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EL PARADÍS ON LA SORRA CANTA - capítol I: aruaná i canoa

Teribré, aldea d'indis karajà, neix amb el compromís de preservar la forma de vida tradicional i encoratjar a aldees antigues desestructurades a fer el mateix. Farem una sèrie de documentals educatius dels indis pels indis que mostrin el valor del que els és propi. M'ajudes amb el 1er capítol?

marina sans

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From 4.500€
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The goal of this project is to gather enough money to edit, add subtitles, design, print, package and mail the dvd’s of the 1st chapter of a series of educational documentaries for and made by the amazonic indian tribe called karajà or Inâ. All the material is already filmed.


I've already been 3 times (each time around half a year) where the karajà live, the so called "Amazonic door": Araguaia river and Bananal island.

During my first stay I reached a level of compromise and friendship with them to the point that they asked me to live with them for some months and film their traditions, culture, wisdom and rituals with 2 main goals:

Documenting their culture to demand its preservation at an international level.

And -most important- to re-educate those indians who are loosing their identity and traditional values, to help them to meet them again, love them and preserve them.

This need was transmitted to me through the brothers Samuel an Bill Karajà, indians, chiefs of the tribe and founders of Teribé village. Both of them are amazing, eager and very clever people that devote all their time and energies to a single cause: Preserving indigenous people and nature.

With this goal in mind they “changed bow and arrow for the white man’s weapon: The law" and so they became lawyers, specialized in human rights. With this new weapon they’ve been fighting in cities all around the world defending the rights of indigenous people.

You can read the latest news about the next trip of Bill Karajá to Washington:

"Bill Karajá é o brasileiro que representará o país na conferência sobre Direitos Humanos da OEA" (Agua Boa news, Brasil, Nov.2010)

"Estudante indígena da UFT representará o Brasil em reunião da OEA" (Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brasil, Des. 2010)


On 2004, the brothers realized that the increasing influence of the capitalist world and the introduction of materials, technologies and foods that where not their own, was destroying their society and was bringing alcoholism, prostitution and other similar problems. So they decided to found a new village were everyone going to live there was doing so with the compromise and will of preserving, taking care and pass on the traditional way of living of the amazonic indians.

And that’s how the small village of Teribé was borned, at the shore of Araguaia river in a paradisiac landscape guarded by a huge “Yellow Ypé” blosoming all year round and where... the sand... sings (and birds, and the inhabitands of the village and every living thing that composes the landscape).

They keep on having a close relationship with their brothers from other villages and they preserve themselves to become an example to be followed, and invite the other tribes to join them in the traditional lifestyle.


As in other neighboring villages there are televisions and dvd players in some of the huts. We want to use them so that they can watch our documentaries about their traditions as an educative tool.

and... it is because of all this that I am aplying for resources to edit this first chapter and later I will aply again to be able to finish the following ones.

The amount I’m asking for is tight but enough to make the portugese version with subtitles in catalan, spanish and english and sent them straight away to the indian villages.

I plan on finishing the documentary in about three months.

With all your help, we can make it happen!


There are none published yet.

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  • Daniel H.

    Daniel H.

    almost 12 years


    Estoy lanzando una campaña de apoyo a proyectos interesantes para que puedan ser grabados en máxima calidad con las nuevas RED SCARLET-X


    Ánimo con vuestro proyecto

  • marina sans

    marina sans

    over 12 years

    graaaacies, bonica! una abraçada grossa!

  • silviamartinez


    about 13 years

    eii, felicitats!

    Que vagi molt bé.

  • marina sans

    marina sans

    about 13 years

    ups! Buenas compañero! Bueno... Gracias por estar vigilando que se use el crownfunding correctamente. Creo que está bien que alguien apunte si ve irregularidades.

    En mi caso, no es asi. Los 2000 y los 500 euros que comentas son, por una parte, los primeros que llegaron, los 500.. Una aportacion que me hicieron personalmente en mano y yo lo ingresé.. Por otro lado, los 2000 son de una asociacion que si existe... Y que incluso si quieres te puedo presentar ya que son buenos amigos mios...

