On the evening of September 11, 1978, in the context of a demonstration against the Spanish Transition and in favor of the independence of Catalonia, near the confluence with Carrer Avinyó, Gustau Muñoz de Bustillo, collapses on one of the sidewalks of Carrer Ferran after being shot in the back. At the time of his death, Gustau was only sixteen years old and had accompanied his 18-year-old brother Marc to the protest.
The documentary narrates the persevering search for truth and justice by Marc and his family. The murder of the young Gustau is the starting point for questioning the Spanish Transition, whose crimes committed by the regime have been silenced from its beginnings to the present.
In this scenario, the opening of universal jurisdiction, arises as the only way out of the impunity sustained to date by a complex political, judicial, social, economic and cultural fabric.
Forty years after Gustau's murder, relatives find the possibility in 2018 and twenty thousand kilometers away, in the Argentine Republic, to seek justice and get a court to decide for the first time on a crime committed during the Transition , thus opening the door so that all the crimes committed in this period, and that remained unpunished, are also included in the Argentine complaint against the crimes of the Franco regime.
When will it premiere?
We intend to premiere the documentary coinciding with the day of the constitution, 6/12/2020, to make it clear that this was constituted sparing the people the opportunity to participate in the constituent process. But a very important part of this production is the recording of the Argentine part. This country is currently under strict Covid confinement. We hope to be able to resolve the issue in late September or early October. In this second phase of filming, in addition to the legal team that has managed to bring the Transition to justice, the participation of Judge Servini is planned.
What will we spend the money on?
The documentary, at the moment, does not have the participation of any television and is being produced independently, but numerous organizations for the memory and associations of victims of the Franco regime and the Transition give us their support.
The project has a budget of € 40,000, and a significant part is being taken over by the film crew with the freezing of their fees. To deal with the rest, the unavoidable expenses, such as travel, filming the Argentine part, the rights to the bookstore images, etc., we throw away this micro-patronage.
Who are we?
Jaume Domènech is a veteran filmmaker who now, under the trade name of BALANDRA FILMS, is starting a new project dedicating this commercial reference to the creation of documentaries. He is in charge of the executive production, the script and the direction. In this project he is accompanied by Edu Vilá in photography, Manel Martínez in direct sound, Hristina Braykova in post-production, Claudia Aranda as second on board, and on the soundtrack, Roger Gascón. PRODUKTIA takes care of the technical support with the contribution of material for the shooting.
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Jaume Domènech
Gràcies, Jaume.
Just l'acabo de visionar. Un 10 en tots els aspectes! Enhorabona i moltes gràcies.
Francesc Blasi Perujo
Una abraçada fraternal a la família del Gustau, un agraïment a l'equip que farà possible el documental, amb tota l'admiració pels que alcen la veu al llarg dels segles contra les injustícies, sempre al costat de la classe treballadora. Mai sereu oblidats. Salut i dignitat!
Carles Resclosa
Marc ànims i endavant!!!
Jaume Domènech
I tant! Si més no, desenmascarar aquests assassins. Ni oblit, ni perdó!
Josep Prats
Cal fer justicia en un estat mentider ple d'assassinats!
Josep Prats
Cal fer justicia en un estat mentider ple d'assassinats!
Jaume Domènech
Exacte! Gràcies pel teu suport!
[email protected]
Perquè finalment es faci justícia
Jaume Domènech
Sense paraules... Gràcies, unaltre cop. Ho fem perque cal fer-ho, n'estem convençuts