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Aigua de Marina

Welcome! I wish you a good dive in this musical project! Aigua de Marina will be a record, created from the seed of songs that I composed with my guitar, which will grow and bear fruit in collaboration with musician friends in a unique recording event.

Marina Vidal Oller

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From 2.250€
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About the Author

My name is Marina and I am 34 years old. It was eight years old when my mother suggested me that I learn music and since then has accompanied me all my life. For me it was a vehicle to express my emotions and communicate to people around me. I played guitar in groups, sung in choirs, played the gralla by castellers and currently play electric bass in a group.


Throughout these years I have written and composed, accompanied only by my guitar, songs that have helped me to express feelings and experiences at certain times in my life. To me they have great sentimental value. The idea of giving life and a physical body has been present for years and now I have decided to make it a reality. I have chosen the eight songs I consider most important, to be recorded in chronological order on one disc.

With your contributions, this project will become reality. I wish that soon you'll have the disc in your hands!!

The team

The disc won't count only with my voice and the sound of my guitar. To grow, wealth and give personality to each song, I convened a group of nine friends and musicians, vocal or instrumentalists, I have been privileged to encounter along the way:

Nico Canet (edition), Gonya (guitar), Mario Bueno (piano), Ana Castellà (flute), Emma Ribas (vocals), Rubén Pacual (voice), Gerard Vidal (voice), Sonja (voice) and Dani Diaz (voice).

The plan

In recent months, the good work of Nico, we have recorded in his studio in Mataro Tinyroom the demos of the songs.

My compositions are the basis on which we will add more voices and instruments. The whole team of musicians we will find the 23 to 26 July in the Masia Dolçamar Sant Iscle de Vallalta, surrounded by the natural park of Montnegre and El Corredor, to make the recording.

We will enable an exterior construction on the home as a recording studio . The staff of the farmhouse has experience in similar events and they reserve the space for us exclusively. We can adapt the space to our liking and have a free schedule for our activities.
Masia Dolçamar

The most important thing is the climate of creativity to be created between the musicians during coexistence and music will emerge spontaneously together.

We will do photographic and video recording of the event as a “making-of", with the cooperation of Sergi Molina (video) and Queralt Aloy (photo), which also form part of the rewards that you can get as a patron of the project. Among the rewards we will also make the proposal to attend one of the days of the recording event!

This project has no profit, no hope for fame or convert the music in my profession. The only goal is to share my music with all those who believe in it. Make it grow as much as we can and enjoy together.

What will allocate your contributions

The project budget includes accommodation and meals of musicians during the recording in Dolçamar, the costs of editing, mastering and printing physical copies of the album and delivery of rewards to all you who have supported us as patrons.

Foresee that at the end of September I'll have the physical disk and I'll can arrange a meeting to celebrate the birth of the disc and start delivering the rewards (links for digital download, physical disks, photos, manuscripts and concerts).

More info

You can hear the demo of the promotional song of the album "Seràs tu" (You'll be)
demo Seràs tu

Visit our facebook page:
Aigua de Marina


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#03 / Procés laboriós

Hola a tots els nostres estimats mecenes:

Ja fa unes setmanes que hem reprès l'elaboració del format físic del disc. Després de moltes audicions en diferents reproductors i de les modificacions oportunes ja hem donat el vist-i-plau a les nostres cançons.

Hem rebut una mostra d'un minut i ens ha agradat la seva feina; així que ahir mateix vem enviar les pistes digitals de les cançons per a ser masteritzades per l'equip de "Sage Audio" a Nashville. Bon viatge! Trigaran unes deu dies i tornaran preparades per a ser gravades en els CD's.

L'Albert està fent molt bon treball amb el disseny de la caràtula i el llibret del CD. És complicat encabir-hi les meves lletres! Però jo crec que ens en sortirem.

Esperem tenir-ho tot a punt per enviar-ho a Duplicat.cat a primers d'octubre per a la impressió del disc. Trigarà però arribarà!

Molts petons a tots i fins aviat.


Hola a todos nuestros queridos mecenas:

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#02 / Fase de disseny!

Hola a tots!

Ja tenim les mescles finals de tots els temes d'Aigua de Marina :-)

només ens queda fer una audició final a Tinyroom i donar-li el vist-i-plau final per a enviar-ho a Estats Units (sí! el nostre disc viatjarà digitalment a Nashville!) per a la masterització.

Tenim el pressupost de l'edició física que serà a Barcelona, gràcies a l'equip de Duplicat.cat.

Està en marxa el disseny gràfic i maquetació que serà a càrrec de l'Albert Marcos (amic i mecenes també; tot queda a casa!). Moltes gràcies Albert!

I com que no volem rebelar cap sorpresa doncs... aquí acaba l'informatiu ;-)

Cal dir que com que és agost i tots tenim les nostres vacances... doncs farem també una pausa, és clar. Tanmateix espero acomplir amb les dates del projecte i tenir el disc a les mans per a finals de setembre.

I ja em posaré en contacte per a entregar-vos les vostres recompenses!

Serà una oportunitat per a trobar-me amb tots vosaltres personalment :-)

Bon estiu a tots i fins aviat!


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#01 / Moltes gràcies a tots!

"Aigua de Marina" és possible gràcies a vosaltres. Moltíssimes gràcies a tots!

Demà comencem a muntar la sala de gravació a Dolçamar i anirem rebent als músics... Molta inspiració a tots!

Posteriorment us contactaré personalment per a la entreda de les vostres recompenses com cal :-)

Molts petons


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