    Por otra parte...las aportaciones de ultima hora... Buenoooo! Pues... Ni yo me las creo! La verdad es que estaba pensando que aiaiai... Uiuiui... Hoy y... Faltaban menos de 500 bien al final y... Aportacion de 500 me salva! Si... la hizo un buen conocido mio ..guardando(me) suspense hasta el final!! Pero... Que quieres que te diga... He tenido muchisima suerte!!

    En fin... Otra vez... Gracias por cuidar de la cosa.

    Si quieres hacer tu aportacion creo que todavia tienes tiempo hasta las 10 de la mañana... No estoy segura pero puedes provarlo. Buenas noches/buen dia.

  • asdfasdf asdfasdf

    asdfasdf asdfasdf

    about 13 years

    Me parece sinceramente que desprestigiaís el crowdfunding de esta forma. ¿Creéis que nadie se da cuenta de que has recibido 2500€ de una asociación que no existe y de ti misma? ¿Y miles de apoyos de última hora de personas que no son nadie? Estas son las cosas que manchan el crowdfunding, si yo hubiera puesto un mísero euro en tu proyecto, ahora me sentiría estafado.

  • marina sans

    marina sans

    about 13 years

    raruuuufuuuuu? Jajaja! Well... I guess who u are cause you call me sunshine... So.... Or my litle cat or my litle tangomiau... Jaja! Thankyou very super much... Let's shiiiine shiiine litle buterfliesss!

  • rarufu


    about 13 years

    sorry about my stupid english... i didn't scroll down till the end... anways... caixas or something has my credit card number... all in spanish or so... choose a different language for fundraising! or paypal... that might help...take care... now it's time to dance and time to celebrate the weekend. beijo xy

  • marina sans

    marina sans

    about 13 years

    iuuupi! we got it! thaaaank u!!!

  • rarufu


    about 13 years

    next time, darling, try English. i just subscribed without knowing what for. at the end of the process, they told me, my credit card is charged only if there are enough people... whatever. sunshine marina, you seem to hate English. Subs, please, subs. Hugsssssssssssss

  • marina sans

    marina sans

    about 13 years

    hola Kenneth.... hay una parte en castellano.... lo viste?

    verkami tiene previsto tener la web en version castellano e inglesa ademas de catalana... pero... pole,pole... despacito irá llegando.

    muchas gracias por el comentario y... me gurstaría saber a través de quién te llegó el enlace del proyecto...

    (puedes escribirme tambien a : [email protected])


Hola amics!!

Moltissimes gràcies per a les vostres aportacions i per la vostra pacient espera!

Estem contents d'informar-vos que l'edició del paradís on la sorra canta... ja està finalitzada!

Estem ara en l'etapa final: subtítols, ajustos de so i imatge i.... posar-lo llest per "planxar" els dvd's i fer-los arribar als indis i a molts de vosaltres així com penjar la versió descarregable a la red!

mil gràcies mil!

#01 / el paradís.... canta!

hola amics!

després d'una etapa necessària de parada i fonda en el projecte, la primera setmana d'octubre reprenem la darrera part de l'edició amb previsions de finalitzar aquest primer capítol a finals de mes i publicar-lo i fer-vos-lo arribar el novembre.

Aquelles recompenses relacionades amb el treball de video les rebreu doncs el novembre i les escultures, cartes, flors, anells i llavors, objectes del Brasil encara es faran esperar una miqueta més... fins a principis d'any, que viatjarem de nou a Teribré i ens retrobarem amb en Samuel, en Bill i resta de karajà.

Ens cal agraïr-vos moltississim la vostra col·laboració i paciència.

El procés està essent una mica més llarg del desitjat però, quan estigui acabat... podrem adonar-nos i assaborir... que... haurà valgut la pena tot el temps invertit i les pauses inermitges.


una abraçada ample, del tamany de l'Araguaia.


us mantindrem informats! 

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