Gorka Gaztanbide Nire izenean argitaratutako dudan lehenbiziko diskoa grabatu nahi dut. Estudioan grabatu nahi ditut nire musikari/ lagun direnekin. Songwriter 126% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2021 🎉 90 Pledges 2.900€ From 2.300€
SEGUNDO DISCO DE IBAI MARIN Ibai Marin tiene un largo recorrido en la música, pero este será su segundo disco en solitario. ¡Ya están los temas compuestos! Songwriter 103% Project crowdfunded on August 15, 2020 🎉 98 Pledges 4.309€ From 4.200€
Juan Pinilla presents 'Humana Raíz' HUMANA RAÍZ is my most personal project made with lyrics written by me and musicadas by great companions. Thank you all! Songwriter / Flamenco 310% Project crowdfunded on March 15, 2020 🎉 253 Pledges 12.415€ From 4.000€
Ray Fernández, el que fuma, bebe y canta Recopilatorio de letras de canciones del trovador cubano Ray Fernández, ilustradas por Ares y prologadas por Joseba Sarrionandia Books / Songwriter, Illustration 125% Project crowdfunded on August 03, 2019 🎉 193 Pledges 6.900€ From 5.500€
Participate in the new album "CUENTOS SIN LEYENDAS" by Dwayna & The Band We are already working to record our 3rd album. 9 stories made songs and we will do it BIG with VIDEOCLIP included. Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on December 19, 2018 🎉 111 Pledges 3.513€ From 3.500€
Aigua de Marina Welcome! I wish you a good dive in this musical project! Aigua de Marina will be a record, created from the seed of songs that I composed with my guitar, which will grow and bear fruit in collaboration with musician friends in a unique recording event. Songwriter 106% Project crowdfunded on July 22, 2015 🎉 56 Pledges 2.388€ From 2.250€
Àngel Soro (Nou Disc) La música compromesa. Des de 1999, l'Àngel Soro ha recorregut pobles i ciutats amb una particular visió de la música; instrument per provocar emocions i reivindicar la llibertat, la dignitat i la memòria de les persones i dels pobles. Manuel de Pedrolo. Maria Mercè Marçal. Salvador Puig Antich. Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on May 11, 2014 🎉 54 Pledges 3.800€ From 3.800€