÓN', designed by La Page, determine the layout and the style of the collection that we would like to put together.

La Page will be in charge of the design once again and Dolores Giménez will be in charge of the photography.


3.000 €

Print Option

If we get more revenue we would edit a print edition in DIN-A5 format with approximatelly 48 pages in full color (700 copies printing). Those copies would be delivered to municipalities of the mediterranean coast.


The reason behind it all

2011 commemorates the centenary of the 'Temporal de les desgràcies' (storm of misfortune) when 150 people lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea, 11 of whom were from Badalona.

Inspired by the historian and great-granddaughter of one of those who died in the shipwreck, Montserrat Rectoret, a committee was set up to commemorate this tragedy. This committee has asked tallerBDN to help build a monument to commemorate the centenary of the shipwreck of 1911.

11 sculptors from tallerBDN volunteered for the job and in one month, they designed 14 sculptural projects.



The tallerBDN is a workshop of sculpture workshops located in Badalona that was set up in 2005. “HISTORIA DE UNA ILUSIÓN" covers our track record which is rounded off in the ACTIVITIES REPORT 2010.

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The tallerBDN is a Sculptural workshop organisation located in Badalona that was set up in 2005. “HISTORIA DE UNA ILUSIÓN" covers our track record which is rounded off in the ACTIVITIES REPORT 2010.

We get support from 
-The City Council of Badalona that has let us use an old industrial building. 
-The Catalan Autonomous Government, through the Autonomous Organisation forCultural Dissemination (EADC) and then the Catalan National Council for Cultureand Arts (CoNCA) that has financed the work involved in refurbishing the building and approximately 70% of all our activities.
-The tallerBDN Association not only designed, implemented and runs the project but it also provides furniture, tools, machinery and a specific documentary collection on sculpture. 
-A generous team (nobody gets paid) that is growing, who are oblivious to the hours they spend on the project and are so dedicated to it that in 2010 they gave 11,288€ in cash to start 2011 off without any debts. 

Up to now read more

#05 / "DEL MAR", WHY?

The reason behind it all
2011 commemorates the centenary of the 'Temporal de las desgracias' (storm of misfortune) when 150 people lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea, 11 of whom were from Badalona. 
Inspired by the historian and great-granddaughter of one of those who died in the shipwreck, Montserrat Rectoret, a committee was set up to commemorate this tragedy. This committee has asked tallerBDN to help build a monument to commemorate the centenary of the shipwreck of 1911. 
11 sculptors from tallerBDN volunteered for the job and in one month, they designed 14 sculptural projects that were later displayed: 
-At the tallerBDN, before the committee and descendants of those who had died in the shipwreck. The meeting was surprisingly a very emotional experience, after 100 years, the historic memory was still intact and those attending were astonished by the accuracy of the projects presented. 
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El tallerBDN, es un Taller de talleres de escultura ubicado en Badalona desde 2005. Nuestra trayectoria queda reflejada en "HISTORIA DE UNA ILUSIÓN" y se complementa con la MEMORIA DE ACTUACIÓN de 2010.

Nos respalda
-El Ayuntamiento de Badalona que nos cede una nave industrial. 
-La Generalitat de Cataluña que mediante la EADC y luego el Co NCA nos ha financiado las obras de adecuación del edificio y en, un 70% aproximado, nuestras actividades.
-Un generoso equipo (nadie en nómina) que ha… read more

#03 / "DEL MAR" POR QUÉ?

El desencadenante 
El año 2011 se conmemora el centenario del 'Temporal de las desgracias' que causó unos 150 muertos en el Mediterráneo, 11 de los cuales eran de Badalona. 
Impulsada por la historiadora y bisnieta de uno de los náufragos, Montserrat Rectoret, se creó una comisión para conmemorar esta tragedias. Es esta comisión la que acude al tallerBDN para solicitar apoyo en la realización de un monumento conmemorativo del centenario del naufragio de 1911. 
De una manera totalmente altruista, 11 escultores del tallerBDN, en un mes, idearon 14 proyectos escultóricos que se presentaron: 
-En el taller, ante la comisión y descendientes de los náufragos. El encuentro fue de una emotividad sorprendentemente intensa: después de 100 años la memoria histórica aún latía y los asistentes quedaron sorprendidos del acierto de las propuestas. 
-En la Escuela del Mar de Badalona, coincidiendo con las fiestas de Mayo de la ciudad, durante un mes y bajo el título 1911. Sobrevivir a la tormentaread more


El tallerBDN, és un Taller de tallers d'escultura ubicat a Badalona des de 2005. La nostra trajectòria queda reflectida en “HISTÒRIA D’UNA IL·LUSIÓ” i es complementa amb la MEMÒRIA D’ACTUACIÓ de 2010.

Llegeix més sobre tallerBDN...

Ens dóna suport
-L'Ajuntament de Badalona que ens cedeix una nau industrial.
-La Generalitat de Catalunya que mitjançant l'EADC (2 pdf) i després el Co NCA ens ha finançat les obres d'adequació de l'edifici i en, un 70 % aproximat, les nostres activitats. 
-L'Associació tallerBDN que no només va idear,  implementar i gestiona el projecte, sinó que també presta mobiliari, eines, maquinària i un fons documental específic d'escultura.
-Un generós equip (ningú en nòmina) que ha anat creixent, ignora el pas de les hores, i creu tant en el projecte que el 2010 va fer una aportació de 11.288 €  en efectiu per començar el 2011 sense deutes històrics. 

Fins ara 21 escultorsread more

#01 / "DEL MAR" PER QUÈ?

El desencadenant
L’any 2011 es commemora el centenari del ‘Temporal de les desgràcies’ que va causar uns 150 morts a la Mediterrània, 11 dels quals eren de Badalona. 
Impulsada per la historiadora i besnéta d’uns dels nàufrags, Montserrat Rectoret, es crea una comissió per commemorar aquest fet. És aquesta comissió qui s’ha d’adreça al tallerBDN per sol·licitar la realització d’un monument commemoratiu del centenari del naufragi de 1911.
D’una manera totalment altruista, 11 escultors del tallerBDN, en un mes, idearen  14 projectes escultòrics que es van presentar:
-Al taller, davant de la comissió i descendents dels nàufrags. La trobada va ser d’una emotivitat sorprenentment intensa: després de 100 anys la memòria històrica encara bategava i els assistents és sorprengueren de l’encert de les propostes. 
-A l’Escola del Mar de Badalona, coincidint amb les festes de Maig de la ciutat, durant un mes i sota el títol 1911. Sobreviure a la tempestaread more

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